If you would like to wish David a Happy Birthday you can leave a message below.


424 thoughts on “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID – April 12, 2016

    YOUR NO. 1 FAN

  2. Feliz Año David CAssidy, que sea un año lleno de bendiciones, fortaleza física y espiritual, para ti y tus hijos, espero vengas a Cd. México, ven pronto. Con admiración y respeto te quiero mucho.

  3. Sorry this note is belated for your 66th and early for your 67th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You rock! I hope that you are doing well today and always. My favorite song by you is and always will be “I think I love you!” I hope that you will perform in Louisiana really soon. I would love to see you again in concert. My birthday is in a few days, and what a present it would have been to see you perform. As you know I am a huge fan of yours and Partridges.
    I also love all of your Christmas music. I will go to the next concert that you have in Louisiana or Mississippi!!!!

  4. Where are you gonna be around Mardi Gras 2017? It is on February 28th. We go out of town usually and would travel to see you in concert out here in the southeastern part of the country. Take care and be awesome always.

  5. I am wishing you a belated happy birthday. I just learned of your dementia diagnosis. I am a nurse who has worked and cared for many dementia patients through the years. I am currently caring for my Mother who also has dementia. My thoughts and prayers go out to you as you travel this road. I hope that you are researching health tips that can eradicate certain forms of this disease. I just wanted to also tell you about a an interview I had seen on the 700 club about a minister who had Lewy bodies dementia, which is a severe, and fast moving form of this illness. Through prayer and great faith he was fully healed. You can find the story on the CBN news, or the 700 club face book site. http://www.cbn.com/700club/. God bless David. 🙂 Lisa,


    In light of the recent revelations that David Cassidy is living with dementia, I wanted to share this with you.

    It was easy to poke fun at the notorious crush I developed for David Cassidy when I was 14 years old. After all, he was a superstar in the early 70s. I was a teen in the early 2000s. He was 50 years old to my 14 years when I first fell in love. But harbouring a major crush on David Cassidy wasn’t the only thing I harboured at 14. I was also seriously ill with anorexia nervosa at the time. I found comfort and escape from the disease in old episodes of the Partridge Family, and especially in Partridge Family and David Cassidy solo albums. I also drew inspiration for my recovery from David’s own battles with addiction and mental health.

    Fast-forward to my 16th birthday, well on my path to recovery and at a healthy weight. My parents treated me to my first David Cassidy concert for my sweet 16, and I decided to write a letter to David describing the significance of his presence in my life, and see if I could somehow get it to him. When I arrived at the concert venue, I gave the letter to the house manager, who gave it to David’s tour manager, who gave it to David. Just before the concert, I was told that David invited me to meet him after the show. When I met him, he congratulated me on my recovery, told me I was beautiful, and gave me my first kiss (on the cheek). The heart-throb of the century told me I was beautiful! I got the chance to thank him for his positive influence in my life, and then I bid him good-bye, and assumed that was the end of our story. In fact it wasn’t. I attended 3 more concerts during my remaining teen years, met David again after one of those shows, and was even invited on stage to sing with him one time.

    In more recent years, David has been the subjective of negative publicity regarding his struggles with alcohol, his financial troubles, and his third failed marriage. Today I feel compelled to offer this alternative narrative. The David Cassidy I have known has been nothing but a gracious, kind, supportive, and charming person. Now that he is living with dementia, and likely to become a very different version of himself in the coming days, I feel compelled to leave you with this impression of David Cassidy. My only regret is that I can’t save his life the way he saved mine, once upon a time.

    I think I love you. Scratch that. I KNOW I love you.

    Haley Gienow-McConnell

  7. Dear David,
    This is not a birthday message but a response to your announcement about suffering from dementia. I just want to tell you I love you so very, very much and I pray for you every day and always will. I am wondering if you will stay in FL or move to be close to your brothers and Beau. Please let us know. Praying for people to come alongside you to love and care for you and hoping you will know Christ’s great love for you.

  8. Dear David,
    I am so sorry that you are suffering from dementia. My mother did also as yours did. It is very difficult to watch in those we love so much. I pray that God will give you the strength through this. Remember most of all, God does LOVE YOU.
    I will always love you too. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
    Happy 67th Birthday!!

  9. Dear David
    Just watched the Dr. Phil show and wanted you to know that you touched my heart. I have been a fan for years. Just know that you are loved and in our prayers. I work as a nurse for many years in long term care with all types of illnesses–dementia is a daily part of my life. I greatly admire the courage you had to address your issues openly. Keep the faith and know that you have more positive thoughts coming your way than any negative garbage thoughtless morons can spew!!! Peace and love to you!

  10. I just watched the Dr Phil special with you..I taped it..Did not really want to watch it and hear the truth..I am very sorry.I loved loved watching the partridge family..It was funny-sweet-sad at times..A real family. I am 60 and worry about dementia/Alzheimer’s. It is scary. I hope you have many more good years ahead. You said you want to be remembered for love. How you were a loving caring man..Have no worries–you will be..I Think I Love You!!!!

  11. Dear David,
    I hope you have a wonderful and happy birthday! I have always had a crush on you and still do. I wish you the best! When the Partridge family came out, I had every magazine you were in and plastered my bedroom wall with your pics. You have made me so happy all our lives, so I hope this note makes you happy too! I love you,

  12. Dearest David,

    Wishing you a great day on your upcoming 67th birthday, (wish I could meet you and give you a great, big hug–too, cute).

    4/12/2017 LIVE IT AND ENJOY IT!

  13. Hi David,

    i’m from London, England; I have been thinking alot about you lately and its been sad to read the news and hear of what you are going through. Im glad that your last performance seemed to be a positive one and that your fans supported you. I would like to wish you a very happy upcoming birthday; and all good things for the future.

    I will always remember 1973 in London ; i was just ten years old and you were my idol.

    Lots of love from London!

  14. Dear David, such continuous JOY you have given us, your Australian audiences over the years since the early ’70’s. I am a 54 year old girl still loving your recordings esp. ‘Song of Love’ ATM et al!!. My partner plays the chords on his acoustic guitar. The best song & your rendition of it!! I have so many of your beautiful recordings playing in my head that keep me awake most nights. You led the way. No one has matched you – you are a very talented man. Would loved to have seen you in EFX in Las Vegas. Enjoy your retirement from touring (but never from your music) It’s not fun growing older with the health issues it presents – Bugger! Lots a luv for a very happy birthday Amanda Jane XX Melbourne Australia – All fans please induct DC into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Sign the petition!!

  15. David, My Name is Judy Gooden, I have loved you forever.. never had the chance to see you in person , not close enough, but I still Love you now as much as I did then,, your Awesome, I hope you have an awesome Birthday & many More,, Sending you Prayers & Lots of love.. Take Care of yourself ,you are so talented ,, & have been on my walls for many years.. Hope your 67th birthday is fantastic. thinking of you & wishing you good health & joy & happiness & lots of Love! Your greatest fan , Judy Hugs & Kisses my Sweet David <3 😉

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