Concert Review
Humane Society Charity Picnic. North Chatham, NY
August 14, 2010
My concert adventure for the concert of 8/14/10 starts on 8/13/10. It is Friday night, and I am emailing Jane Reaburn to ask if she knew anyone going to this concert in North Chatham. Cara was with me. Jane said yes, Jan and Jane will be there. I asked her to send a photo so I could recognize them and a local phone number to text them. I made sure that Cara saw the photo as she is much better with remembering names and faces than me. So we text Jan and Jane and they say they will be there early at the site. We will meet them there. I sent them a picture of Cara and me. Now, I had given my son Connor the option to stay home, but he wanted to go.

So the day of the concert is here, and Connor tells me at least 100 times "Mom, I don't want to sit in the front row." I told him Bud you know I am a fan and if I get the opportunity I am going to sit in the front, but you don't have to. So we head out at about 10:30 am. Even though I live only about 35 minutes away I have never been to North Chatham, the countryside was beautiful. It was about 80 degrees with a perfect blue sky. We turn into the farm and there is a sign "Welcome David Cassidy"!!! We park the car, and we head inside the tent. It is all set up with auction tables filled with memorabilia for the local area and for David. The auction tables were set right in front of the stage with the tables for seating set about 10 feet back from that. As we walked into the tent, Cara saw Jan and Jane immediately. We went over and introduced ourselves. Janie and Mary Lou and Diana were also there, right in the first row center of unreserved tables. We asked if we could join them and they were like sure. Thank you ladies! We set our stuff down and wandered around.
During the wildlife presentation, a beautiful dark haired woman sat in front of us. Cara and I were talking about the show and how excited we were. This woman got up, and she moved behind us. As she walked by, I saw it was Teri Cote. I turned to Cara, and I quietly said Cara that is Teri. Needless to say, Cara the obvious, turned and stared at her with eyes like saucers.... I think Teri realized that she had been spotted, and she casually started to walk up to the owner's house. After Teri left, Cara ran over to tell Jan and Jane that we had seen Teri. She really wanted Teri's autograph. Jan said she is really nice, and maybe we can ask her after the show.

The auction was held and they moved the auction tables out of the way. Jan said that they would move the tables up after the auction ended, but it didn't work out that way. We all just watched as one woman took her chair from the table and placed it right in the center of the seating area for the concert. WE looked at each other and grabbed some chairs to bring to the front. We ended up in the front row. ( Of course , my son was getting some dessert so he wasn't there... now remember HE DID NOT WANT TO SIT IN THE FRONT ROW!) When he comes back to the table he was upset we left him there ( 8 feet away ) . Janie piped in bring him up he doesn't need a chair we can squish in. That is what we did -- thanks Janie. They had to move us to the side of the stage in order to make room for the VIPs and one of them is Sue. It is time to start.

David arrives on horseback! Wow! He starts with I Can Feel Your Heartbeat. He sounds terrific. Everyone is clapping and singing along. He goes into Crossroads then Point Me ( the same song my son sings when he wants "to go home... please help me get home ") . Next is Summer Days one of my favorites and one of the best Tony Romeo songs. David then sings "I'll Meet You Halfway ". What can I say , I love that song too. He had Sue come up to the stage, and he sang it to her. It was sweet. Next was Hush and Ain't No Sunshine. Cara remembered those songs from the concert in Verona. Teri sang Brass in Pocket with David on the drums. Next was Cherish, wow I love his voice. David introduced his band as the best musicians he had ever worked with. OK sure. Well he wasn't kidding. They each did solos and they are all fantastic. Craig J did a little Gershwin. David then had his horse trainer Gary Contessa join him on stage for Sweet Little Angel. They had not rehearsed anything. It was terrific. David did the new version of Come on Get Happy. I Woke Up in Love This Morning another great song was next. Then sadly I Think I Love You was his last song. David's exit was not as dramatic as his entrance; he left on a golf cart. People were milling around after the concert, and there was Beau!

While Teri was getting up from her drums, Jan asked a security guard if Cara could get a picture with Teri. We worked our way over to the side of the stage , and there was Teri. Jan asked Teri would she take a picture with Cara, and she said sure. So, I took two pictures with my phone , and then Teri asked if I would take a picture on her camera. Needless to say I had to take two , I am not technologically advanced. Cara was ecstatic. Teri signed her program as well. Right then Ryan walked by and he also signed the program. Cara wanted Craig's autograph too, but we didn't see him. So we start walking to the car and Cara says I want to see him again! I had wanted to take her to Mohegan Sun but state law doesn't allow anyone under 21 on the gambling floor, oh well. Cara said she was willing to stand on the side of the gambling floor and just listen! I said no, but you have to love her enthusiasm. OMG, now what! So we will have to keep an eye out for upcoming concerts.
The whole way home, Cara raved at how nice Teri was and how she is on Teri's camera. By the way, the signed program is not in my room, it is in her room on her dresser. Cara asked Teri to be a Facebook friend, and she accepted. Teri posted on Cara's wall that is was nice to meet her. Teri now has a fan for life. Cara also enjoyed meeting all the fans from around the world. Everyone was terrific.

I think I enjoyed myself more than at the Verona concert because it was daylight and less formal. More than that, I got to hang with a bunch of great people who enjoy David's music as much as I do. So I totally enjoyed the concert and I made some new friends. I think that David Cassidy has the best and kindest fans in the world. I hope he realizes how lucky he is to have these wonderful people as fans!