David Cassidy: The LAST SESSION

A&E recently announced a documentary about the music and life of David Cassidy, entitled David Cassidy: The LAST SESSION.   It is scheduled to air on the A&E Network on June 11 at 9PM ET/PT.

Originally, this two-hour documentary began as a broader four-part series that David was contractually and artistically committed to completing and promoting.  Unaware of the gravity of his deteriorating physical health, however, David would not live to see the completion of the project.

Above all, David was steadfast in wanting to express his profound gratitude to his many fans around the world for their unwavering and enduring support of him throughout his career.  In many respects, it is foremost through his fans that David Cassidy’s legacy lives on today.

David recording “Songs My Father Taught Me”.  (Photo: Craig J Snider)



751 thoughts on “David Cassidy: The LAST SESSION

    • Hello Gail, I don’t know how you will be able to watch it, but I would love to know! I have been looking at ways I can watch it, but no luck. If you manage to record it, could you share it on here – if not could I possibly buy a DVD of the recording off you? I would be extremely grateful Gail. Keeping my fingers crossed. xxx

      • I’m not sure how to do that. It records on my cable box DVR but I don’t have equipment to transfer to dvd or YouTube.

        • Depending on where you live. I am getting the Spectrum streaming and they are offering pick 10 cable channels (A&E is one of them) and you get 5 broadcast channels on top of that for $24.99/mo and you can watch it on any device (computer, laptop, smart phone, tablet etc.).

    • Hi, i just checked A & E, to set my dvr and it states that the documentary is 9 to 10 pm on june 11th, I thought it was 2 hours. Does any one how long this special is supposed to be. David Cassidy’s life deserves more than 1 hour.

      • Patricia, when I set my DVR when I 1st learned about David’s biography airing on June 11th (between the 2 nd & 3rd week of May), my cable company was showing that it was only a 1 hour show. Like you, I was also upset, because David most certainly does deserve more then 1 hour. In fact, he really deserves more then several hours!! But when I went back, a few days ago, and checked to be sure that my DVR was set to record David’s biography, I found that it is now a 2 hour time-frame. I don’t know what happened, but I am glad to see that it is now 2 hours. It is STILL not ENOUGH though!! So Patricia, go back to your DVR and check. Your’s is hopefully like mine, and showing 2 hours now.

    • Hi guys I live in the U.K. and have been trying to see this documentary but so far I have failed has anybody managed to see it in the UK ??

  1. This is fantastic news! Thank you for posting this and letting us know.

  2. This will be a wonderful tribute to watch.David was a superstar and a wonderful human being.He was a talented performer who did not want to disappoint his fans and his audience.
    I thank David for being my favorite entertainer for 47yrs.I will alway’s remember david for his music,his beautiful magical singing voice,his charm,friendlyness,friendship and his talent as an actor and performer. Thank you ,David.May your memory be eternal.
    Clara H.Gkolias

  3. The most loving relationship as he brought happiness to millions of fans for decades and they in return loved him and his work forever. I hope they show the great talent and the kind man he was.

  4. WEbe been hearing about this since David’s passing. So excited to see it will finally air! David’s Legacy lives on through his music, his acting, and through us, his 48 year fans. There will never be another David Cassidy!

    • I couldn’t agree more! Unfortunately I am from Mexico and we don’t have access to those programs! I just enter to his page to read about what has happening, anyway it makes me feel really happy for him, for our Dear David.

      • You are so very right. He was such a Gentle person. I was able to speak with him one night for about 20 mins. He so proud of Beau, who was 2 at the time. It is just heartbreaking watching him deteriorate over the years

    • oh how true that is. I have so many things going on in my life right now and just the sound of his voice when he sings can calm me down. He has blessed people in a way that I don’t think he even knew he did. He will live on as long as we do.

  5. I live in Australia 🇦🇺 will we get to see this? I really hope so thankyou.

      • Will we who live outside USA and UK get a chance to see this? Can it be aired on the net or something like a YouTube video? David has fans all over the world.

      • Does the UK have access to the A&E player app? They may make it available on that?

  6. I’m looking very forward to seeing this. I’ve been watching The Partridge Family a lot lately because it makes me laugh & smile. It’s been a while since I cried for him; the line about his wanting to express his gratitude to us brought the tears back. It makes my heart happy knowing he loved us as much as we love him.

    • I’m finding the same thing, Angela. I started watching PF again when it came on FETV in our area. I forgot how much I loved him. I’ve not followed his career, so I’m learning so much now. Some makes me sad, too.

    • I’miss in the UK and woukd love too see this programmeas woukd all David’section UK fans. How about creating g a DVD with profits going to the charities David supported?

      We all miss David 😥 ❤

    • I’m from the UK and would love too see this programme as woukd all David’s UK fans.
      How about creating a DVD with profits going to the charities David supported?
      We all miss David 😥 ❤ xx

  7. Thank you for this! When I saw that I cried and cried and just could not stop. And thank you for acknowledging that it is through us, his fans that his legacy lives on. Because it is the truth. David did this at the end of his life because he knew we love him and were there for him and he wanted to let us know. That is the main reason I could not stop crying. My heart felt like it was breaking into a thousand pieces…again. I could feel how he felt. I have love him for so long. Yes, I made a life, had children and all but always came back to David. I was lucky enough to see him twice in concert. But never had the chance to meet him. But he lives on in my heart. And for many many other fans. I love you and miss you David xoxo

    • You would need to check local guides. If I receive any information I will post it here and on Facebook. (Jane – the webteam 😉 )

  8. I live in 🇨🇭, will we be alle to watch it in 🇨🇭too?
    Would apreciate it so much…
    Love Marlise

  9. I think about David ever now and then and wish he was still alive. I played his Then and Now CD in my car today while doing errands. It is hard to believe that he is gone. In a way he will never be gone because he left us a huge body of music work, and thousands of pictures.

    I wish that I had talk to him when I got the chance, but I thought I was not going to make sense and got to nervous. I wish he and I got together to sit and talk, but I guess it was not meant to be.

    I will always have a special place in my soul for him.


  10. Waiting to hear about availability outside the U.S as live in Australia would be great if we could get it over here ,or could get overseas orders over here .

  11. Great News!
    Hope we will be able to see it in the UK soon.

    Love and miss you always David

  12. I really hope we get to see it in uk too. This is wonderful news. I look forward to hearing more. If not aired then could it at least be released on DVD? Thank you for keeping us up to date.I really appreciate your dedication in supporting David’s legacy.

  13. Hi i do hope we get to see this in the U.K. as well or even put it on a dvd that all his fans can buy thank you so much

  14. Waiting with baited breath to see if this will be able to be seen in NZ.
    I have a trip to the USA, coming back to NZ on 7 th June.
    If I had known this is being aired on the 11th, I would have waited & watched in USA.

  15. Its so bitter sweet,he is no longer with us,but I would so love to see this hoping this is shown in the UK.

  16. Thank you A&E for airing this, and thank you David for 48 years of happiness- and counting… 💖

  17. Hope we in the UK can see it, a suitable tribute to beautiful man inside and out. I will love him forever x

  18. Will be hard to watch, but a fitting tribute.
    Fingers crossed we will be able to see this in the UK somehow.

  19. We, devoted fans will manage to see it sooner or later. The most important is that no-fans will have an opportunity to get to know David’s life and his music. I think so.
    Warsaw, Poland

  20. I am so happy that A&E will be showing it. David deserves the world in recognition for his music, his acting and most importantly his caring heart. His musical and acting talents are truly in a class all their own. It is up to all of us to see that he gets honors and tributes because he truly is the best singer ever and one of the kindest people who ever lived.

  21. Gostaria que postassem no YouTube com legendas para acompanharmos o evento,moro no BR e nao domino o ingles,mas sou muito fa de David,adoraria assistir! É muito triste ele nao estar mais entre nos…

  22. I can’t wait to see this. Will we ever be able to hear the songs that he did record for this last album? I hope so.

  23. I’m looking forward to seeing it/them.

    I KNOW for sure , that for everyone “here” (on this site) , looking the pic attached on this thread, causes such a physical pain in our hearts. The loss seems almost too much to bear….

    Rest in peace sweet David. We will ALWAYS love you.

    • I didn’t think we would get to see or hear what was recorded. That’s good news I am in the UK so hope we can see it somehow Lynn

  24. Thank you I am happy. what time will be on?.David love you forever. rip Dear angel.David we miss you and love you forever

  25. What a great idea — another angle for emotional closure for fans everywhere.

  26. I live in Canada, and we do get A&E but often it is different programming than USA or aired on different days. Hopefully I get to see it.

    • I live in Canada too Margaret Chute. Hopefully, we will get to see it here too. I will check the website regularly to see if it will be broadcast here. I think it will but just to make sure. Otherwise, I might write to A&E Canada to ask them to broadcast here as well. Maybe you could do the same thing and every Canadian fans. It will help to get it here if it is not the case.

  27. This will be great! I cannot wait to see it. Thankful that the footage exists and will be aired!

  28. I’m definitely going to be watching this. I’m so glad that someone finally is following through and doing something about David. Wish that his three songs he completed will be released. Perhaps a tribute album for David with those tracks and maybe like including greatest hits. Still love and miss David very very much

    • Hi, Linda. It’s always good to see you on here. Well, I agree with all of that, and I hope some of the unreleased songs will also be released too. Crazy Over You comes to mind.

      • Hi Margaret
        Wouldn’t that be fantastic! It’s been one of my favourites ever since I discovered it! I would love to have a copy of that track.

      • I’d like the full length version of his Man Undercover theme “Hard Times” and the PF tracks “I’m Into Something Good” and “When Love’s Talked About.”

  29. This is a step in the right direction. David was a fantastic entertainer and his talent remarkable. He didn’t get the recognition deserved when he was alive. But we have the opportunity to make things rights, the way it should have been.

    Miss & love you DC. Your music lives on.

  30. Yeah!! I can’t wait to see this! One more last hurrah from our beloved David Bruce Cassidy. I’ve been a dedicated fan for almost 50 yrs. I will continue my dedication to this wonderful and such talented entertainer. There will never be another like David. Thank you to A&E and all involved in bringing this to us and seeing that David finally gets some recognition for the great man that he was. RIP David until we meet again.

  31. Great news. Of course, I would love to watch this. Please give it to us on DVD.
    Please make it possible. I am sure that all of his fans in Germany would love to
    have the possibility to watch this. Thank you.
    Susanne from Germany

    • I agree with you Susanne,this should be accessible to every fan worldwide.

  32. I will always remember David Cassidy being the partridge family in the 70s
    He looked so handsome and good looking and with his long hair
    and l loved all is songs like cherish is it going to be shone on our 📺

  33. I wish that there some of David’s U.S. gigs were available on DVD. Some of the u tube stuff would be suitable. There used to be a really good full concert from Miami in 2012 but sadly it was removed. I loved to hear the banter between songs,which is when his personality really shines through) it really cheered me up to watch him in such good form – I watched it many times after a tough day at work, and was so sad to find it had been deleted. I never got to any of his concerts and its a huge regret now.

  34. I’m a fan from Scotland….so be sad if we can’t see this….I will have to get my sister or niece in America to record this for me….as don’t see us getting it here….think they forget how many fan’s live across the water….something David never did…he loved Scotland!….one fan waiting in anticipation xx 💋💖💖

    • Hi Gwen,I am awaiting in anticipation like you,but I have every faith in Jane it will be on the website.

      • Yes Yvonne…..I know Jane will try her best….they know David’s fans are worldwide….we will never let the world forget him! Xx 😢💋💖💖

    • Hi Gwen! I miss reading the banter between you and Jennifer Warren and some of the other ladies on Facebook. You really had me laughing a lot!

      • Just saw your message….yes we try to lift the mood sometimes….love a sense of humour as sometimes the posts got just a bit too heavy xx😢💋

  35. Judy A,I agree with you it will be very hard to watch and the tears will be flowing,but as fans we have had no closure and maybe this what we need .No TV channel have given him a tribute that he truly deserved David was the 70’s and beyond.I am hoping and praying to be able to see this final footage of David when televised at the same time as the USA,if not hopefully someone records and is available on YouTube.I feel TV Stations here in the UK have shown nothing and believe me there is more than enough footage,he recorded a live album here and 2 DVD,S here and a television network recorded his 1985 tour at the Royal Albert Hall let’s hope they show some compassion and do the right thing…….he deserves this and more,bless you David you will never understand the joy,love,and happiness you brought into your fans lives.One in a million…..💕💕💕💕💕💕

  36. Hi Anne,I need to see this,as like yourself,surely the TV Network must realise this is of interest outside of the USA.

  37. I would certainly buy copies of any concerts and this last program. It would be great , and if at least some of the proceeds went to David’s charities it would be a truly magnificent gesture.

  38. It would be great 👍 to get it in the UK. I remember a he posted on Email. That he
    Was back in the studio, 💕💕💕💕💕💕

  39. ohh how i love him , as a 12 yr old i fell madly in love with him watching the partridge family faithfully every friday night…i kept up with him some thru the years but more so the last few yrs when he was having issues with drinking and duis..i sadly recall his father Jack Cassidy being an alcoholic..i do remember that david didnt touch drugs or alcohol till yrs after the partridge family so i was kind of shocked at first to hear about his drunk driving arrests..but i never turned my back on him ever.. he was human and dealt with alot of issues in his life. and as a child of an alcoholic and having a sibling and child thats an alcoholic i know it runs in families sometimes. i am soo happy to see this special about him i cant wait to see it david i will always love u u were my first crush and i loved u then and ill always love u i miss u terribly …dege in ks

  40. I do hope I can get to see this in Spain, where I live, so if they could do a streaming programme would be great too. If not maybe, like others thought above, a DVD or a youtube clip.
    I also hope that someday we were able to listen to the three songs he completed for this album.
    David, you have no idea how much I miss you. You will live forever on in my heart.
    I love you, my beautiful angel ♥

    • He will live on forever. Hello Pa Person although not alone feel That I am. Saw his last concert on March 4 2017. My birthday. What an amazing present no one ever thought would be his last.

  41. Yvonne Sheridan & all UK-based DC fans:
    I agree, the UK media have shown little-to-no acknowledgement of David’s sad passing, nor the legacy of his vast body of work.
    Fans have had no “closure”. We haven’t had time to properly mourn this amazing man who has been a huge part of our lives.
    These tv documentaries will go a long way to help.

    Thank you to all who are involved in bringing this about.

    Thank you Jane and the web team for keeping us all informed. We are indebted to you.

    • We certainly are indebted.
      Jane and web team you have been totally fabulous! thank you so much for your dedication and for continuing to make this a site that David can be proud of. This site is amazing,bringing together fans from across the world, enabling us to share memories and experiences in this virtual world,plus sharing so many clips and links. I can’t imagine how we’d all feel if we didn’t have your support right now.

    • What channel will it be shown on. I live in Scotland. Please advise.

  42. This was originally supposed to be a four part documentary . . . and now it’s only 2 hours. So sad that they couldn’t finish it completely. There was so much to be said and so much great footage. You know what it is, don’t you? I can’t get enough. I will watch this documentary and as soon as it’s over, I will want there to be another one. I will always be looking for anything “David Cassidy”. Can’t get my fill I guess.

  43. Very happy to hear about the upcoming A & E 2 part documentary about David. I wonder if this documentary will include the 3 songs David completed from “Songs My Father Taught Me” and if it will show some older concert footage? I also agree with suggestions that this documentary be available to buy on DVD and that some proceeds from this go to charities that David supported. It would be a wonderful way to honour him and his legacy. Hoping it will be shown worldwide, including Australia. And there hasn’t been any closure for us fans, he was not recognised and respected in the entertainment industry for the wonderful man and entertainer that he was. Very tragic and still so hard to describe him in the past tense, really missing and loving this beautiful man so much.

    • Yes, it’s so hard to use the past tense , for me he is still in my every day life , his music , his legacy, his face and smile… Hoping for DVD no chance to see the documentary here in Poland

    • I’m in New Zealand so hope to see this, although it’s going to be very hard watching….almost too hard…but I believe we all need to watch, to understand…alot sadly…May he Rest in Paradise…Rest Easy David….your so very missed,every single day……😢😢😢

  44. Can’t wait to watch this. This must be what David contacted Danny Bonnaduce about when he asked him to contribute toward a biography about his life shortly before his passing. Love you, David and your memory will live on forever….

  45. Hoping desperately for DVD too. I don’t think that I in Austria have any chance to see it.
    Thank you Jane and the web team for keeping us all informed. What would we do without you. It is so good to come here and to know there are people all across the world loving David so much as I do. This is really wounderful for me and very consoling.

  46. I would love to see this too I miss and love David ,please make available tio the uk ,would donate to charity to Alzheimer’s society,💗💗💗

  47. I feel the greatest tribute to David would be for Shaun, Patrick, Ryan, Katie and Beau to complete “Songs My Father Taught Me” in his honour. Craig must know what songs David intended to record, and of course Jack was father and grandfather to them all. That would truly reunite the Cassidy clan in his memory. Is there any way we can I influence this?

    • Yes. Songs like “Cry” and all the othet songs that, in concerts, David referred to as songs he learnt from the age of 3, and onwards.
      Hopefully the family will add their thoughts & feelings, and acknowledge these documentaries as David’s legacy to his fans.

      This site (in my humble opinion), is our “Memorial” service. It is one of the places where we can put our arms around the shoulders of each other, like in a service.
      A place where we can say “Yes, I, like you, will miss our loved one”. “I understand your pain because I feel the same way.” “Let us cry together, and let us also smile together while remember the joy our loved one brought to our lives”.

      May it always be a place of refuge, where we can be both sad and joyful at the same time, while we remember beautiful David. A wonderful person with many talents, but also with flaws. A beautiful human being both internally and also externally. We will always love him.
      May generations come to know all his life’s work and pay homage to such a gifted man.
      Rest in peace David. Now safe in Jesus arms.

  48. Really looking for to this, will also be feeling sad as David is no longer with us. Unless its broadcast in the UK, I will wait until Jane posts it on this site xxx

  49. Thank you Jane. Couldn’t have said it better Deb M. We will always love and miss David. Thanks for sharing everyone. God bless.

  50. Cannot wait. Am sure I will blubber like a baby and wish he was still here, but ZI do that anyway so nothing else will change. But anything with/on/about him will be well worth watching. Still love him.

  51. The TV network showing this programme about David,has got a petition for fans to sign on there facebook page,allowing us a say about it getting shown worldwide.Everybody leave a comment,nothing ventured nothing gained,but it could just be the outcome of what we all want.

  52. If you look up A&E Network UK, you can leave a message, write a post on their page, or connect with them on Twitter!

  53. When I do eventually see it, I don’t know what I will be like, considering that I still can’t listen to The Last Kiss, let alone the last recording sessions!

  54. Thank you also Jane for all your hard work keeping his website going and updating us. Where would we be without you.

    Still mourn for our beloved David. Such a loss to us all.

  55. What is the airing time for US? I haven’t seen a time in yet, just the airing date.

  56. I hope we will be able to see this in the UK at some stage. DC, one of the best vocalists of all time, no argument whatsoever.

  57. The one and only David Cassidy. David really thanked us fans, right to the end. This documentary is a reminder, David Cassidy wanted to do this for his fans, and we are so forever grateful. Let’s enjoy, and relive the happiest of memories, from our David. And we will learn more about him through this documentary. Jane, words cannot thank you enough for David’s website, that you have given us so, so, so, much here on David’s lifetime of hard work, and the best memories. David had the best in you Jane. And it shows that you care. Do documentary, get made in DVD, ? Be wonderful if every David Cassidy fan could purchase one, and we will just have to wait and see, have a nice day everyone.

  58. Just have listened to yesterday’s programme on United DJS , “The Stuart Busby Show” . He played 3 David’s songs- “When I’m a Rock&Roll Star” , “On Fire” and “Cruise to Harlem”
    Is it sth changing at last? Fans from all over the world fight for rightful place for David in the history of music.

    • It’s great that they are playing David’s non PF tracks and album tracks. You so seldom hear them, and it always saddens me at the lost opportunity. However Timm Mccoys show certainly left no doubt that David’s entire canon of work is so varied and high calibre that it can hold its own and well worthy of extensive air time.
      He also surrounds himself with some of the most amazing musicians -top-notch! Not only in his early days, but Frank,Craig,Teri,Dave R,and Felippe are awesome . Looking forward to seeing them in the documentary too. Such a pity its wasn’t the full intended length but grateful to have this last screening if it comes to UK. I so hope it is on DVD as I don’t have a tv at the moment 🙁

    • I LOVE “On Fire”….especially when he sings the words ” plenty of time to get HOT. …owwwww!”
      I play it LOOOOOUUUUDDD in my car

  59. Great news about the documentary, albeit a shorter version than originally planned.
    Hopefully it will be shown in UK and rest of the world so all David fans will see it.
    Thank you to all who are making this possible.

    David deserves status and recognition for his amazing talent.
    People who never saw him perform or listen to his numerous and wide range of albums could not fully appreciate just how hard-working and devoted to his craft and fans he was.
    A true star!

  60. It’s Derby Day, It made me think of David, David Cassidy had the knowledge of the sport, and care and safety for the horses. David I’m picking one for you, in today’s race.

  61. How BEAUTIFUL and Wonderful To See This Special
    I Cannot Wait 🎶

    David Was A Was and Is A Master Of His Craft and A Beautiful Caring Dedicated PERFORMER.


    • The Facebook Link I Posted Is Not Working Right the one which comes up is NOT ME?

  62. It’s a little off the subject (documentary) but I just have discovered a song penned by DC and Wes Farrell “Lay It On the Line”. This song never appeared in any of the PF episodes, but really it’s amazing – pure rock. Another one they wrote is “Love Is All That I Ever Needed” . What would have happened if they had written more like those two…

  63. Been on YouTube and come across a couple of great DC interviews.

    Dennis House (DJ) – A big fan since his childhood. Told David as a 7 or 8 year old, his older sister took him to his first concert – to see David at Madison Gardens and has been a fan ever since

    Manika very patient in her interview with David, allowing him time to digress and explain

    Very insightful.

    • These are both already on the website along with many other radio interviews.

      • Thank you Jane.
        Spending more and more time discovering these gems.
        God bless.

  64. Thank you, Deb M, and Jane, I watched the interview with Dennis, and David Cassidy, was on the phone, great interview, David speaks clearly, and tells of his life journey, and musical career, and thanks his fans, you have to watch and listen to it, and he sounded young, and smart at the same time, and he sounded happy, and talked about how things have changed, and the life he had early on. The interview was June of 2016. If your a fan of David, please get a chance to watch and listen. I really enjoyed, and appreciated, David doing that interview, one to hold on to.

  65. And I forgot to mention in that phone interview, he mentioned his website. Right here. So , I’m glad , we could all be here and post with David, and he posted with us fans. We have those forever memories. This website will always be so, so, special to each David Cassidy fan, and I’m going to get ready for Saratoga, and all the upcoming celebrations of David’s life, and this documentary will be what David wanted for us fans. He had it on his to do list, and how wonderful we will get to see it.

    • Denice, you will be in Saratoga very soon , less than 2 weeks. And I’m thinking about you , in a way we will be there together, we fans.
      Take care.

  66. Now A&E says the program is June 21, 10 days later than originally planned. Maybe there’s new details like the Timm McCoy tribute being added in.

    • Yes , and what’s a trailer! I don’t know it’s a right word , it’s rather short but
      wow! it will be fantastic!

  67. Hi everyone! It’s an unusually sunny bank holiday in uk today, so hope uk fans are enjoying it!! ( for international fans: uk bank holidays are traditionally cold and wet so this is pre tree t y unusual😁)
    I have been replaying Timms radio segments all day. The gift that keeps giving! Can’t think of a more fab way to enjoy the sunshine. So good for the soul, and 3 hours left.
    Looking forward to hearing about Saratoga Denice😁 has anyone got any news on the plaque at Phoenix theatre? I couldn’t find anything online so guessing its a social net thing? Please can someone post a link or info? I would love to go and see it when its in place. Many thanks!

    • Hi Diane,further up Araceli has left the link that takes you to it,you must be on facebook.

      • Many thanks to you both. Unfortunately I can’t access it but thank you !

  68. Thanks Weronika and Diane, me and Felicia, are getting excited, we will keep you,s in our thoughts, and share our experience, but, of course I’m missing, missing, David Cassidy. Reality set in, so I will celebrate David’s life, and let this just be the start, a man with a voice like his, will live on forever.

    • Hi Denice,it’s count down now for you and Felicia to meet at Saratoga Springs.Enjoy every minute of this wonderful trip,Iknow it will be bittersweet,but we need to remember David …….would be so delighted with this honour.Take Care Yvonne xx

  69. The networks website have now changed the date of “The Last Session ” to 21st June.Wonder why?

  70. Hi Jane,

    Can you clarify if David’s Bio will be aired June 11 or June 21 please. Would you be able to let us know if it will be shown in Canada. Some say only in the states. I would greatly appreciate any info on this please.

    Sue Ross

    • Sue, I was told it was June 11th. When I know any further information I will post it for everyone to see.

    • Hi again Araceli
      Please can you do us non-Facebook a favour, and ask how we make a donation.
      I’m able to get to the page, but dont have a way to make a payment.
      Thanks again.

      • The woman in charged,has informed me that the only way to donate is through facebook,if you are not on facebook yourself is advising where possible to use a friends,she has tried to set a link up via the website but cannot be done as there is no donate button,hope this is of help.

        • Yes, that´s what I got from her too, Yvonne. I am so sorry you are not able to do a donation.
          But wait, why don´t you create a Facebook account? It´s easy and you will have so much fun there. Think about it.

  71. Hi Yvonne, thanks, I will always remember David, Felicia asked me if I would like to attend mass with here, I said sure and we are going to include David, during the Eucharist. The church is very close in town. I am excited about meeting Felicia, that part will be nice and I want to have fun. We both are David Cassidy fans, and to be truthful we talk about him alot. I wish all the fans here could go. We all became close because of David, and Jane. Felicia once said this feels like a special club were in. I agree. Us David Cassidy fans are special ourselves, David Cassidy brought us together, now I really do want to celebrate his life. Sian helped me she had a point and advise, and thanks Sian I am listening to David’s music alot. Yvonne I’m nervous, also, I do want to be there, and the days are counting down.

    • Hi Denice,you have every right to be nervous,if financial I would be there. I would be holding hands with yourself and Felicia unfortunately for me that’s not possible make the best of this once in a lifetime opportunity.Take a deep breath,sigh,and take every precious moment in.Your friend from Scotland Yvonne xxx I know you will keep us all well informed,on an up note you might meet a family member how cool would that be.

    • Thanks, Felicia. At the moment, his music is making me feel like a teenager again. Sian

  72. I just read today about the DC legacy site, which I think is a great idea to facilitate the DC back catalogue to be released so his fans can hear music previously not heard! Is this site involved with the new leagacy site, in terms of releasing recordings, and who would benefit from the sales of DC’s music? Thanks♡

    • Wow! This would be great! Can you post a link to where you found this please? Please don’t say its Facebook or I may just scream!! Many thanks for sharing!

  73. Hi dear Jane,

    I was very happy to hear that A & E had a project with David.
    And that it will be shown soon. My friend, you wrote something very important :
    “in many respects, it is foremost through his fans that David Cassidy’s legacy lives on today”.
    David always knew the affection of his fans, and how much we are grateful per him have done (and still does) part of our lives.
    He has brought us pure love, and we have rewarded him in the same way:
    with much love.
    So with every song we hear from David, with every mention we make of him on the internet or outside it, we’ll be doing our part: not letting the world forget one of the greatest singers of several generations. And a unique person.

    Dear David, I miss you so much !
    With Love,

  74. Wow! This would be great! Can you post a link to where you found this please? Please don’t say its Facebook or I may just scream!! Many thanks for sharing!

  75. Diane , you would not believe it ,but I ‘ve just read it this morning. Very interesting , and once David’s example , his struggles ,also helped me to understand better one of my daughters ,who is a complicated person. And now our relationships are improved.
    Can you write more what do you think about this tribute?

    • Hi Weronika
      I thought it was a very intelligent well written, and thoughtful piece that didn’t pull any punches. Her personal story experience was very moving and interesting. I liked that it was a cut above all the usual teen idol /PF stuff that is trotted out and never gets beyond, which I think is shallow journalism/research and I get very frustrated with – such poor journalism diminishes the man and what he fully achieved so as to miss the significance of his enduring career his personality, and impact on many generations.

      I think she is a historian and tried to take in the “long view” which I’ve not seen in any other piece. I think she hints at the charisma and deep sense of connectivity you feel in his performances, and this is where I totally disagree with her comparison to Prince and David’s calibre: a lot of people carp that he sang a lot of covers- but boy! he really nailed them definitively. Listen to Tomorrow and tell me its not way better than the McCartney version. It’s transformed and glorious! I like some of Prince’s music and he was very talented and creative but I don’t feel the authenticity,the range of style and genre,and certainly not the connectivity there. Never mind careers in acting too, and the kind and charitable personality.

      David summed it up himself: he brought light and love into the world wherever he performed. Not to speak ill of Prince but I can’t say I feel the same can be said of him. I think otherwise it was an interesting tribute from someone who sounds like she is as puzzled as many of us at how deeply shocking it was to hear of David’s death,and how compulsive it is to glean videos and play his music now – that certainly resonates with me. I have always loved his music, but if anyone had told me I’d feel like this a few years ago I would not believe them. I never expected to feel such a terribly wrenching loss. It’s almost like I’m 13 all over again and not a tough old lady of 58! It’s quite unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced for someone I have never met. I’m in awe that anyone can affect me like this. Well there you go….sorry its turned into a rather a long reply! Good to talk to a fellow D.C. fan as I haven’t found any locally.
      do tell me what you think?

      • Diane , what a reply ! Fantastic to find fellow fans here. I try my best with the answer.
        I also disagree with this comparison to Prince. When I read it I thought to myself “Prince?” I really can’t find anybody to compare with David because he had such a wide range of genre , I mean he sang first-class pop, rock , soul , blues. And in every song he put everything he had, and his voice, a natural gift , natural talent, voice so fabulous, powerful and full of emotions.
        David did covers, but he made every cover his own – ‘Tomorrow” “Go now” , I think a lot of people don’t know that his most famous songs are covers e.g. “Cherish” , who remembers the original from 1966?
        Even the weekest of PF songs are special because of his interpretation, and some of them are just masterpieces – “It’s One Of Those Nights” , “One Night Stand”(so heartbreaking) “I’ll Meet You Half Way” and many, many more.
        But it was very interesting to read, well written and something different and also fantastic story about this poor girl who was rescued by ” shag-haired guardian angel”
        Diane , thanks so much

        • Hi weronika
          Yes I smiled at the shag-haired guardian Angel !! Gosh! Who would pass up D.C. as their guardian Angel!!!And you are so right! It was refreshingly different.
          I was only thinking after I posted, how marvellous ihe would have been in more intimate jazz gigs doing the songs his father taught him. His mature voice was superb for that genre and I adore Cole Porter. I played some Billy Holliday last evening and I got to wondering how Mr C might have done some of Billies blues tracks. I adore her, but I’m certain he would have made them his own too since he seemed to be a keen blues fan and he sings so soulfully. But I guess that’s a whole new rabbit hole we can never go down. But a girl is allowed to dream…even at my advanced age!!

          • Diane ,all of us are at advanced age -I’m 56 , but it’s ok , it’s not bad , you know , to be wise and experienced, the most important thing is, that we were teenagers when David Cassidy was the most beautiful boy in the world and the global superstar

        • Hi weronika
          Totally agree with your comments about all those tracks. They are all terrific, One of my recent faves is the Old Tricks album especially “Tell me True” and I love all the funky remakes of ITILY. Can you believe I never saw any videos before last November tho I’ve always loved his music, and of course the most beautiful boy on the planet…. I wish I had seen before what I’d been missing online. I’m learning to love youtube…except for when they take down fave D.C. clips.

          • Oops! Woke up in the nite and realised my fave track is not from old tricks…apologies all you fans for my mistake😁 I have only found the didn’t you used to be… album since November. Can’t believe I missed it. Must have been sleepwalking! Did he ever sing any of those songs at his concerts and gigs?

          • Hi Diane
            Cant get my hands on a copy of “Didn’t You Used To Be” or “Touch of Blue” without needing to take out a mortgage!

            The eBayers see the demand on these items, and buy low to sell very, very very high.
            There seems to be so much greed out there…. And all fans want, is to get hold of CDs of our beloved one.

            I’m still searching….

            “OldTrick, New Dog” and the self-titled albums are so FAB!

          • Hi Deb M
            Yes it grieves me that people are still exploiting him even beyond life. I hope you manage to get a copy soon..sure I’ve seen touch of blue for much less I am sure?? Are you UK? I found some U.S. sites cheaper if you are ok with second hand?
            I felt very controverted and i resisted for a long time, but after several fave u tube vids were deleted,and u tube was getting tricksy too, my anxiety got the better and I caved in and miraculously managed to get a second hand copy.(who in their right mind sells these things,but thank goodness they do?) The disc is fine but I think some of the fold out is missing .A pity but the music is key to me. Cost double the normal CD price but not the silly prices I’ve seen.
            I think my copy is a Japanese import?
            Have you found it on u tube?I don’t understand why it never topped the charts in uk (dont think i missed it but I don’t think it was promoted much) its really fantastic! I so wish there was video of him singing these tracks – they are so soulful.

            The problem is that web sites are geared to logging your every move and that can put the price up even further. I never watch or like for later because it only encourages them to hike the price when you go back, based on your browsing history and cookies. Likewise I stopped searching on specific albums – same marketing algorithms behind the scene I suspect.

            . I even found that going in on a different pc could sometimes drop the price too if your history hasn’t previously looked for the item or you could delete your cookies- but that’s often problematic! I have also taken a punt on less obvious sites. I found they all disappear every so often,then available again. Call me cynical but I think its just marketing ploy.
            Don’t despair! It will just be all the sweeter when you source a copy😁

        • Talking of this masterpiece – watch & listen to youtube YCSMusic2 The Partridge Family – It’s One Of Those Nights (Yes Love) (1972). David may or may not be miming (?) but it’s one of the most charismatic, mesmerising things I’ve ever seen on any screen. You can feel the joy and the love coming off the entire Partridge Family cast but needless to say; it’s David who steals the show… A wonderful song and an even more wonderful performer… Sian

          • “…she’s crashing through my mind
            Like waves upon the shore…Yes, love, I’d welcome you again like you know I’ve done before..” Written by Tony Romeo, if I had to choose only one of David’s songs this one would be very high in my top 5 (but I love all his songs)
            David always steals the show in PF – “Walking In the Rain” , “I’m Here You’re Here” and my nr 1 “Love Is All That I Ever Needed”

          • So many to choose from! Can’t disagree with any of your choices ladies!. Just makes me want to dash off and play those vids. It’s like a kid in a candy shop . How blessed is that?

          • Somehow, Tony Romeo’s songs are very apt for David. Perfect. Sian

      • Diane, UK
        “: ……. I think otherwise it was an interesting tribute from someone who sounds like she is as puzzled as many to hear of David’s death,and how compulsive it is to glean videos and play his music now – that certainly resonates with me. I have always loved his music, but if anyone had told me I’d feel like this a few years ago I would not believe them. I never expected to feel such a terribly wrenching loss. It’s almost like I’m 13 all over again and not a tough old lady of 58! It’s quite unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced for someone I have never met. I’m in awe that anyone can affect me like this. ….”

        Boy Diane, do your comments ever resonate with me!
        I became a DC fan at 12 yrs old. Been a fan for 45+ years, and had many challenging life experiences, made big decisions that had diverse consequences….any yet…there is a part of me that REMAINS that teenager, so in love with David.
        I’m like a kid again with a real pain that truly pierces my heart with joy, and now sometimes with sadness, when I hear David sing or speak.
        Seriously! I, like others on this site, just can’t explain it. It just beggars belief.
        The bottom line is, I love David. Like all true fans, I fell in love with him, and then came to love him, unconditionally.
        Rest in sweet peace David.

        • Deb M
          Hi! Say it like it is sister! So good to hear from like minded folk. I’ve been nursing these guilty feelings thinking I was slowly going crazy!
          I guess you can’t get to this age without a few battle scars, but I’ve had a particularly challenging last 5 years which I thought might be why I felt such empathy for David’s struggles. Have to say watching a few DC vids -that smile, his laugh, his wicked sense of humour, his sheer joy at times is utterly infectious. And then there are the memories,and yes you are right- the unconditional love he seems to conjure up from nowhere from within me. Pure magic! At first I was suspicious of it, but I must confess its a part of me I haven’t seen in a while (poss since I was a teen?!) and I quite like having it around. It’s done more magic for me than months of counselling and wee blue pills ever did. I think David Cassidy vids should be on prescription!!!

  76. So very happy that A & E didn’t scrap this project because it wasn’t completed. David will be pleased that this will be broadcast. Just saw this advertised on Sunday night, it took my breath away. So miss him.

  77. It will be very difficult to watch, heartbreaking , just amazing trailer. I wish I could see it …DVD PLEASE

  78. So excited about the David Cassidy Special on A&E .. Thank you so much for airing this.. it first said June 11th then the 21th.. please let us know for sure. Will not miss this & sharing.. Finally someone doing some thing extra for our David. So excited.. can”t wait to see it!Thanks A&E so much..We Love David so much & miss him so much! Never Forgotten! We listened to his songs in the 70″s ,& still do… GONE WAY TOO SOON SWEET DAVID! <3

  79. Hi Yvonne, I’m very happy to say I have a friend in Scotland, you are so, so, nice, I’m ready, for Saratoga, I reread the road directions, me and Felicia are going to talk tommorow evening, and it’s a week away, we will meet. You will be there in thought and support, and of course the love you had for David, all the good he did is why we’re here posting together. I really believe David knew his fans were special good people. He did spread love. Yvonne have nice day,your friend Denice from Ohio, lake Erie is close by. Scotland looks beautiful.

  80. I just watched the trailer, David’s legacy will not be forgotten. David Cassidy was only one Icon, who the world knew and loved so much, that tears will always flow from time to time. David is missed, David is Loved, David was human and entitled to a personal life, but he chose to share his personal side, and he was truthful, besides ,David had deep qualities, that would pull you toward him and wanting to explore what David Cassidy was about. I’m still puzzled, the man worked superhard, on the PF, he was Keith , but we knew, David Cassidy was the one we Loved.

    • Very beautiful Denice, I can’t seem to get through a day without my heart breaking and crying all the time. My love for David is so BIG .i need DC friends so we can speak the same language , cPlease keep me informed on anything and everything about our beloved David. God Bless

  81. I don’t think John Lennon and Yoko One would of been friends with David if they felt David was a threat. David was friends with John and talks of that time, as a happy time. I don’t think other celebrities were worried either, David brought, it, everyone had a show to perform there way, David Cassidy went to work, and whatever show biz job he was doing, he gave it his all, all he had to give was the outcome of his performances, hard work, hard work, and a spectacular outcome, that was our David Cassidy.

    • Morning Denice
      Totally agree with what you say. He seems very open and genuine you are so right about him drawing your interest to know more about the person.

      I’ve noticed a couple of you have mentioned a trailer? Is this on TV? Or somewhere I can access online? Please post a link if its online. Many thanks !
      All the best to you and Felicia for your trip. “Wont be long now”!!!

      • Morning Diane
        It’s this A&E forerunner we called “trailer. It was also on @CassidyUnited twitter , you can watch it even you don’t have an account.
        Nice day for everybody !

        • Hi there! Thanks for your swift reply! It’s really kind of you. It’s dreadful not to know what everyone else seems to be talking about! Oh dear ! I am such a social media idiot! I will try and work it out! I best get going for work now tho 🙁 Have a lovely day. Xx

        • Found it! OMG I’m in pieces! I really hope it will release on DVD. Very powerful trailer! The pic of him wrapped in a blanket. How did someone so beautiful lead such a complex life and leave the world so soon? It’s Greek tragedy for the modern times!

          • And it’s also here on “our” site . Impressive how many views has. It will be hard to watch.

          • Yes! I wasn’t prepared for my response. I think it really will be hard but captivating viewing. Need the tissues for this one I think.

          • What can I say that all here haven’t already said? Nothing.

            I just wanted to sob bitterly looking at this trailer of the upcoming programmes.
            That opening clip with David’s eyes filled with tears… I just wanted to jump into that scene and hug him so so tightly. There is no way we were able to smooth out all his difficulties and comfort him in his pain.
            At least in the later part of his life, the love of his fans and admirers comforted him.

            A BIG and heartfelt “Thank you” to you too, Jane.
            This site is literally a life-saver for us. You are making it possible for us all to remember and share our love and memories of David, and also our thoughts & feelings.

            We will all continue to keep our faith that David’s life’s work will be properly recognised.

  82. As yet don’t know if this will be shown in the UK,but I know we will get to see it,I have saw the trailer and was in pieces,this is going to be one of the hardest programmes to watch ever.

  83. Hi Sian,
    Tony Romeo’s songs are very apt for David. To start with “I Think I Love You”, “I’m a Clown”, “Being Together” , “Point Me In The Direction..” Classic Davids” songs. So personal. And I didn’t know Romeo had died so young , in 1995 just 56. Thanks for bringing my attention to him .
    By the way is it in UK also so hot? It’s 7 a.m and already 25 C.

    • Morning weronika
      7am here but rain and probably only 15 degrees 🙁
      Thanks for sharing about Tony Romeo. I hadn’t realised he was so young either. Another very talented guy.

    • It’s been much cooler today (yesterday, now) but there’s probably been some variation across Britain as you’ll most likely discover very soon! I, too, have been looking up Tony Romeo info, online and he’s written nine “platinum” hit songs. I adore his songs. I took it for granted that he was still alive… Sian

  84. I am so excited about going to Saratoga Springs,
    I will meet my friend Denice for the first time.
    It is going to be so awesome to meet other David
    Cassidy fans. Thank you Susan Cox for making
    this celebration of David’s life possible.
    Denice see you in Saratoga Springs!

  85. Today in the UK, the husband of one of our well-known actresses, Dame Barbara Windsor, announced that she has Alzheimer’s. It was diagnosed in 2014.


    In his words:
    “I hope speaking out will help other families dealing with loved ones who have this cruel disease”.

    Carey Mulligan, who is an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society said,
    “It’s so important as a society that we become more aware of dementia and we become more accepting as a community.
    “For so many years there’s been such a misunderstanding about what it is – that it’s NOT a natural part of ageing, that it is a DISEASE OF THE BRAIN.”

    I just wanted to post this, with our beautiful David very much on our minds (and our hearts).

  86. Hi All

    I’ve not posted here before, but been reading your comments and taking comfort from them. Like many women I had not thought too much about David until a few years ago when his troubles started to surface. Now, well, I can’t enough. Can’t get it straight it my head as to why I can’t get over his death and I’m beginning to wonder if I ever will.

    Deb M recently posted that she was looking for the album “Didn’t You Used to Be”. In case you don’t know, you can download this for free form the archive.org website. Do a general search for David Cassidy and the album is there to download or listen to online free. It’s a beautiful album.

    Also, on that site there is a great video uploaded by Timm Mccoy of a concert David did in Florida in the early 90’s. I went to 2 of David’s concerts in the UK in the ’70’s and it pains me today that I only remember snippets (must have been too busy screaming!!). It was lovely to see him perform 20 years later. He looked and sounded fantastic – it was a real treat.

    Finally, thank you so much for this website. I visit every day and it really helps .

    • Welcome Claire!
      I hope that, as a fairly newbie to this site myself, I can say what a wonderful “space” this is to hang around in.

      The only requirement is to be a fan, an admirer, with a love for this beautiful, talented & complex man.

      I’m heading to the archive.org website right now to check it out…..

      Have fun!

    • Hi Claire
      I think you have probably made a lot of people very happy with your first post!!! I hadn’t spotted the album on there before. Looks like it was uploaded a couple of weeks ago. That’s fabulous news ! Thanks for sharing it for everyone.

      • Hi Weronika
        Thank you. Yes, I feel the same. I’m hitting 60 in a few weeks and I’m not taking it very well! David’s passing has really sparked a look back at my life and his. I was so upset to hear of his struggles in the latter years. I guess I had naively assumed that he had made plenty of money and was living happily ever after! Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that does it.

        The concerts were in the UK and, as I said, my memory of them is vague! I remember odd things. The first one I went to I bought a beauty pack to make myself gorgeous for him, although I do remember thinking that he probably wouldn’t be able to pick me out from the crowd! It was indoors and I was up in the gallery and I remember looking down on his head as he was singing “I am a Clown”.

        The other one was outdoors and must have Wembley. We were so far back we could hardly see him. I do remember Showaddywaddy were the warm up act.

        Glad the link was useful and really glad to be joining in.

        • Hi Claire
          I can so relate to birthday freak out! Truly its always been just a number that whizzes by in the rollercoaster of life….until this last one,after David’s death. My birthday is very close to David’s in April and I often thought of him around that time ..and like you, imagined he was blissfully happy ,bless him.
          I saw the first DUI and was saddened, but I knew he had come thru in the 70’s and naively thought “its just a blip,he has family and good friends, he will work it out,and will be well”. David has been so strong and bounced back so often from adversity I guess a lot of people may have thought the same. however,I have found that troubles sometimes have a way of ambushing you in battalions. That often requires help and its quite difficult to ask when you are in that place- especially if you see yourself as one of life’s copers who looks after everyone else. I think he said something similar to Piers Morgan. Maybe I’m just overlaying my experience on his, but I wonder if this colours my response. It’s almost like survivor guilt at times.
          Its really been a wake-up call for me too and a reflection on how I live my own life. I try normally not to do “regrets” but I’m nursing a few right now!
          So Claire go out and really celebrate your 60 years of sharing the world with the most beautiful boy on the planet. No more wasted time. No more regrets….do it! We have been blessed to live in this time,and we can still learn from his experience. Have a great birthday!

          • Hi Diane, great post again!
            My birthday is April 4 so I’m Aries like he was.
            Yes, no more wasted time , no regrets – my only one is not to see him in concert!
            Hi Claire,
            Thanks for memories. I think every girl in the audience wanted to look her best. And so envy you, to hear “I’m a clown ” sang by David… in the 70s.

          • Thanks Diane for those kind words and I agree – positive attitude from now on!

          • Love it…I’m an early April Aries too. Though I have to admit I don’t “do” horoscopes.
            I know a bunch of people who are all (late March-early April) Arians, and we are all so different from each other.

            But nice to have two things in common with David – have a name that begins with D and be an Arian.
            LOL…. I know, its just wishful thinking trying to find similarities.

    • Claire, what a nice post.
      This website is our lifeline. I’m also wondering why after so many years when I was busy with my life and I thought very little about him, now I can’t get David Cassidy out of my mind. Sure, he was fantastic singer , and I always loved his music, but only when his troubles started to surface this old love for him woke up again, maybe because we fans felt that David needed our support , and in a way his troubles started because of cassidymania, and after 1974 he felt that had lost his identity. I don’t know , it’s just my theory.
      Can you write where and when were the concerts in the 70s ?

    • Thanks for the tip, Claire. I went straight to archive.org and ‘borrowed’ a lovely little book from 1972 called “Meet David Cassidy”. I enjoyed reading it very much. I hadn’t heard of the archive.org site before. I haven’t posted any comments here before but have visited David’s website for several years. I have been a fan since 1972 but didn’t see David live until 1985.

    • Thank You Claire!

      I’m soooo happy – I’m a happy bunny indeed,
      …because I’ve downloaded “Didn’t You Used To Be”, and “Old Trick New Dog” (which I had on cassette).

      Hoping that they make “Touch of Blue” available… Fingers crossed!

  87. Hi girls, it great we have this site as we all ‘get’ what other fans are feeling and going through since David passed away. Jane does a great job here.
    Thanks Claire for the info on downloading ‘Didn’t You Used To Be’, off to do just that now!
    Will be thinking of all of you going to Saratoga. x

  88. US TV alert, Friday, 5/11/18 at 6:00 PM EDT, on the Fuse network – the Vegas episode of Malcolm in the Middle will air.

  89. Diane thanks for your post, I like your posts, and everyone’s, where are you that your weather is 15 degrees? That’s cold, I must say David’s fans in the U.K. are overly wonderful, when I was young many many years ago I would read about David going to the UK., yous made him feel very welcomed. And it’s nice to post with you all and read your thoughts about David Cassidy, nice not to be alone, missing him forever, he just amazed me, with his talent in so many categories, Felicia and I are ready for Saratoga. I wish, wish, they make a DVD of the documentary of David’s life. The trailer alone caputered my interest, especially his early years, for a important reason, we had no technology, so we all missed something back than, and I don’t care what anyone says, He was the one we kept our eyes on, and opened our ears to hear him sing, and why not, it’s not everyday, a super icon comes along, David Cassidy made it impossible not to love everything about him, so here we are as adults remembering , and never letting go of our David Cassidy.

      • Denice, there was the best “he was the one we kept our eyes on , and opened our ears to hear him sing..”
        Forget psychology, this is just the plain truth.

    • Hi Denice
      Thank you for your lovely sentiments about UK. You are very kind! It’s so nice to share with fans around the globe isn’t it? This website is such a wonderful place where you can share your enthusiasm and feelings without being teased. I can’t thank Jane enough for keeping our spirits up. I often think of David’s words-so much wasted time -wish I’d joined the party before! It’s a huge regret now that I never went to any concerts-London isn’t so far away now but none of my friends are fans so I didn’t go. I really had no idea his death would hit me like it has.

      The site means so much to me as I was a lone D.C. fan growing up a long way from London so I never was allowed to attend concerts as a teen. He’s always been a kind of guilty pleasure. Even now the guys I work with tease me – but hey! They are only jealous! They’re bay city roller fans so don’t recognise class when they see it!!
      There’s always been something about David Cassidy that put him in a class of his own- head and shoulders above any other act. I can’t nail it but theres just a connectivity that’s so alive. Other singers just don’t seem to have that “source” energy. I can see that his live performances are even better than recordings. I think he was lifted by the audience’s energy. How wonderful to be a part of that!
      As an adult I have always liked his music and still have my original albums – tho I have bought cds now and trying to find the ones I missed.
      You asked where I’m from. I’m sandwiched between Adeola in Suffolk and
      the lady from Hertfordshire- I’m in Cambridgeshire. Maybe we should all get together!!!

      Btw: its still chilly this morning but hope to reach a toasty 18 degrees later;)

      • Hi Diane,
        That’s a great idea! And why not to meet on next year’s David birthday?
        In 2 weeks time I’ll start my trip around UK. It will be very early morning May 26 , exactly 44 years after David”s White Stadium concert. And on my way I will be thinking about these two – David Cassidy and Bernadette Whelan.

        Btw: English weather it’s just for me. Here it’s too hot and very dry

        • Weronika
          What an amazing pilgrimmage it will be!
          Have a fantastic trip. Pack a brolly 😁

      • Hi Diane
        I’m regretting that too. I completely lost touch with David’s career. I was living abroad in the ’80s and didn’t even know he was living in the UK! I wanted to go to a concert, I think it was 2012, but hubby wasn’t too keen needless to say.

          • His bio said a mews in London when he was working in Time in the west end. I think he lived there with Sue who seems to have followed him over and also worked as songwriter. I guess he must have stayed again for Blood Brothers.

      • Diane – I’m on the Essex/Suffolk border so not too far away. Maybe a meet up could be possible. x

  90. While we are pondering “All things David” while he was in the UK, I also wondering whether the girls who are in this video clip, member of this site?
    Or does anyone know where they are? , and what their memories of that day are?


    Anjd if so, why didnt they just go in for a big bear hug…

    Just saying!

    • Never seen any comments by these girls over the years on any site, wonder if they look in here? If that were me I would have been bragging about it for decades!

    • Deb M
      I vividly remember watching this at the time! I was nearly as shocked as they were and as I was prob the same age I’m sure I’d be equally lost for words. I squirm uncomfortably whenever I see it nowadays, and feel the poor guy! It really shows the age disparity of some of his fans very clearly. No wonder he said he couldn’t get a date!! I confess I get a guilt trip whenever I see it now, but its amusing too. He was really sweet with them wasn’t he?.
      As David was fond of saying…it was a gentler,more innocent time.

      I wonder how teen fans would react now if their idol walked in on them. They seem so much more composed and self possessed now. OMG I sound like my gran!!!

  91. Saw another interesting article online about Tiger Beat’s Official Partridge Family Magazine interview with Wes Farrell:

    Tiger Beat: Can you remember your first recording session with David?

    Wes Farrell: Because David’s schedule is so involved, we usually don’t have the opportunity to learn the songs completely before going into the studio. And that’s how it was at our first session. It didn’t worry me too much, though, because the time we did work together gave me enough time to realize that David would catch on very quickly. I’ll never forget that first night, it was really wild. I started to play the background music, and you must remember that he has never recorded before. I asked David to get in front of the microphone and sing the lyrics, while I recorded the background music. I told him while I’m cutting the track the only way I can feel the record is if you are singing with the track. He said, “Well I don’t know the song that well.” We were doing “I Think I Love You.” I said, “We’ll just go through it two or three times.”
    So we began to go through it and he was singing along with the song and in a few minutes he knew the song perfectly! I had expected a blank. I expected anything less than a good performance from him. I didn’t expect him to be as aware and as “on” as he was.
    David has a great quality of intake that allows him to learn very quickly. He is very polite, he is fine in experimenting, using his voice differently at different times and if I can change an idea quickly he will change with it.
    Anyway, after running through “I Think I Love You” two or three times, while I was getting the proper recording levels, we did it once and would you believe we recorded it on the very first take? It’s so unbelievable, especially since it’s very hard to get the low part. That’s the only part of the song David needed help with.

  92. Thanks Deb,
    David was fantastic and this is a great story. Wes Farell co-written 30 PF songs , also C’mon Get Happy, sad he also died young -56
    There are just amazing amount of newspaper articles on this website. I have been reading them for some time and there are so many left for me to enjoy – Billboard, New Musical Express. Tiger Beat, Rolling Stone, and many more and also web articles. A true monument of David ‘s legacy this website is.

    • Hi Weronika,
      I agree, this AMAZING site is a fantastic resource of information. Frankly, I can’t get enough of it.

      So sad that both Tony Romeo and Wes Farrell both died so young. Born in the same year, and passed away within a year of each other.

      Hope your trip to the UK is enjoyable and every thing falls into place for you and your travelling companions.

      Diane is right, we all need to get together, and have a David Cassidy “Friends” get-together someday soon.

  93. Diane, Deb and Weronika, you girls posts are all interesting, and I’m learning things from all your informative on David. I hope you girls in the U.K. can all meet up someday,and be friends, like Me and Felicia, David left us, with even more, new friendships, are popping up, and I was always proud and braggy about being a David Cassidy fan. Sure back than and now, some people don’t get it, for us lucky fans, we did and here we are. Grown adults and still talking about all the love and all that supreme talent, David Cassidy one man, so rich in his giftness to grasp and learn quickly, to record I think I love you. And that was just the beginning, David opened his own doors to the business, and just tore it up, and he did just that right to the end. He gave his fans everything he could. So did David realize, his fan club is still here today, and the friendships, have there own blossom trees, with new buds to arrive. Thers nothing better, than having a David Cassidy friend.

    • Yes Denise. We should all get together and spend time talking about our beloved David. Just imagine what fun that would be?

  94. Hello, all you DC lovers.
    The week following DC’s birthday up till now, has nearly been wall to wall sunshine in the part of the UK where I am (with only a few exceptions). So I am feeling a lot better now than I did regarding DC’s passing. I suppose during his birthday week, I cried so much & let it all out at last.
    Hi to all the UK fans, Diane in Cambridgeshire, Judy A, Claire in Hertfordshire, it’s so good to know that you are nearby in East Anglia. Not forgetting Claire Pritchard, Sheila Owens, Deb M, & so many others!
    Sandra in Sydney, what was DC wearing at the concert you went to in ’74? I want to see if I can find footage of it on the net. Also did DC travel to Australia prior & after ’74 for anything? I read on this site somewhere that the Australian authorities were thinking of deporting him, due to the mass hysteria. I was rather shocked to read that, & it wouldn’t have rested easy on poor DC’s mind either. What is the weather like in Sydney, is it always hot? Or do you have the different weather seasons like we do over here?
    Weronika, thanks for mentioning the DailyMotion app. I didn’t know about it! Apart from the Partridge Family, I have been watching other favourite TV programmes that I have not watched in full. The original Beverley Hills 90210 series, & the 60’s Bewitched series for example. Jack Cassidy, Danny Bonaduce & Dave Madden appear in several episodes of Bewitched. I didn’t really watch the Partridge Family in the seventies. It was shown erratically on UK TV at the time, I even remember UK fans campaigning to have it shown on TV during the DC heyday. So thanks Weronika, as I am just on S01 E17, I have a lot of telly to watch! But DC looks absolutely gorgeous with his cheek bones & lovely smile. His daughter Katie has inherited his stunning looks. Weronika, do you pronounce your name with the English W? We have the equivalent in English as Veronica, just wondered if it is the same.
    To all you fans able to go to Saratoga, have & great time, maybe it’s a good job I’m in another country ’cause I know I would cry if I were there.
    Anyway, bye for now, love to all of you worldwide. Of course love to our David too as always.xxxxx

    • Hi Adeola, so nice to hear from you again !
      I’m happy I could help and you enjoy watching PF’s episodes. For me it’s also such a great pleasure, because we didn’t have PF in Poland in the 70s.
      David is just breathtaking and also such a good actor , great comedian , it’s not surprise people fell in love with him just from the start. He should became a big, big movie star with such potential. And PF it’s so great entertainment , situation comedy and of course fantastic music.
      It’s nice you ask about my name , is pronounced like in English, the word stress differs a little bit.
      Take care xxxx

    • Hi Adeola, when I went to David’s Sydney 1974 concert he was wearing white overalls with embroidery on the lower legs and a red T shirt. This concert was filmed and was shown on TV here a few weeks after. I have seen footage of it on You Tube and have looked to see if it was available on DVD anywhere but is not. At the time of course, if VHS or DVD had been available back then, I would have recorded it when it was shown on TV. It was called “To Australia with Love”. There were a few songs that he sang at UK concerts at that time that he didn’t sing in Sydney, such as the “rock and roll” segment at the end. While David was here for his ’74 concerts he also had a holiday, I’ve seen a photo of him holding a koala. He was here for a few weeks and during this time he was also a special guest on our “Logie Awards”. I watched him on this at the time, he wore a white suit with long tails. There’s footage of him there with Bert Newton who joked with him. He came back six months later to appear on the “King of Pop” awards with a different look, he had cut his hair short. David came back and did concerts here and appeared on a few shows in 2002 but due to my circumstances at the time I unfortunately missed seeing him, which I’ll forever regret. He also visited here in 2006 where there was a studio audience and he was interviewed. He spoke with some fans, one of whom told him that she had hung on to his microphone cord while he was singing during a 1974 concert and she was dragged away. I remember seeing girls down near the stage fainting and being carried off. Sydney 1974 was his first ever concert here, only read years later about Australian authorities thinking of deporting him back in ’74, not at that time. The Partridge Family came in early 1971 and I watched all the seasons, loved him from day one. I live on the coast not far from the beach and the climate is temperate. The winters are not too cold, some summer days can be hot but not as hot as other suburbs, summer nights can be humid. I think I enjoy amongst the best Australian climate where I live . We have all the seasons here, I think it’s the best time of year weatherwise at the moment. It’s autumn and often around 20 degrees or so. It’s cooler today but last week we had a few days of 24/25 degrees. Did you get to see David in concert and what is your weather like? Wish I could also be going to Saratoga next week, I imagine it will be bittersweet for Denice and Felicia and everyone else who is going. Yes, I think there would be tears from me too, I am still grieving for David and think of him every day. He was unique, incomparable, the charisma, talent and goodness just flowed out of him. That beautiful man!

      Sydney, Australia

  95. Hi Sandra
    What fantastic memories!
    It would be wonderful to have DVD s of any concert footage., I live in hope each day! I think I’ve seen some clips of the concert you describe., but oh! to have been there!!!
    There’s also a lovely interview on this website with Danny in Oz and David online from LA(?)where he was saying how much he loved his time in your country and would love to come back. I’d imagine and hope he was able to enjoy a bit more privacy for a holiday in such a vast and beautiful place.

    • Sandra , thank you.
      I saw on You Tube some songs from this Sydney concert. “Can’t Go Home Again” was amazing. David sat n a chair, played the guitar, sang and talked with the audience. And he really put everything in every song.
      Thanks for sharing your memories.

    • Hey Diane,
      I checked out Amazon, and bought it!
      Pleased as punch, & happy as Larry…. Lol!
      Thanks again.

      • Deb M
        You are very welcome! I am so pleased for you. It’s crazy tho coz they had one for a tenner and 3 for 100 quid. Bet they all disappear again soon. I guess it all adds to the anticipation eh?

        I, on the other hand, have just trekked across town to collect a CD from post office HQ in anticipation of playing the U.S. version of then and now…….only to find it was the UK version ,which I already have 🙁

        …very disappointed, but nil desperandum! It’s an opportunity to spread the word- I have given it to a friend who is not a cassidy follower but seemed quite keen to have it. Hoping its the start of something good! Share the love eh?!!

        • Hey Diane!
          My “A Touch of Blue” CD (2 CDs) arrived yesterday.
          Thanks again for the heads up, and pointing me to Amazon.

    • Thanks Diane,
      A true David’s friend. It’s nice also for me because he must be a Polish descent judging by his last name.

      • Lovely pic of D.C. and his friend on horseback too! He looked so happy and relaxed.

  96. Maybe I write here too often but I must say : THANK YOU again TIMM McCOY for this 12 Hour Tribute. It was 1 month ago. I’m sitting in my garden and listening to this amazing tracks. Thank you.

    • Hi weronika
      You wouldn’t be doing that here- its pouring rain 🙁 oh well it saves me watering the garden or doing any;)
      I think I might join you and start hours 1 & 2. I need cheering up!!! It was Timms show that had me skidding off to my copy of then and now when he mentioned a track that wasn’t on there. That’s when I realised thanks to this site that the U.S. version has different tracks.
      Glad you found the link of interest. I think this is the guy who organised the memorial benches at Saratoga. I loved the story about the car – we did a similar thing when I was a kid! It was very poignant at the end tho. No wonder I feel a bit blue today. I will start the DCD radio and think of you and all the other fans who may be listening. Seriously,do pack a brolly for your trip;-) it will ensure the Sun will shine for you!

      • Hi Diane,
        I can’t remember when I ‘ve seen the rain and I’ve given up watering my garden , but they say maybe next week will be not so hot and dry. We’ll see.
        I ‘ve stuck with hours 5&6 for obvious reason – “Raindrops” “Soft As a Summer Shower” “I’ll Do My Crying In The Rain”. I just love all David Cassidy songs , so Diane start listening and get happy!!

        • Your comment about hours 5&6 made me smile Weronika. We also can’t rely on the rain to keep our gardens watered here (Queensland, Australia) – I hope you get some rain soon. I also smiled because I have recently received my copy of “Didn’t You Used to Be…” and am playing it on high rotation! It felt like Christmas when I found the message in my Post Office box saying there was a package to collect! Thanks to everyone for the ongoing conversations. I don’t often say something but am always really interested and happy to read others’ posts. To all those going to Saratoga, I have been thinking about you gathering from so many different places, and some meeting for the first time. How wonderful that something so sad has brought these new meetings and friendships. I, like many, will be there in spirit on the day. Lyn, Australia.

          • Hi Lyn,
            It’s always so nice to here from you.
            “Didn’t You Used To Be ..” fantastic album – “Raindrops” (again, but still hot and dry and I started to hate this cloudless sky) and I love “It’s Over” (co-penned by Sue Shifrin ) amazing song – “It was mean to last forever..”
            And we will keep talking about David and his music …

      • Seriously. Today the weather is fit for ducks!
        So much so, that my Mum is stressing about whether Harry & Megan will get a dry day for their wedding next Saturday. Poor Mum, she’s getting an education on on David’s songs cause that’s all I play in my car…..

        My mind is focussed on the DC memorial benches at Saratoga Springs, & Denise, Felicia & all the fans who are going to be there.

        Happy Mother’s Day for tomorrow, to all our DC friends in the U.S. & Canada.

        • Hi what a treat to be a mom in US today! Wall to wall PF episodes for mothers day! What a gift! Wishing you all a very happy family day!

  97. How do we get access to this in Australia. 💞 would love to see it

  98. Oh brother! It’s just not my day……..I can’t seem to connect to Timms site …keeps saying its timing out and not responding.

    • Hi Diane, I haven’t been able to connect to Timm’s website either but if you go
      to http://www.archive.org and search David Cassidy, Timm’s
      entire DC birthday program is saved and available there too.

      • Hi thanks for that! I have done that – and played some vids. Rescued my day but still miserably dark all day outside. Thank goodness he archived it but I wonder what happened to his site. Hope it returns soon. …Seriously! If it doesn’t stop raining soon i’ll be looking for a second hand ark on ebay! Weronika don’t forget that brolly! You ‘ll be needing water wings at this rate!!!

  99. Hi Diane I read your post about maybe all of us getting together sometime sounds a lovely idea ,I live in Essex.. David would have been pleased we are making new friends on his website .by the way I could not get timms website my screen just went blank so frustrating enjoy the rest of your weekend let’s hope it stops raining

    • Hi Claudette
      Great to hear from you. We certainly seem to have enough fans in East Anglia to fix a catch up don’t we! Who would have thought! I’d love to hear everyone’s stories. Summers coming so now’s the time!!! (Yes weronika its even sunny here this afternoon!! ) I’m happy to travel,we just need to fix a date and place. Suggestions please ladies !!! Here’s my starter for 10 : how about Kew Gardens – is that where they filmed David for Daydreamer?

      I’m just listening to Timms hr 1+2 for the nth time – the site is back!! David Cassidy: spreading light and love and friendship from beyond! What a special talent!

      • Diane, don’t forget about me!! I’ll come too !! Just 2 hours by plane. Here something is changing, There are some clouds…

        • Hi weronika
          That’s dedication! It would be great to meet a bunch of fans wouldn’t it? Let’s hope we can fix it!

    • Hi John
      We’re way beyond recipes here fellah! We have shared things here we’ve never told our mom!!!

  100. Hi all you DC lovers, ha, ha John where are you in the world? And send us your recipe for meat loaf!
    Sandra, if you look in the posts for March this year, under no 105, l left a couple of posts about seeing DC. It’s funny how you are in autumn & we are in spring really upside down, no wonder we refer to Aussie as down under! Even though Diane in Cambridgeshire is about one & a half hours drive away from me, yesterday the weather here was really warm & sunny, whereas she said it rained all day in her neck of the woods! It did drizzle late last night & through the night & is drizzling now, but it’s still warm. Hope it will be sunny &
    warm next Saturday for the big wedding. Sandra, Weronika & Lyn in Queensland will you all be watching? It will be bittersweet as Diana won’t be there, & also their engagement was announced just a few days after DC’s passing & we were all reeling from the shock!
    Weronika, in one of your earlier posts you mentioned that in the ’70’s you weren’t able to get
    all the mags, merchandise etc. How did you hear the music of DC, & all other musicians? I
    know you love the Beatles & 10cc, how were you able to find their music? What other
    singers & groups do you like?
    All you DC lovers please continue to give us links to DC interviews, videos, programmes etc. There is so much to view, & plus on this site too, thanks to Jane & the team. It will take a month of Sundays to look at everything, but hopefully we will all be here for some time to do this. All the info is appreciated though.
    Sandra, a pity ‘To Australia with Love’ is not available online to view in full. Maybe it will be in the future though, as DC stuff is continually being added, while others are being deleted.
    All of you take care, look after yourselves & your loved ones. Don’t do too much, take deep breaths now & then, relax & enjoy this world we are in wherever you are. My form of relaxation at the moment is sitting down & watching episodes of the PF on mass via DailyMotion, ha,ha.
    A big hello to Araceli, Denice, Felicia, Gail, Sian & loads of others love reading your posts.
    Love to you all DC lovers, & loads of love to DC of course. xxxxxxxxxxx

    • Hi Adeola,
      Oh how I like it :”Don’t do too much” The best relax – watching PF episodes and listening to Timm McCoy’s tribute.
      Sure I will be watching the wedding. I have no choice , I’ve promised my mum and she just loves your Royal Family , and she loves sharing this feeling..It will be fun.
      Adeola , we Polish teens in the 70s just helped each other. Someone got some records, other got old Bravo copies, There was music in Polish radio and we were listening to Radio Luxemburg.
      So David was my nr 1 , and I liked 10cc (another underrated) and The Beatles, Everly Brothers,Animals, Steely Dan,Eagles, Emerson , Lake and Palmer, King Crimson. Joy Division (I used to be very serious girl) and later when I was not so serious Police, Clash. and UB40 and I also always loved blues and jazz and these great singers from the 50s ..So you see I just love music.
      Adeola and what do you like .? Are your fav groups &singers are the same as were in the 70s?

  101. Just been checking up on the BAFTA TV Awards on BBC1 at 8pm tonight in the UK and have found that David is listed in their In Memoriam section of the brochure they give out at the above awards and listed in their “In Memory Of…” section on their main website. This could mean that David will be shown during their “In Memoriam” section during tomights award ceremony.
    I am only guessing this will happen, but I hope it does and would be a great tribute to David.
    Love and miss you forever, David

    • Well, i did say I was guessing about David getting a mention on the In Memoriam section at the BAFTA TV Awards. but again it didn’t happen, even though he is listed in there brochure they were giving out to all who attended the ceremony.

  102. To all American friends…….A very happy Mother’s Day enjoy have fun😀😀😀😀😀

  103. Hello and thank you, everyone, for your comments and contributions. I will be looking forward to seeing the A&E documentary and if it comes out on DVD I will sure purchase it. Here in the middle of the Atlantic, it will be starting at midnight but I plan to see it all despite the late hours.
    I agree with you and feel we all share the same feelings therefor the closeness of friendship even though we are from different walks of life and worldwide locations. We are together in the love for David, his music, and enormous contributions through his artistic work and philanthropy. I hope everything goes well with the A&E streaming cos that is the only way I could have access to watch.
    I listen repeatedly to Timm Mc Coy´s contribution to us with the 12 hours of David´s music which otherwise I would never have been able to hear. It gives me a happy uplifting feeling.
    Thank you, Jane, for your work here on the site, it is very very appreciated beyond words.
    Love to all,

    • Hi Ana,
      What would we do without this fantastic man Timm McCoy?
      Can you write where are you from (in the middle of the Atlantic ) ?
      Weronika (in the middle of Europe)

    • Hey Ana Coutinho!

      You say “the middle of the Atlantic” – Are you in Madeira or the Azores?

  104. What a nice surprise to know that so many DC lovers live near me in East Anglia in the UK! Claudette in Essex, Doreen in Bedfordshire to add to the list. Also of course there must be loads more who read, but don’t post. Being on here is like having so many lovely friends from all over the world, with the one common denominator ‘we all love David’!
    Weronika, thanks for your reply will reply you in full later. But yes we listened to Radio Luxembourg too in the seventies. Do you remember Emperor Rosco? He is apparently still going strong, & isn’t he one of the DJ’s on the internet radio station uniteddj?
    I could talk to all of you all day given the chance, so many memories flooding back of those “Good Times’.
    Love Adeola. xxx

    • We must arrange a meet up!
      Radio Luxembourg was great but it took fine tuning to get the best reception!

      • I know but if you have only this it was like a voice from free world for me

      • Judy do you remember a mag called Fab208? I think it might have had a link with that station. I used to listen to Luxembourg too! Best music!
        I was only thinking recently I haven’t seen any UK magazine’s on this site but there were masses! I wonder if anyone still has some?

        I had Jackie and Fab208 and I think another called something like Music Star? I remember being very grumpy one April fool to find the centre fold wasnt my beloved David, but Albert Tatlock -the grumpy pensioner from the tv soap Coronation Street. Someone had a real laugh at our expense that week.

        • Oh absolutely – Fab208 was my favourite magazine, the pages were glossy and the remember removing the staples from the centre fold posters so as to not damage David! Liked Mirabelle too.
          Oh haha Albert Tatlock – hardly Corries answer to David!

          • J’ve checked this man Albert Tatlock – it was a very, very big laugh. Stupid joke actually not funny.

          • Yes weronika
            Scarred for life!!! It was a terrible fright😁 that I remember to this day!

          • If you have read Allison Pearsons novel – I think I love you- you can imagine the leading male journalist doing this!!

          • Diane, yes, I know A.Pearsons’ novel , and I think this journalist, Bill wouldn’t do it . He knew how girls loved David .
            This is very good book, I mean very well written, sometimes funny, but also A.Pearson captured the spirit of the 70s , the phenomenon of David Cassidy and she unvailed that growing up could be very painful. For me, as I lived “outside’ cassidymania’ the first part of the book is fascinating. I wonder what is your opinion about this novel ? How it was to be David’s fan in the UK in the 70s?

    • Aaaaah Adeola, JudyA, Weronika & Diane.UK and everyone else,

      Re: Radio Luxembourg – my sister and I spent many, many hours doing homework whilst listening to Radio Luxembourg.
      Emperor Rosco, Tony Prince, Kid Jensen, Paul Burnett, Stuart Henry, Peter Powell.. I feel so nostalgic for those simpler days.

      We also listened to Radio Caroline, and Capital Radio (dunno if they were just London or SE-based).

      In those days, our parents used to ask “how can you do homework while you are listening to the radio?” – but WE DID!

      • Deb , my parents asked the same question ! And also “What’s that noise ?

    • Diane, thank you , it has made me cry again and I ‘ve thought that I’ve cried enough.
      I’m so happy I’m going for this trip, David loved the UK and I love David Cassidy.
      Diane , thank you.xxxx

      • Yes, I was there, Diane. David was fantastic that night. There was no a dry eye when he sang this song. I couldn´t stop crying because I thought that would be the last time I would be seeing David. Fortunatelly for me, I still had that chance other three times and even gOt to meet him at his Pre-Birthday Pary in London 2011.

        • Araceli
          It was so sad,and he sang it so beautifully and with such emotion it was incredibly moving. I’m so glad it wasn’t you last meeting with David -your “birthday hug” was a much happier experience and I enjoyed reading about it (wish it was my story!!!)

          All the same I can’t help but think we have missed the most incredible experience of hearing a concert of David singing all those wonderful songs from his childhood. He really knew how to connect with them. I listened to the recording with Matt +Gunnar Nelson this evening when David said how much his dad loved to sing with him when he was at home. It’s clear from the way he sings them that these songs must have brought him very special memories and connection, and I can’t wait to see the bio from A+E.

  105. Reading about the lovely tribute being made to celebrate David’s talent as a serious artist – the plaque proposed for the Phoenix Theatre in London where David starred in ‘Blood Brothers.’ Musical theatre is one of the hardest feats for any actor-performer and this celebrates a period in David’s life when he was taken seriously as an artist – added to this any extra monies made will go to Dementia charity, so this tribute to David’s life and talent couldn’t be more fitting. And the other important part of David’s life, his horses, is celebrated too at Saratoga. These are lovely tributes to him from fans, friends, and everyone who loved him.

    • But it’s seems there is still not enough money , I’ve read on the facebook.

      • Hopefully, this is because it has only just been set up, the same was said of David’s benches in Saratoga.

        • Also you can only donate if you are on Facebook already or join Facebook. They should have done it so that anyone could donate even if you are not on Facebook, then I think the amount would have been more by now. Another thing is that payday for most people working is not for until the end of the month and it will go up then.

  106. John your funny, David Cassidy fans, are nice people, who become friends, Felicia and I started the penpal, now we are real friends who will meet for the first time in Saratoga Springs N.Y., and you know what we never stop talking about David Cassidy. Growing up I always wanted a David Cassidy friend , now I have one special, and all the special fans here, your our friend also, so how’s going for you, David Cassidy brought us all together, good to see you post again.

  107. John the recipe for David, no sugar needed, he was the sweetest human being to meet.

    • Lovely post Denice!
      Hope you enjoyed some PF quality time yesterday! I have just bought a box set and now need to get a universal CD player now so I can play US dvds. Looking forward to reliving my youth!!!

  108. Hi everybody,
    On the @CassidyUnited twitter there is the petition Induct David Cassidy Into Rock&Roll Hall Of Fame (if there is someone who hasn’t done it yet) and also a template to print&fill – the personal letter to the President of the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame Fundation.

    • Morning All, (Good evening to the Aussies & Kiwis)

      I’ve signed the online one, and will now send the personal letter to the President of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Foundation.

      Let’s do everything we can to try and get this done.


  109. Hi Diane thank you for your reply .Kew gardens sounds a good idea for us to meet up ,that’s if it’s what other fans would like too. Yes you are right David was filmed at Kew gardens for daydreamer ,the film made for top of the pops with David wanderin g through Kew gardens 1973 . I am retired so l should be able to meet up any time . It would be lovely if it’s weather like this enjoy your day love Claudette x

    • The video/film for Top of the Pops for Daydreamer was not filmed in Kew Gardens. It was filmed in Syon Park around the house and gardens, this is on north side of River Thames, with Kew Gardens on the south side.

      • Thank you Doreen . I’ve checked photos and the place on-line and I add this place to must see during my trip.

        • Just had a look online. Yes the botanical house looks very familiar!!! Many thanks!

          • I think most people see the big glass building behind David in the film and the place that comes to mind is Kew Gardens as that one is the one everyone knows. At the time I think also the press may have been trying put the fans off the scent of where it was. I cannot remember how I found out it was Syon House, I just knew when I saw the film that it wasn’t Kew and then tried to find out where it was and i think it was my Mum that suggested Syon House and I think it was then when I saw pictures of the place that i could see that it was that house and either the Fan club at the time or the David Cassidy Magazine said it was there. Anyway glad to let you know, so that you don’t end up visiting the wrong place

          • Doreen , great story.I was in many London’s parks when I was there last year, but I’ve never heard about this one.
            And I won’t end walking Kew Gardens and singing “Daydreamer” to myself. I’ll do it in the right place!!

  110. So ladies…any advance on Syon House? Cambridge is pretty central for all counties mentioned thus far (even weronika if she can get a flight to stansted) but I feel a bit cheeky suggesting it coz that’s closest to me 😉

  111. Yes, I was at Hammersmith concert in 2008, Diane. David was fantastic that night. There was not a dry eye when he sang this song. I couldn´t stop crying because I thought that would be the last time I would be seeing David. Fortunatelly for me, I still had that chance other three times and even got to meet him at his Pre-Birthday Pary in London 2011.

  112. I don’t know if it was posted at the time, but the Children of Song podcast has a special encore of the Nelsons interviewing David right before his retirement. You can hear it until May 29.

  113. Hi Denice!
    Only 2 more days to go, and we will be on the
    road on our journey to Saratoga Springs to meet
    for the first time. And to meet all the fans as well.
    I especially look forward to us meeting Susan Cox.
    I promised a girl named Barb a church bulletin.
    The fans on Facebook have been so supportive.
    I got to get some sleep tonight. I am trying to
    process all my wonderful feelings. I have to
    concentrate on getting ready for the trip.
    See you in Saratoga Springs!

  114. Hi Felicia, I’m ready, let’s get to Saratoga, and sign off on being pen pals to real life friends, and let’s Celebrate David Cassidy’s life, with the honor he deserves and attend Mass, and David be celebrated during the Eucharist, and all fans are welcome to pray with us on May 19-18, between 5-6 p.m. You can also attend in thought. And Felicia let’s have a nice time and celebrate our friendship, I’m glad other David Cassidy fans are giving the friendship thing a try, why not were all David Cassidy fans, and brought together through our love for David Cassidy. That says it right there. And in these friendships talking about David really helps, you can just be yourself and a David Cassidy fan understands, David left a impact,which will continue to grow, rock and roll hall of fame, is saving the best for last, and who knows maybe David Cassidy deserves his own music museum. Felicia I will see you soon, and to all fans here, thanks for the friendships and sharing all you have about David Cassidy, and when I get to Saratoga,I’ll be sure to post. I’m so lifted knowing that effort was put into a memorial for David,with celebrations continuing, the benches are so honorable at a place he just loved.

    • Denice Kirth (Your Post) “…..and who knows maybe David Cassidy deserves his own music museum”

      If David’s family & friends are listening…yes, please.
      This is what fans want!! Please help us do it.

  115. Thinking of all of you going to Saratoga, it will be a moving experience for everyone.
    It will be lovely for you to meet other fans – we do all have a bond.
    Wishing you all a safe journey and remembering David with much love.

  116. So excited for you both. I have butterflies in my stomach, and I’m not the one going…..

  117. Deb M and Judy, thank you for your post, David Cassidy was it, we can say legend, Icon, and so much more, but the name David Cassidy, and the person he was, just is impossible for anyone else to ever cover the earth in the entertainment end, of his accomplishments, and his heart filled love and appreciation for his fans, now us fans want something big for him in his lasting memory and he just deserves it. If the rock and roll association can’t put David Cassidy in the museum, we all are lost for words, the guy, wrote, sang, played musical instruments, and crafted his musical career, for how many years, he was strong from the beginning to the end, that was David Cassidy, and the outfits he rocked and rolled in, come on, that’s museum entrance, and showcase material, and didn’t David write the hit, I write the songs, who judges this, don’t the fans have some say so, anyhow I’m ready for this trip, and thank you for all your kind words, I don’t know if I still got nerves left, or they will flare up when time to leave, this weekend belongs to David Cassidy, and Felicia can’t wait to meet, and just reflect on what David Cassidy really meant to our world, and everyone’s life.

    • Denice, Felicia , this weekend belongs to David Cassidy, and you are our ambassadors , I’m not sure if this is a proper word because you are much more – our fellow fans , our friends, because we are forever united . Our love for this one and only man – David Cassidy. We will be with you. I hope you will feel our support and our friendship.

  118. Big hug to you Denice and Felicia. Isn´t just wonderful the friendship David has always generated between his fans? This man is unique and very special and this weekend you are going to celebrate what he was, is and forever will. Have an amazing time. I will be there with you all in spirit.

  119. Thank you Weronika, David’s up there going all this fuss over me, yes, and many more yes’s , Felicia and I will keep each one of yous in our thoughts,I don’t know what we are but thank you for that most wonderful comment, I will keep in my mind and try not to burst into a big cloud of tears, and Arcelia hello to you, I will send you a hug from Saratoga, Hi Yvonne and Sian, getting close, I guess I’m ready and David Cassidy I just miss you, and I have a different feeling, I’m saying goodbye and hello to a legacy you left, and you left the most wonderful people your fans, and we are here forever.

    • Denice and Felicia you will be in our hearts and minds this weekend. Have a safe and joyful trip!

      Has anyone got a copy of the booklet “crazy over you and Saratoga”? I’ve seen it advertised but not seen any review yet. It’s a small 42 page tribute to David, and I understand that the bulk of the price is going towards Alzheimer’s charity in David’s name.
      I’d love to hear from anyone who has read it.

      • Hi Diane UK,

        One review on Amazon

        “5.0 out of 5 stars

        First tribute to honour Davids memory
        ByMiss T Wrighton 15 May 2018
        Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

        Fantastic I have always been a massive David Cassidy fan and are heartbroken over his passing. This is a fantastic tribute to him for his love of Saratoga, horses and his fans.
        Very touching made me cry but fantastic that the author Marlene Habib has written the first tibute for his fans, thank you.”

  120. Thanks Diane, I saw it to advertised, I wonder where to get it also, if I find out let you know, thanks for your support and wishing us safe and joy trip.

      • Hi Diane UK,

        One review on Amazon

        “5.0 out of 5 stars

        First tribute to honour Davids memory
        ByMiss T Wrighton 15 May 2018
        Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

        Fantastic I have always been a massive David Cassidy fan and are heartbroken over his passing. This is a fantastic tribute to him for his love of Saratoga, horses and his fans.
        Very touching made me cry but fantastic that the author Marlene Habib has written the first tibute for his fans, thank you.”

  121. Hi Adeola, yes will be watching the royal wedding and we also have just had Mother’s Day here. We all, on this site, are connected in our love for David. Wishing Denice and Felicia and everyone going to Saratoga all the best, I’ll be there in spirit and thinking of David. I would love to hear how the forthcoming meeting of David’s fans in England goes and how many fans were there, would love to be there too.

    Sydney, Australia

    • Morning Sandra
      Yes I do hope we can fix a meeting it would be fun!
      Feeling a little groggy this morning. Late to bed and then “right in the middle of a good dream” …..about 4am to be precise…my cat decided to bring home a field mouse to play with. Happy ending for Mickey as I managed to bribe him with peanut butter to jump into a jar so I could release him, but I couldn’t get back to sleep.. The kitty is in the dog house this morning but not acknowledging it!

      • Hi Diane,
        I just love English language – raining cats and dogs, curiosity killed the cat (Polish equivalent is rather gloomy – curiosity is the first step to Hell ),but I’ve never heard about this meaning of the dog house!
        Btw. I’ve always had dogs, never any single cat in my life, but my sister has 4 !

  122. Weronika do you have an idea of which day on your trip that you will go to Syon House? I’m wondering if we could attempt a mini meet up? No idea how to get there but …mere detail😁
    I can prob fix most any dates for that following week with advance notice 😉 think you are travelling 26th? Anyone else able to? Claudette? Judy? Claire? Everyone? Need to check opening times too!
    Not suggesting a flash mob descend on Syon but maybe nice for those interested who can make it to chat over a cuppa? Btw W do you know 28th is a holiday in England?

    • Diane, I’ll be in London 28th but I can’ t say the hour because there are many things in the programme but I ‘ve already seen most of them so it won’t be a problem to leave and go Syon House , I hope so. OMG that would be fantastic!!!

    • HI Diane

      I’d love to say a definite “Yes”, but not sure….
      Only because my hubby works weekends, and is usually off on Mondays/Tuesdays – and as its a Bank Holiday, he may not want our previous plans “scuppered”.

      But I will definitely try.

      • Weronika are you around any other days that week at all? Deb M,Claudette,Judy? All ideas/dates welcome!

        • Diane, maybe it’ll be the best to find a date most appropriate for the UK fans first, and not so fast, I mean, people work and it’s not so easy , you know to leave everything and go to London. Maybe we’ll wait when this plaque for the Phoenix Theatre will be ready?
          And it will be a great opportunity to meet , and find some good place to sit and talk. Because now on this trip I won’t be alone , but I’m a free, very lucky woman , I mean I don’t work and can come to London any time. It’s not easy to orginaize such a meeting but we don’t give up What do you think?

          • Dates are always tricky aren’t they?! Can’t do first week of June. 🙁 The idea the Phoenix plaque sounds good. It might give everyone a bit more time to sort some plans etc ? Or syon house a bit later? welcome all suggestions .
            We can do this!! Looks like a flash mob of at least 5 so far. Lol!….be so great to meet everyone!

        • Hi Diane I am flexible too ,I will go when it suits everyone.if everyone puts when they cannot go then we know what dates we are left with.syon house looks a lovely place to meet we have to make this happen looking forward to meeting you all

  123. Denice & Felicia: You’ll be in my thoughts. Have a beautiful time. Sian

  124. Thank you Sian, keep you updated, like you are there with us. David Cassidy is being honored, and we will all celebrate together, no matter which part of the world we live.

    • Awww, yes!! I remember reading this story and always thought how lucky girl she was. OMG, can you imagine David in your bedroom, even in a Santa dress? I wouldn´t mind at all 😉 🙂

    • Indeed. Lucky, Lucky girl.
      Shows what a “real” person he was… .I guess we, (ok, I mean “I”) am so used to putting him on a pedestal that I forget my heroes are ordinary human beings – and I mean ordinary in the nicest possible way! A person who eats and drinks, and stuffs a pillow under is jumper to be a convincing Santa.

      God bless him.

  125. Hi Diane I am flexible too ,I will go when it suits everyone.if everyone puts when they cannot go then we know what dates we are left with.syon house looks a lovely place to meet we have to make this happen looking forward to meeting you all

  126. David Cassidy you are making your history and legacy, alot more to add, Felicia and I are meeting tommorow for the first time, and we’re going to meet many more of your fans, and your fans in the U.K. are going to meet, and we’re all meeting to be friends and just keep talking about you David Cassidy. We will never let you go. This is about the nicest, way to honor you, who ever would of thought David Cassidy fans could all become real life friends. Now this takes on a whole new Chapter, in being a David Cassidy fan. And thers more to come, especially the way things are in the world, this is a great example of peace and love. David Cassidy brought happiness and when you heard David sing you felt happy, I think everyone is meeting halfway, and we can call ourselves, the happy fan club of David Cassidy.

    • Denice and Felicia, have a safe trip and a wonderful time at Saratoga Springs, keep all of us posted on the event (I’m sure you will), we’ll all be thinking of you and the wonderful tribute/dedication in David’s honor this weekend.

  127. I believe the documentary will bring poetic justice to a wonderful performer but most of all to a caring and thoughtful human being that enrich our lives with so many great memories for us to treasure through the years. So with that said, lets celebrate the man’s life and be grateful we were able to witness a truly great entertainer. Respectfully…Jimmy Pearl from Bayonne, New Jersey

    • Thanks for refocusing onto the talented kind man at the centre of this.

  128. Thanks Diane, love your post James, and your from Jersey , David’s original neck of the woods, glad you were a fan. David loved all his fans.

  129. Hi Diane. UK, I agree with what you said about us having missed what could have been, David doing concerts of the songs he would have recorded on “Songs My Father Taught Me”. It would have been a new chapter in his singing career and his voice would certainly have been suited to these types of songs. Also I enjoyed your comments about your cat and the mouse it caught. I don’t have a cat at the moment but have had them throughout my life and your story brought back some memories of them.

    Sydney, Australia

  130. This is such a hard day, maybe because so close to May 21st , and it still so hurts , can’t believe it will be 6 months next Monday. And maybe because it’s raining at last , I’m listening to the “Song For a Rainy Day (David Cassidy&Kim Carnes)
    “..Seems I always think about you
    Most of all on a rainy day”
    Today for me it’s not” the happy fan club of David Cassidy”

  131. Sooooo… I bought Could It Be Forever? My Story (David Cassidy), and just cant put it down.

    Over the years, he has said repeatedly, that during his teenage years was not squeaky clean etc etc – but boy, actually reading HIS OWN WORDS is well, just mind-blowing!

    I went to bed at 1 a.m. cause I just kept on reading chapter after chapter.

    Some great pics in the hardcover version of the book

    • Hi Deb, I just bought Could It Be Forever? too and have been reading it the past week, I’m almost finished, I would have finished it by now if my job wouldn’t keep getting in the way 🙂 Wow, a great book and pics, what an incredible life story, especially as told by David himself.

  132. Everyone going to Saratoga Springs this weekend,enjoy and treasure and remember because of the love we had for David we made this happen,as David would say Happy Trails to each and every one of you.

  133. Denice and Felicia,

    Today is the big day! I just know you are having a fantastic time. We’re looking forward to hearing all about the trip to Saratoga Springs!

  134. I arrived in Saratoga Springs. I am awaiting the
    arrival of my friend Denice. To all the fans who
    gave us so many well wishes on this trip,
    thank you. Hi Margaret, Saratoga Springs is
    such a beautiful town, I just love it!

  135. Great news I cant wait to see it I love David he is a legend and is legacy will live on forever

  136. Hi everyone i love reading all your posts.Denise
    Felicia and all the fans going to saratoga springs this weekend i will be thinking of all of you.I am sure it will be very emotional but i hope it brings comfort being in a favourite place David loved and was happy there.Please keep us up dated on you trip.

  137. To you all, thank you so much for keeping Felicia and I in your thoughts, we both made and had a quaint dinner at a pub, David would go, Felicia is such a nice understanding person, the drive was long, but God guided me right to the motel, so many people up here new David, and have kind words, this was it for David Cassidy, Saratoga Springs N.Y. is a town with style and history, race track horses, fun, and the people are very warm to talk to, there nice. It’s got a old fashioned approach, so glad I met Felicia, I even more happy now to he her friend, and to you all, thank you for all your encouragement I’m sure I’ll be back to tell you more. Can’t wait for the special, his legacy really tells the story , this special will not let us down.I must get some sleep. But we really are here.

    • Felicia, Denice , thank you for your posts.
      Saratoga Springs N.Y. , already a special place for every David Cassidy fan.
      Great you’ve made it and you are there.
      As everybody said -our thoughts are with you.

    • Hi Denice
      We are all with you and Felicia in spirit. Looking forward to your next post!! Hope you are rested after your trip and ready for the weekend. May the Sun shine on you and all Cassidy fans this weekend!

    • Glad you made it there with no trouble and that you are having a great time.

  138. Hi Diane ,
    They got 655 pounds , so still 345 to rise .You can only donate when you are on Facebook.
    Deb , thank you once again.

  139. Hi all you DC lovers, got a lot to say but not much time to do it as I’m in the midst of Harry & Meghan fever! Also, so excited about Saratoga too, & can’t wait to hear about it.
    Weronika, send our love to your mum from the UK.
    Sandra, this morning on sky news there was a link up to two female authors in Sydney who had written a book which contained a contribution from Meghan, & I thought oh my mate Sandra is somewhere near there. Have had the telly on most of the day with coverage from Windsor & it’s really buzzing. An Australian lady arrived in the UK yesterday (Thursday), & is flying back on Monday ! She came especially, how committed is that!
    Have just finished watching Harry & William meeting the people in Windsor High St, & thinking how lovely they are just like their mum & DC.
    Weronika, you must be excited about your trip, I advise you too keep a diary of the trip if you can for the future. I wish I had written down an account of the 3 times I saw DC, as I can only remember snippets now.
    Does anybody know when DC’s plaque at the Phoenix Theatre will be unveiled? This could be a date when we could all meet up. As Weronika has said i think planning a date with some time in advance will be better so everyone has plenty of time to get time off etc., & to plan for the trip.
    Araceli has said that she misses travelling to the UK to see DC, I’m sure she would come & i would love to meet her too. Weronika, i know would come too, but it’s best if we plan it properly, so people coming from afar can book flights, hotels etc.
    Another day that i am thinking of is the one year anniversary of DC’s passing. I want to be around people who will understand on that day, as i know i won’t be in a good place on that day!
    Anyway, please all you DC lovers post what you think about the idea. Whether it’s going to be in East Anglia, London or wherever. Also, DC lovers who have not posted before but who live in East Anglia & surroundings & are interested in meeting up, please post. I will be really intrigued to find out if there are fans who live near me in Beccles, Suffolk.
    Feeling happy ’cause of the Royal Wedding, & thinking of all those at Saratoga at the moment, all because of David. He really is special bringing people together like this, it’s all because of you David, one in a million. I hope i get to meet UK & European fans too!
    Love to you all worldwide from the UK, enjoy the wedding tomorrow. Adeola.

  140. Hi Adeola, that would be really nice to attend the plaque event at Phoenix Theatre. I can try and make it. People can still donate until June but I think they had not a date for the unveling day yet… Enjoy your Royal wedding tomorrow.
    Denice, Felicia, how great to hear from you both and know you are having a great time. Please, keep us update.
    Hugs to you all from Spain ♥

  141. Deb,Weronika, Diane, Arcelia, And to all David’s fans reading this, Saratoga Springs is beautiful, Felicia and I and my friend Michael really like it here, yes I got the newspaper in my hand Saratoga today, WHAT A FANTASTIC, article , how could this be he had to leave us, that part still has a hurting, but back to the article, I have not met Susan Samantha Cox yet, she did so much to make this. Happen in David’s honor, especially at a town and the racetrack he could enjoy and just be David Cassidy, and I’m grateful to be here, and just take it all in. In my mind I must of done something right, and David Cassidy did everything right , I picked a favorite star, and so did we all, the same one, David Cassidy you never let us down, we just miss you so much. Felicia and I really like it here, and our friendship is going great, like something I can’t explain, so when you all met up in the U.K. I hope it goes wonderful for you all. I never imagined David Cassidy fans, could become friends, David never knew how this possibility was becoming reality, and in all reality if you have a David Cassidy friend, so nice to share the memories of David. Tommorow is David’s blessing at church, Felicia and I would love fans to attend, St Peters Church, five p.m. or just remember David with a silent pray.

    • Thank you Denise & Felicia. It’s great to read all about your trip. Feel like WE too are there with you all.

      Yes, we are all geared up for the royal wedding.

      I will be remembering David at mass tomorrow (6pm UK time), and I will join you in prayer from 5pm US Eastern time.

      God bless all you both, and DC fans who will be at Saratoga Springs this weekend. I feel so emotional seeing the plaque on that bench, in the newspaper clipping.


    • Hi Denise and all your friends in Saratoga Springs. Thanks for updating us on how the visit’s been for you so far. I’m so happy to hear of the new friendships being made. And thanks for the telling us about the church blessing for David. I hope the whole weekend proves to be a blessing for you all as well.

  142. Thank you Lyn, yes today was a nice day, getting close to met other David Cassidy fans. David fans were always dedicated.

  143. Hi Adeola,
    It seems May19th is going to be a day to remember.
    David Cassidy. The plaque on the bench – beautiful and so heartbreaking.

    The wedding. Thanks for the best wishes for my mum. Everything is ready, an armchair, sth to eat and drink (strawberries and champagne – my mother is amazing,) even if her fav are really Kate&William and their 3 children .I’ve just read that M&H Royal titles could be Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Wow!

    Yes , I’m excited and preparing. Physically – I pull my poor dog every day for very long walks to the forest , and I’m reading a lot. And really someone should write a book , a kind of tourist guide -David Cassidy in the UK , there are so many fantasiic fan’s stories, newspaper’s articles, interviews , photos. It would be fascinaiting to read, a real guide for fans and also a kind of love story because of this special bond between David and his UK’s fans

    But today it’s Saratoga , remembering David Cassidy
    Weronika xxx

  144. Thank you Denice and Felicia… how wonderful you finally met each other. Yes, meeting other David´s fans are really beautiful. I feel so blessed I´ve met a lot of them during my UK trips.
    I will go to the church this evening and will ofer the mass for David.
    Please, keep us updated.
    Hugs to all ♥

  145. Enjoyed watching the Royal wedding this morning and afternoon.

    Everything was very beautiful.. Meghan’s dress, the flowers, the music, the church, the page-boys & flower-girls.
    Wonderful prayers & captivating sermon.
    Harry & Meghan seem very much in love; May the always remain that way.

    Attended mass at 6pm and said special prayers for David.

    Denise & Felicia & all DC fans: hope it’s turning out to be a fantastic weekend for you all.

    • Yes it was really beautiful (the weather too) Even I ( an old cynic) thought – maybe this one love could be forever?
      Wish I was in Saratoga Springs too…

    • It struck me how calm and confident Meghan appeared to be during her wedding that was watched by millions. I know she’s an actress, but she had nerves of steel!

  146. Whist waiting for the next post from Saratoga have been replaying Timms radio and found the most amazing track I don’t remember hearing: can’t get next to you. Check it out if you haven’t …It’s a little way into this clip…

    I expect everyone else knows it already,
    But can anyone tell me which album this is on. Timm said it was then and now, but not according to the discography on this site. Would love to hear from anyone who can tell me more please!!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!xx

    • Hi Diane
      This track was never released. I believe Craig worked on this with David as I was able to get it many years ago from Craig’s web site. Hope this info helps. Take care Gary

      • Hi Gary
        Thanks so much for the info. I think its an amazing version, and a great showcase for David’s voice. It’s my new favourite! I will investigate and hope its still available on Craig’s site. I love the song -I think it was a hit for the temptations back in the day. I so would love to get a copy of it.

      • Yvonne
        No way! I can’t believe I’ve missed it. Many thanks! I’m off to investigate. Couldn’t find it on Craig’s site 🙁

      • Yvonne
        can you point me to where on the site pls? I’ve scrolled thru the music tab but can’t seem to find it?

  147. Today, been raining all day here in Saratoga, we got umbrellas, had a nice late morning and nice lunch, Felicia and I will soon be a church, may David be blessed, and we all prayed together, David Cassidy fans have a heart and soul. And tommorow is David’s Day also. Thank you to you all, it is nice and fun here, and for just meeting Felicia we are having a great time.

    • Will be thinking of you for the next two hours or so… Denice & Felicia & Michael. Quiet hugs. Sian

    • Thank you Denice for sharing with us all. – I really appreciate you taking time out to stay in touch as you must have lots of stuff going on and people to meet.. Saw Araceli’s post about the DJ party and I am soo envious!!! I know you will have an amazing time. I will be thinking of you all, and of David of course, tomorrow at the mass. It’s going to be an amazing day! Sweet dreams……!

    • I’m watching the Preakness, thinking of David. It’s wet here in Florida too.

  148. It was raining this afternoon/evening here too. I attended the mass, prayed for David and burned some candles. And cried… 🙁 🙁

    Thinking of you all at Saratoga 😘

  149. Hi Denice and Felicia,thinking about you both,have a great time tomorrow “It Davids Day”and he so deserves this,looking forward to all the great stories both of you will have to tell us.

  150. This is to each one of you who just posted to me and Felicia, and Sian thank you for including Michael, Michael got to be part of a special early celebration of David. On the way to mass, we met Maria, and she came for the mass and sat with us, and David’s name was mentioned during the Eucharist, I started to tear up badly, and than it stopped and a peace came over me. What a beautiful mass, today was special all over, the royal wedding, no matter where you were today and despite the rain, it was a day to remember, back to mass, a lady I met at a yard sale, came to the mass, I invited her, and she said hello afterwards, so nice, And than there were other David Cassidy fans, and just the most wonderful welcoming, and they invited us to attend dinner, at a restaurant about hour away, o no Felicia and I , got so lucky Marie drove us there and back, and we such a gracious celebration of David’s life, with some who had a inner connection to David. And David often went to this restraunt, and I also met a waiter who was a server for David during a occasion. To sum up: all the customers in the restraunt ,some joined in with questions and smiles and said that’s exciting the way we all met up, I had a wonderful evening with my friend Felicia and Michael, and David Cassidy fans really are a family, when you can sit at a table with people for the first time, and eat together and talk and laugh and share a missing David, thought, you know David Cassidy made a improvement and a impression in the world, and we will continue to spread David’s love, and Marie shared her story, she said he was nice to here at the Saratoga Racetrack. I must get rest, tommorow is the bench ceremony, Saratoga Springs is a very special enchanting city, where David Cassidy, left a remembrance with the people here.

    • Denice,
      Thank you. While I was reading just felt like being there. I’ve seen a lot of pictures of Saratoga on-line, it’s a beautiful place.
      Thank you for let us know how this special day looked like.
      Love to you Denice, Felicia, Michael and every David’s fan.

    • Thank you for sharing some special things that happened. Thinking of you at Saratoga today. Sian

    • Wow. Things are falling into place for you. I bet you felt just a little closer to David, being where he’d been and talking to people he knew. How special.

  151. I got some rest, and just thinking about yesterday, David Cassidy has the most caring fans all over the world, I think a mark in entertainment history has been made. David spread happiness, made people happy, and this day today now is David special day, got two benches at Saratoga Springs N.Y. revealed for viewing, at the courtyard , by the racetrack he loved. Generations to come will hear the David Cassidy story, David impacted us all, there was so much to love about him, And we the fans showed David Cassidy what he meant to us, let Saratoga be just the beginning of the celebrations for David, David really needs his own museum, David could fill his own history book, and you know the David Cassidy story is a great story like David Cassidy himself, a great loving person who I’m glad was part of all the lives he enlightend. David maybe you will peak through the clouds today, and see your benches and us fans gathered in your memory.

  152. Thank you Denise,
    We eagerly await your write-up about your experiences today at the unveiling of the DC benches.

    I feel sure that ALL David’s fans would welcome a museum dedicated to him.and his life & works.
    May his family and friends have the courage to embark on this idea and make it happen. I know that dedicated fans would do their part to make this a reality.

    May you, Felicia, Michael, Marie and all the new friends you have made this weekend have a blessed day.
    We (the rest of the David Cassidy.com family), wish you all courage, strength and joy today.

    • Thanks Deb
      So true. Denice I hope the Sun is shining on you all in Saratoga today, and thank you so much for taking time to share it with fans across the world. It’s a joy to read. Have a fabulous evening too!

  153. Awww, I just love your exciting review about yesterday!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was reading and remembering the first time I travelled to Manchester and met some lovely fans (Jane, webmaster, included). I had ever been so happy sharing the most beautiful time ever with them.
    Enjoy today too, though I am sure you will.
    Big hugs to you all 😘😘

    • Manchester, my wonderful City where David appeared many times once donning the football shirt of Manchester City FC whilst performing, went further up in my estimation.

    • What a pity I won’t be in Manchester during my trip. David’s last UK concert in 1974 (May28th) , and many, many more. Also place so important for music – 10cc , Hollies , Herman’s Hermits , Davy Jones (David’s good friend) , Joy Division, New Order …
      And for football of course.

  154. Thank you Denise and Felicia for keeping us up to date with your trip . Thinking of you both and other fans in Saratoga springs. I had a quiet prayer for david with some candles but could not help but shed some te..ars. I am thinking about the unveiling of the benches , maybe we can see some pictures . I wanted to make a donation to the plaque at Phoenix theatre but I am not on Facebook. But meeting up at the Phoenix theatre sounds good, and also adeola had a good idea to meet on David’s first anniversary of his passing . I am so glad to have this website and such good support from lovely fans look forward to meeting you all some day big hugs and love Claudette xx

  155. Hi Diana,

    My “A Touch Of Blue” CD (+bonus cd) was delivered yesterday.
    Thanks for the tip to get it on Amazon.
    Already playing it in my car today. Bliss!

    • Love that CD.
      Remember buying it on the first day of release and felt like a teenager again as I went to the counter to pay!

    • Hi Deb
      Great news! It’s a great album , tho whenever I hear Song for You and the line “when my life is over…” it always makes my heart skip a beat and tears me up a little bit more. It seems to lie in ambush just when you think it can’t happen any more!
      It’s been great to follow Denice Felicia Michael and everyone at Saratoga springs. I hope we can all meet for the plaque in London if not before. It would be marvellous to meet other fans.

  156. Hi all, am writing this on what is DC’s day in Saratoga.
    What a lot of tears have been shed by us lot this past April & May. The wedding yesterday, Weronika & Mum did you enjoy it? Cried when watching Harry & Wills watching Diana’s sister do the reading, cried again watching Doria hold back her tears. They should have got somebody to sit next to her in the chapel. As for the happy couple, gorgeous. I think Meghan’s dress that she wore to the evening do was absolutely exquisite, & the James Bond car, wow! I actually enjoyed Harry & Meghan’s wedding etc., more than Will & Kate’s (although i love them all). Even bought two different Sunday newspapers today as mementoes of the event. But terribly sad that Diana, David are not here. I know they both will be terribly proud of what has been going on ’cause of them in Windsor & Saratoga.
    Weronika, have a nice trip in the UK, when you get back & you have a bit more time we can all arrange about meeting up. Claudette agrees that meeting up on DC’s first painful anniversary is a good idea. Araceli who has often flown to the UK will be good for advising you & anyone else coming from Europe on the best flights etc., depending on where we will all meet up. Seems also the weather will be good over here for your trip.
    Hi Claudette, Araceli & many others hope to meet you all in the near future.
    Love Adeola.💛💜

    • Hi Adeola and Diane and Deb M and Claudette and Judy A. and all UK fans .
      I have 2 propositions
      August 25th(Saturday) or November 17th (Saturday) because November 21st is in the middle of the week.

      You know we should talk about dates because if we’ll manage to agree and fix the date it will be this first (VERY IMPORTANT) step I’ve checked my flights and my commitments and for me these dates are ok.(I must buy tickets in advance) But it’s just an opening , I mean everybody should think and say what date will be the best . And I think London is the place to meet (Syon Park, Phoenix Theatre etc.) And what about you Araceli? And fans from Scotland? What do you think ?? It will be great to meet.
      Let’s try!

      • Hi weronika
        I can do either date, but may be warmer in August perhaps? 😁

        • Yes , that’s for sure . I think August is better . Let’s see what others think , wait a couple of days , and than we’ll decide.

  157. Hi Weronika and all fans around the world.

    Yes, it would be lovely to meet all of you. I agree, London is the best place to do that (besides, I met David there at Novotel Hotel, fantastic memories, that´s for sure!!)
    I really hope we can make it someday.

    P.S.- Great CD, Deb… And that song really does for me too Diane, especially now that David is not here with us… But I just adore that part: “I love you in a place where there´s not space or time”. Because that´s excactly the way I love him. No space or time can do I stop loving my David… As a graphic I made some months ago: “Love is stronger than death”

    Forever in heart, sweet man ♥

    • Thanks so much for posting this Araceli! It’s a lovely setting for the benches. Susan Cox is awesome!

    • Thank you Araceli such a perfect setting for Davids benches in a place he loved.It was so good to see the video but it made me cry. 6 months today from our beloved David passed away it still hurts. Thanks also to Susan Cox.
      Isabel N.I.

    • thank you araceli, very nice to see the bench, and very sad david is not with us today, a very poignant moment when i saw it, brought tears to my eyes.

  158. Thanks Araceli.
    Makes us feel included in today’s event at Saratoga Springs racecourse HOF.

    Three cheers for Susan Cox.

  159. Thank you Araceli for posting the link from Saratoga Springs, helps make those of us who couldn’t attend today’s event feel that we’re a part of David’s day. Thank you Susan Cox for making this all possible.

  160. I will be recording it and also burning it onto DVD. Show will have all commercials and be exactly as shown. (as long as cable does not go out). May have to list a few later.

  161. Today was a memorable day, with all thoughts going to David, Myself, Felicia, and Michael, got to the museum, and we went right to the courtyard, we were first, and I just took a moment to stare at the two benches, and the beauty of the courtyard, a beautiful setting with a horse statue in view of the benches, and a landscape to admire. The museum had another quality all of its own. I wanted my day to be a happy day to David, and it was his day, and maybe just the start on what’s next for David, I had excitement of meeting all the fans coming to the museum, and I met Susan Cox, she made today for us to remember, what a tribute, and a treat of all she did. I was happy to be there, and I met Marlene Habib, I got her book, I love the book, she captured Saratoga and David, with perfection, and yes color photos, and thers so much more to love about the book, I can’t tell you everything, you have to get your own, and I met her friend Ingrid, who was so nice, I never expected to meet so many fans, and just have a great time, but I did. And than the celebration afterwards was a very special memory of the event, all us fans gathered, just beautiful tributes to David. And special guest,was there to talk about David, I hope you all can see this on facebook, just a very special day for David. Felicia and I have a great friendship, my friend Michael got very sad at the end, he does not want to go home in the morning. He wanted to stay longer, he had fun in Saratoga, and is now a official fan of David Cassidy, and I here him talking to people about David, and he was overly excited for this weekend, all the fans I’m glad we met, and I’m happy for more fans in the near future meeting up, and talking cherished David Cassidy memories, and today my David Cassidy scarpebook has a new meaning of could it be forever. Thank you again Susan Cox, for this day.

    • Thanks Denice much appreciated,and lots of different things for David are starting to fall into place.Felicia and yourself safe journey home,and can’t wat to hear both your stories lots of love Yvonne.

    • Hi Denise

      Thank you for your write-up of the day. It means so much to those of us who are living vicariously through you and all who were there..

      Hope you don’t mind if I ask who the special guest at the evening event was?
      Do you know if anyone videoed the event?

  162. Thanks Arcelia for the link, I’m at the end,kinda,Susan was doing a fabulous talk about today. I waived and had black sun glasses on, Michael and Felicia, I don’t know where they were, everything was just so amazing, so wonderful all of this can be shared and I enjoyed watching, and reliving that beautiful part of today. I could just imagine the smile up in heaven, David Cassidy your day today was a celebration and a huge outpour of love for you.

    • Thank you, Denice . Thank you Araceli . It was such a special day. Difficult to describe my feelings. As Araceli said and we must believe in it “Love is stronger than death.”

    • Thank you Denice for your heart-warming descriptions of the day, the appreciation for David, and the growing friendships between fans. Wonderful!

    • It was interesting to hear that Susan is talking to a Broadway theatre, and I’ve also seen something about a posthumous Hollywood star. There was also mention of naming a race at Saratoga in memory of David. That would be so cool. It’s encouraging to see these recognitions proposed. I do so hope they all come to fruition. I have ordered the Saratoga booklet – which is donating to David’s main charities . I’m looking forward to seeing it after Denices brief description.
      Denice so great to hear your reports! Can you tell us more about the evening …when you have time(please). Who was the surprise guest? Thought I heard someone mention Timm McCoy being there? Maybe I misunderstood?
      Wishing you all a safe journey home!

      • I ‘m feeling sad today, being the 21st. and 6 months have passed already.
        I have the same sort of feeling like when my late Mum-in-law passed away.. a feeling of “how dare time keep ticking over” while we are in so much pain from the loss.

        A posthumous Hollywood star and a race named in memory of David at Saratoga would be just great. I believe the Hollywood stars are $30k, and that is quite a substantial amount to raise.

        As many people who can meet up together would be great.; Very much looking forward to seeing this happen. Annual meet-ups will also be very very cool.

  163. Awwwwwe, how lovely to hear from you Denice!! I am so happy you enjoyed that special event. David would sure was smiling up above feeling our love for him.

    So very nice place for setting the benchs and how wonderful it would be if they finally name a racehorses in Memory of David. Gosh, still so hard to write, read or say: In Memory… 😔

    Six months today and this sad feeling is still here and will forever be, I know that.

    David, our unique beautiful sexy talented man, we love you 💝

  164. Hi Adeola ,Weronika ,Judy Diane ,Araceli and all DC fans .thinking about it August 25th would be better weather wise .Syon park is nice for summer or Phoenix theatre I do not mind. Have a good trip weronika , I will be thinking of you .thanks Araceli for for link of the bench ,but made me feel sad it’s 6 months today love Claudette xx😔❤

    • Hi Claudette,
      Thank you for your wishes , it will be great time , even if today I feel sad , like everybody , and even if I know that David Cassidy will live forever in our hearts and I’m sure that he will be honored and his legacy will be appreciated. I know all these ,but it’s not a big help today.

      I think that August 25 th would be ok – we could also see Dominion Theatre , Royal Albert Hall , Wembley Arena Pavilion ,Novotel Hotel…We will talk.what we could do for David’s memory,.and tell people about David .( I do this all the time ) I’m sure it will be fantastic day –
      our 1st meeting, a kind of 1st London David Cassidy Day (why not?)

  165. Hi everyone! Some good ideas y’all are thinking of doing in memory of David. I hope
    it all comes together. It feels almost like we lost a family member. You don’t just forget the first guy who made you say “boys? I like!” You know what I mean. He did take a piece of many hearts with him. Y’all take care and God bless.

    • Hi Debbie
      I hope so too. Maybe some things just take a longer run up.
      Know what you are saying about the first love,but omg didn’t he set the bar high and sustain it?! For one guy to have such amazing looks, unique voice, creative talents AND the personality – its a rare combination. No matter what they say about the early days and fanzine manipulation of fans, I look at David in his 40s,50s and 60s, and I have to say he was one really sassy talented dude with THE most amazing capacity to connect to his audience. He just kept getting better when you’d think it wasn’t possible. I’m so sad he never got to finish his jazzes project.

      For me, the fact he was so cute when younger is now pure bonus , and I’m the lucky one to have lived it, tho I do carry some guilt for the troubles it caused him. i truly idolized the younger model, but maybe now I’m older i can better appreciate the more mature guy in so many more subtler levels and it feels more real,more authentic, and I wonder if perhaps thats why the tragedy of it cuts so very deep. There can never be another!

      • I don’t go along with the idea that we young fans were just manipulated. I think the connection was direct. You hear this about the public with politicians, too. Some personalities are definitely very charismatic and powerfully influential but we should all be given a little more credit… There are several reasons that David was dismissed as a “teen idol”. Luckily – you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Sian

  166. Will never forget our beloved David. Still miss him so much and his input on his website. He certainly was unique and so so talented. Never will there be anyone quite like him. He was simply the best. Love to all his fans and Jane.
    Sheila (Scotland) x

  167. Six months ago today,our world fell apart and no one has shown respect in the music industry apart from Timm McCoy which we truly appreciate thank you Timm.But us fans have done our own thing and it’s worked long may it continue .You will never be forgotten and as long as this website keeps going we will share stories,make new friends,which I am sure you would find fascinating love you forever “King Of Our Hearts”❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  168. Proud to see David on Utube saying some of the UK horse races have jumps too high, and they should be lowered for the horses safety. Incidentally, David was interested in horses generally, not just race horses! Although, of course, he was very knowledgeable about thoroughbred racehorses and their breeding to the extent it was his alternative career. David’s benches look beautiful at Saratoga, overlooking the horse sculpture of Secretariat.

  169. David became interested in horses at an early age, 12/13, when he was sent to a boarding school with an attached riding stables. He proved to be a very good rider, winning a shalom race, weaving in and out of poles, on a pony called Blue Ribbon. Maybe this is what set off David’s passion for horse racing and the money he raised for retired race horses.

    • And he loved all animals and animals loved and trusted him. So many beautiful David’s photos with dogs, cats, horses, koalas, kangaroos..
      And this beautiful song he wrote for his departed dog friend Ricky ..

  170. I have just received the book David Cassidy crazy over you in Saratoga, it has a photo of David’s bench in it and makes a nice tribute and lovely souvenir to treasure . I am also in the middle of David’s book could it be forever

  171. Hi Diane in UK!
    I don’t do much social media. However, since David passed, I’ve been doing some. It’s nice to know others feel the same way. He had the whole package –
    talent, looks and most of all, heart. No, there will never be another like him. It really makes me sad and frustrated.his talent was never recognized as it should have been.
    He lit up the stage. You can see it on his face. He loved what he did. That in itself is a blessing. Always loved and missed, may dear David rest in peace.

  172. Thank you Denice for letting us know how it was in Saratoga, and seeing David’s benches. What an honour to be there, and glad you all had such a great time .Did you go to the evening event where 2 hours of David’s music was played?And thank you Araceli for posting the video at Saratoga, I was in tears watching it, and Susan Cox for making this event possible. Six months since David passed away and am still feeling sad, and also that the entertainment industry has not honoured him as he should be, except for Timm McCoy, as Yvonne said, which is truly appreciated. I agree with you Diane.UK, he was not just a pretty face but was the whole package and connected with his fans like no other. You could just feel the love he had for the fans and vice versa during his concerts, he just loved performing. And yes, I’ve always thought too that his talent and looks were a bonus adding to the genuine, kind person that he was.

    Sydney, Australia

  173. Also – personally, I wouldn’t wish to see the documentary even if it were shown in the UK, however, I have listened to one recording David did manage to complete towards ‘Songs My Father Taught Me,’ – ‘Sweet Little Angel,’ and it is a tribute to David’s willpower and courage he did this simultaneously playing guitar and singing very well.

  174. Thank you all for your posts, I hope I could make you feel like you were there in Saratoga, I’m home safe just reflecting on the whole experience and what David Cassidy meant to Saratoga N.Y. I got to met my friend Felicia, for the first time, we got along fantastic, FELICIA is the nicest lady, she treats people with compassion and care, and she is fun to hang out with, and she will always be my David Cassidy friend for life. And we got to celebrate David Cassidy. The bench ceremony was soothing to the pain of losing David. One of the nicest places for the bench in the beautiful courtyard. And we had peaks of sun,on and off, David could of been looking through the clouds. Susan Cox, words of thank you are not enough to thank you for what you are doing for David Cassidy, and what you have done for us in Saratoga, Susan made a celebration for David Cassidy a memorable memory with more to come. Susan is a very caring person who has a very beautiful David Cassidy story of her own. The article in last Thursday paper: Saratoga today, says it all, Thank you again to Susan and all who helped to make Saratoga, a place in history for David Cassidy, And a thank you to all the nice people I met in Saratoga Springs N.Y. The event after the museum, was fun, went down memory lane with David Cassidy, the special guest was Jerry , and his wife, Really two special guests, David stayed with them often, Jerry told some funny David Cassidy story’s ,glad to hear David’s happy times he had with his friends. And David’s band going to be back out playing for us, And there will be charities, to benefit retired horses, I love , love that part, David loved all horses, I hope each race horse can retire and live happily ever after thanks to David. And get the book, by Marlene Habib, I enjoyed meeting and talking with her, and there are beautiful color pictures, and like I said earlier David and Saratoga go together perfect and it’s all in the book, thank you Marlene. And I close by saying David being celebrated at Mass on Saturday,during the Eucharist, was what I and Felicia wanted to do, and I’m glad she asked me to go to church, And we included David, and thank you to all the fans who came, and all you fans who attended in thought, And I thank God for the safe wonderful trip, and for my friend Felicia, and I thank God he gave us David Cassidy in our lifetime.

    • Denice, thank you, you really made me feel like I was there. Thanks that you’ve written so fast being tired and moved by these amazing days.
      Susan Cox, so wonderful, caring and brave person.
      Is Jerry Dr Bilinski ? I’ve read about him and his friendship with David Cassidy
      And you and Felicia , thank you once again for being there while we fans attended in thought.
      Hope maybe I’ll go there one day and see this place so special for David.

    • Dear Denice
      I have loved reading every intrepid post from your trip. It really made us feel included,so many thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings . It’s been pure joy, tinged with regret for not being there too! . Its been a wonderful weekend and I hope its just the beginning, as Susan said.

      I like that the guest was Jerry Belinskia good friend,and someone who clearly respected and honoured David, and who David respected in return. Can you tell us more about David’s band and where / how you heard the info about them playing ? I’m really curious as to what they have in mind. They play so well together.

      • Grrr! kindle spellchecker!!
        Apologies to Dr Belinski and Weronika for incorrect spelling!

        • No problem Diane so nice always to read your posts. Take care xxx

  175. Jane this post is for you: Years ago I would often check in and just read your website, I always enjoyed how crafted and the outlook on my end was grasping and pulled my eyes to find what was happening with David and his music and career. And I would read the posts from his fans, I got mad at myself for not having the courage and knowledge to learn how to be there. So I crashed course to get here, and from learning how to be on David Cassidy Website opened doors for me. I might be getting to the two year mark. David Cassidy has the best fans, this is not silly, or crazy, this is just the beginning of what David Cassidy did for us, out of our love for him, beautiful friendships and groups of fans have come together. We did C om on and get happy. We reached out to one another, David I hope you get your museum and so much more, Jane FOREVER GRATEFUL to you, you kept the most wonderful website with a beginning and I won’t say end, we’re keeping David Cassidy legacy and we just begun. Jane Love from Cle , and I just can’t say thank you enough to you. For EVERYTHING.

  176. Thank you Weronika, I want to wish you the best vacation, and have a happy joy fun trip.

  177. Please, please please, to ALL DC fans. Yesterday, we saw a new add for the documentary. Parts they did not show before. I will post it on my FB page so you have a place to go. Under the name Jocelyne M Bouthillette. It shows how sick David was. It is really heart wrenching the fans on Facebook started to write to A&E to complain about it. It is not just about David recording. It shows David being sick, even going in the hospital really weak and someone holding him so he do not fall. You see him crying. I have wrote to A&E and since I worked in the movie and tv industry I know they still have time to edit it. Please join us and write to A&E NOT to air David in his most vulnerable and last moments. It is despicable! We don’t need to see that. We know David was sick. No need to rub it in our face. If you want to watch it, do it at your own perils. Cause it will be traumatizing. I am NOT watching it unless A&E said it took those parts off. We really have started a small movement but need as much fans as possible to write to A&E Please, we need your help. Than you! xo

    • I’ve just watched this new add via David Cassidy facebook. I’m speechless, I ‘ve never thought it would be sth like it. David in such a pain, crying , so weak. And Danny Bonaduce in it. I just can’t find words. I’m writing just now

  178. I have seen this new add too. Heartbreaking , it was like living again that nightmare we had six months ago when David left us. It was a horrible thing to watch.
    OMG, my poor David!! Please, give him the rest he does deserve!!!

    • He so does Araceli! The documentary clips really bring home how ill he was and it must have been a blessing to him to be called home. No more pain and suffering. Until now I have been wrestling with my own selfish “wants” ,but to see him suffer like that has filled me with nothing but compassion for such a courageous and beautiful man. I could wish it were so very different, but I couldn’t wish him to continue to suffer like that. God bless and rest his beautiful soul!

  179. Thank you for your post, dear Denice. And so glad to finally put a face to your name.
    Now get some relax and enjoy re-living such wonderful time at Saratoga.
    Take care
    Hugs ♥

    • Before I saw today’s posts, and found the new trailer,i replayed the original trailer last evening,and in doing so noticed that David had a huge dressing and what seemed a large bruise on his hand, but still he is playing the guitar and smiling at the camera, even tho it must have been painful. It looked like a bruise from a pic line. I guessed then that he had been far more ill than we had realised in his last few months. But that smile was still there. The love for the music, The same grit and determination he has always shown. It wrung my heart,but it made me respect and love the man, the frail human being, all the more.

      This is a complex ethical case. We have always known it wouldn’t be an easy watch. David has always been extremely open and honest with fans. He always wanted to be authentic. He would know when they are filming. He seems very lucid in the admittedly brief clips I saw. Having said that there is a question of dignity and whether at times he was in pain such that he was not able to voice dissent.

      This documentary I’d understood to be about the making of his final project. He clearly showed huge amount of grit and determination to try to complete it. There should be other opportunities to celebrate the wonderful talents and loving and considerate person that we all love. I hope A+E use the other 2 hours they had planned,to do just that.

      However, if he had consented to this, and wanted it shown – bear in mind he previously did Dr Phil, Piers Morgan, and the doctors. It suggests he wanted people to know about this. I don’t know,I may be quite wrong, but if he wanted this to be shown, then I feel almost a duty to watch it ,because its not about making me feel better, its about David being brave, open and honest, in his struggle to achieve a lasting tribute to his father. I would see it as a privilege that he offered to share this with the world…if he did.
      This isn’t different to visiting a friend or relative when incredibly ill. If a friend was dying of cancer and wanted your company – would you not go just because it was upsetting to see them so ill?

      I fully understand that some people may not feel able at present to view this, and may be disappointed by the program. I’m not saying its easy. But let’s be clear this is a documentary. It’s David’s truth. I would hope that the production team will treat this sensitively,as was hinted by the “brief flame” originally.
      I for one would prefer to see the unsanitised version of the documentary. If A+E have overstepped boundaries there will be recourse. I want to give benefit of doubt at this point.

      I’m very sorry if this view upsets anyone. It isn’t intended to, or to be divisive, but it is my honest and considered view, and I’m sorry if anyone feels offended by it.
      I hope this won’t be a divisive matter. Part of David’s legacy has been the friendship and community we have in this forum, and whenever 2 or more cassidy fans meet. We will still value that sense of fellowship I hope.

      • I won’t have the opportunity to see it this time around but I’m more or less with you on this – provided the maker’s motive isn’t sensationalistic or gratuitous. Obviously, it sounds like it’s going to be tough to watch… I wonder if David’s family feel hesitant or worse… Sian

        • Hi Sian
          Thanks for your comment. I was a bit hesitant to post but I felt compelled to put alternative views.
          If I thought this was going to be exploitative of David at his most vulnerable, I would be the first to take A+ E to task.
          I agree! I can only imagine that it would be very hard for family to watch- same as if it were my father or brother. I would totally understand if they did not watch, but perhaps as family they were more familiar with the reality than we were. It’s been a bit of a shock hasn’t it?

          Ultimately everyone has a choice to watch or not, and I guess will do what they feel is best or right for them. Everyone is different.

          After the highs of Saratoga, this has been very sobering, so apologies if I sound a bit preachy. Unintended!

      • Hi Diane UK and Sian Steed

        I agree with you both concerning the documentary and would want to see unsanitised version too , yes, it will be very hard to watch. I would rather give A+E the benefit of doubt as we have only seen small pieces at the moment.
        Just hope we get to see it in the UK at somepoint.

        • You know, at firt I felt so upset watching it but I talked to other person and she let me see that this video shows what really happened to him. We have to understand that David himself, wanted this to be shown to help some people´s life. This brave man left us a lesson to learn. I am so very proud of him.

          David, I know you are here with me, I feel it, and I am sure you agree with me.
          I love you, my sweetie ♥

      • Diane, remember David passed before this biography was finalized. So, we don’t know whether he would of agree to have those scenes in it. Yes, everything was filmed but it does not mean everything is shown. that is now how it works. I know cause I worked in the tv and movie industry. Like I said to someone else, I was blessed to become friend with 2 of his friends and both told me he would never agree to showing those scenes which I already knew but it just confirmed it. I don’t see the point of showing David in such a state. Let’s give him back some privacy and dignity please. That is all I want.

  180. Today’s post for “The Last Session” showing David in pain,crying,vulnerable a shadow of his former self,getting taken to hospital he was a broken man.I was extremely upset and found it very disturbing.Lets hope A&E show us some footage of David doing what he done the best bringing joy,love,laughter and happiness into our lives.

  181. Thanks Arcelia, we’re you able to see the group photo, my friend Michael is next to me. Such a wonderful group of fans, and Felicia in there also. Who ever would think becoming a David Cassidy fan in 1972, which I’m sorry to say was not 1970 for me , I was sheltered, I missed the big PF parade in Cle, and never knew it came to town, thank God he pointed me in the direction that lead to my David Cassidy stories, I don’t have the A and E, channel, but I definitely will find a t.v. on June 11-18. To watch this special with you all at the same time. I just saw the new trailer, I’m full of mixed emotions, but David always wanted the truth told. My question and thought, he needed to get to the hospital sooner, David always had a way of fixing things and moving on. I will just wait to watch the documentary, and be so happy David wanted this: And I’m glad David had his loving family by his side, to comport and let David Cassidy make his way to Heaven. Now it is really up to us fans to make his legacy as large as his life was.

    • Dear Denice
      I too could wish that David sought medical help sooner, or that it had been more effective, and I also have very mixed emotions about it. It will be a really hard watch. I don’t have a tv , and live in UK so will have to wait for it to appear online or DVD , but I couldn’t miss it for the world.
      And you are totally 110percent right to say let’s make his legacy as large as his life. David endured a lot even to the end, and deserves far more recognition and respect. I hope we can make it our mission to accomplish that for him. In a world where someone always seemed to want something from David,. It’s a way of giving back to him for the 49 years joy he gave to us, and through his talent and beauty continues to give.

  182. Diane, about David’s band, they are going to all be performing. Again, maybe you can find more under Craig or Terry, facebook page as to when and where they will be, I’m happy for them, David Cassidy would want them to get back at it.

    • Thanks Denice
      They seem a very tight knit “family” and have been incredibly supportive to David. It would be great to hear them but would be very poignant without David fronting the band. Yes I am happy for them too. I expect it will be bitter sweet for them.

  183. I want all the fans to know that me and Denice
    had a phenomenal time in Saratoga Springs!
    David Cassidy fans are the best fans on
    planet Earth! I spent the day crying off and
    on . I had such a good time in Saratoga
    Springs with Denice. I have made a friend
    for life. Anyway I was crying because I was
    so sad that the trip was over! So I am posting
    to you Denice to thank you for the beautiful
    post that you wrote. I want everybody to
    know that are friendship is genuine.
    Take care and God bless!

    • That’s brilliant, Felicia. We also got something from it even though we weren’t there! Sian

    • Hi Felicia
      Looking forward to seeing the Saratoga pics will they be on this site or FB? . We need cheering up after today’s solemn topic, and it would be lovely to put faces to all the names!

  184. Felicia I just read your post, and I got tears, I was crying before we left, Michael says he felt bad he rushed us, on the way home he said he saw true friendship in us, I can’t thank you enough for your kindness you showed me and the fun and joy we had,and to celebrate David Cassidy life together with all the fans in person and all the fans here. I wish and hope some fans can post pics from that weekend, Arcelia and Yvonne or anyone here yous are great at it, can you get any pics posted, I found a group pic, at the bench, and now I can’t find it anywhere, I would love to learn facebook, but I’m never leaving this site, I feel at home here. Saratoga Springs N.Y. , I have a beautiful memory. Like I said earlier, never imagined I would have a wonderful friend Felicia, if I was never a David Cassidy fan, this never would of happened. Keep the friendships happening, wonderful outreach to be friends who are David Cassidy fans, it just works, and makes for more cherished moments in life. David Cassidy left a door open for us fans. It’s up to us.

  185. Diane, can you watch it somewhere else,? A friends home, or check in to a hotel that has the connection. As a true fan, I want to watch when it aires, I want to find the joy in this documentary, although I may find it difficult, we will all be together, no matter what during that viewing. You still got time to see if your able to view it. I think all David’s fans overseas are so awesome, and I can see why he loved coming over to you guys. Everyone have wonderful Day tommorow. A part of me is still in Saratoga.

  186. I think that every fan will watch it because true fans just watch everything. And we love David, we loved him at his prime and even more when he struggled, was weak and so unhappy. And it’s not that I’m afraid to watch him suffer . No, not at all.

    But there are others who would watch , not fans , and just how “A&E writes :
    “In 3 weeks , witness the final days of a former teen hearthrob with a complicated past.”

    “Call me lousy but don’t call me a former teen-idol” That’s David’s words. I really hope that in this documentary we also hear about David’s music , his legacy and how underrated he was.

    One thing is certain , we fans always will be for David and for each other.
    Love Weronika

  187. I hope that we get to see this in the UK, but having seen the longer trailer on Davids Facebook page …seeing him crying and struggling to get out of the car in so much pain…it will be so difficult to watch God bless him x

  188. Hi Denice and Felicia,
    It’s really lovely to know that your friendship is even stronger after your trip to Saratoga. It sounds as if it was a wonderful weekend of connecting with many of David’s fans and friends, sharing your appreciation and respect for him, and supporting each other in your sadness.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

    Lyn, Australia

  189. Hi Dianne UK,

    Thanks for your thoughtful explanation of your reaction to the 2nd trailer of The Last Session. What you wrote echoed my thoughts…….but it’s all on the proviso that David wanted to be open and truthful about his last days.

    I was shocked too, to see how sick David was, and it made me think about my father before he passed away. I saw him every day and it was really very hard to see him so frail and sick. My brother-in-law was so upset, he wouldn’t visit Dad. He just couldn’t face the fact that our wonderful, strong, funny and insightful Dad was so weak and sick. I accepted this, however I know Dad, who also had dementia, would have enjoyed some time with him. I am really thankful though, that painful as it was, I kept visiting Dad. My love for him grew and became more tender. This led me to again think about the documentary…..

    We all have respect for David, loved him for his wit, his kindness and sensitivity and rejoiced at his strength and talent. We have also accepted his frailties. He has said so many times, how important his fans were to him. I feel as though he may have been wanting to share the last part of his journey with us. In those few months before he died, he only had enough energy for his music, and those who were personally very close to him….so perhaps this was his way of speaking to us. After all, we are his audience, and he would have known this during the filming, and it also would have taken much energy and strength to participate.

    So maybe like cherished family in pain, we should take this last journey with him. If he did it (the documentary) for us, again opened up his heart and life for us, I think we should see it, and not turn away.

    It will be a last chance to be thankful for the wonderful, complex, talented, and beautiful soul that is David Cassidy.

    Lyn, Australia.

    • Lyn, thank you ,
      you are right , in my heart I feel that maybe David as you so beautifully said wanted to”..share the last part of his journey with us.’But it’s so hard .
      It’s not a fairy tale with happy ending. It’ s a real life. I’ve been struggling with such mixed emotions since I’ve seen it , this 2nd trailer.
      God bless him.

    • Well said from me too, Lyn.

      Yes, it is hrartbreaking to see, and yes I struggled with watching it, but the last part of the trailer with David going into a hospital is about 5 seconds long, 7 seconds at most and the other clips are around 3 seconds each, of a 1 minute trailer for a two hour documentary. When it is put like I have that piece is very small and I think we should see all the documentary and not turn away.
      It is very hard to see anyone you love in such pain, especially if it is your first love, husband, lover, partner or parents, I know this as my husband died of cancer 3 and half years ago, so now I have two chunks taken out of my heart.
      Love and miss you always, David Cassidy.
      Doreen, England

      • Thanks for the replies. I have been feeling a bit conflicted about what I wrote, and it’s nice to know that there are people who understand the point I was making. I’m sorry to hear about the very sad loss of your husband Doreen. Though we understand your feelings about David, we can only imagine how hard the journey with your husband was. I felt that I could speak about my Dad here, and you have spoken of your husband. Speaks volumes of the safe and respectful place this is……..

  190. Thank you Lyn ,yes a strong happy friendship has been made. I read your post, and you yourself was strong and loving to your dad. The more I think about, the documentary, David just want the truth told, he was always honest with us fans, we loved David Cassidy and he knew that, I’m glad that his legacy is being honored, and who knows where we go from here, us fans will keep going and thers more to come as we travel with ideas to celebrate David, what is so different here than anyother entertainer is he was so much more, and us fans have a say so on the planning of his legacy, and why not we were a big part. David Cassidy , a legacy , a icon, we just got started, you will never be left behind.

  191. Rock me baby: is my pick to name a race horse in remembrance of David Cassidy. Watching David sing that song, shows the rock star in him, and listen to the words, the rock star goes all over. So, so, so. David Cassidy you loved your horse racing, I can see ROCK ME BABY. coming to the finish line and David Cassidy smiling down.

  192. God bless him. Just watched the video y’all are talking about. It reminded me of my daddy. He passed in 2016 at the age of 84. David was only 67. Lord have mercy. It seems he went downhill fast. What a horrible disease. I have two Aunts who passed with Alzheimer’s. Every time I forget something, it’s the first thing I think about. My heart broke watching him. He’s not in pain anymore. God love and keep him til we meet again.

  193. Thank you Weronika, I just keep playing that song on utube, and boy does it make you smile, and it’s David, he looked happy performing it does make you smile. ROCK ME BABY, was my first thought to name a race horse in memory of David Cassidy. I met David four times and more and believe that was not easy to do back than. I never hid out, I made arrangements and took risks, and I thank David Cassidy not only than, but now, I can’t imagine our world without him. He touched the world with more than his smile. And I can just picture the beauty, the speed,charm, and the rock side of David Cassidy, in a horse named ROCK ME BABY in his memory. Especially in Saratoga, at his favorite race track. Weronika play the song, it put me in a happy mood. The documentary, will air, we will watch, we will cry, but we will be forever grateful we have watched, and forever grateful and thankful to David Cassidy for wanting to make that for us and his loved ones. David Cassidy was always thinking ahead, he was sharp in getting a job done, he always wanted to perfect, to a job well done, even on stage when he would talk of the stories of his life and music, he wanted people to listen, and understand how it all came about. And now we just never will stop talking about David Cassidy, Hope, ROCK ME BABY, becomes the racehorse in David’s memory. There are so many other great names, but we need energy in the name. And I see David in the name and horse.

    • Denice you have no idea how I wanted to read sth like this. Thank you. Big hugs
      I’m listening all the time…

      • Have a fantastic time in the UK – Weronika. You’re likely to experience masses of contrasting weather. “Breezy” would be good for coach travel, wouldn’t it? (I mean windy not the film starring Kay Lenz!) Sian

        • Thank you Sian .
          Sometimes we have a kind of crazy weather here too , but I’m a kind of person who always takes a good weather while on holiday.You know – always look on a bright side of life.
          I’ve thought about Kay Lenz recently. Amazing actress ,living alone , never got married after David. They looked so much in love,,

          • I have to say that Kay Lenz fascinates me… Of course I knew I couldn’t have David… so I hoped (ultimately) that they’d be happy together – forever – instead. Hmmm… Life’s not so simple. Sian

          • Hi Sian
            Ouch! That resonates!
            Not just a pretty face for sure!I’d say David’s gently helped many teens learn some tough life lessons, and he doesn’t seem to have finished yet. Bless him! eternally grateful!! I don’t know how I’d have got through without having something so positive in my teen years.

  194. There was so much more to David than his looks and his problems. The industry seems to not respect him even in death. He deserves so much better.

  195. I was so upset and in floods of tears with the first trailer ,I decided not to see the second one. From what the fans have said, I could not bear to see David suffer crying and in pain . I wanted to remember David in happier times, but now he is free from pain. He brought joy and light into my life when I was young and going through difficult times with his music and smiling face on my posters good bless you David x

  196. I feel the filming of a very frail David in obvious pain and distress is inappropriate and intrusive to say the least.
    As Debbie said in her post he deserves more respect.
    As ever remembering David with much love.

  197. david was very brave and strong to be filmed in such a great deal of pain, right to the hospital doors, i hope i will be able to watch this program, as i am in the uk, david had been through such great sadness with his mother`s dementia, and then being diagnosed himself, a real trouper has died.

  198. Hi Lyn,
    I like your post. Wow all the way from Australia
    you made it to the David Cassidy website. Yes
    Denice and I had an awesome time in Saratoga
    Springs! The bench ceremony was a heart
    warming event. I had the time of my life.
    All the David Cassidy fans were wonderful.
    Thank you for all the wonderful things that
    you posted!

  199. This last 24 hours was like a nightmare. All day long I couldn’t find a place, started sth and left doing in the middle. Trying to find more info about “The Last Session”, and on @CassidyUnited there is a fragment of it with Henry Diltz , David’s photographer and friend. Amazing pictures, some I have never seen before ,and Iiked what I had heard.
    Just don’t know what to think , feeling sad and distressed by this 2nd trailer. We only can wait and read what US fans would tell us.
    Today I’ve played several times this beautiful song penned by David and Gerry Beckley “Half Past your Bedtime’ , you know –
    “And dream sweet dreams
    Safe in my arms
    And dream sweet dreams
    At home in your heart
    …And I say “I love you
    And you say “good..”

    • Hi Weronika
      Thanks so much for posting about Henry’s piece. I’m so very grateful. This has cheered me up after a tough few days!
      I don’t normally check online so I’m really grateful to you for sharing. This has made me feel a little better about the documentary. It’s talking about the good times,how photogenic and handsome,and how David was “more” than just another rock star for a jobbing photographer, ( no offence- he is a fab photographer) and it touches on their long term friendship and his charisma.

      I got to wondering whether Henry could be encouraged to curate / contribute to a memorial book of high quality photos where some proceeds could be donated to relevant charities. I’ve never been able to fully forgive my mother for disposing of all my posters when I was on guide camp, all those years ago and there’s a 15 yr old part of me that still misses them!
      Those posters got me through some very difficult times. Lucky I still had my albums.

      It would be lovely to have a good quality hardback book of photos from throughout his career to remember him by. Something to look at when you felt in need of a bit of inspiration and a lift – I guess we are never too old to need that😁
      There’s some awful trashy books out there that are still cashing in that shouldn’t see the light of day. I would like to see something official as a memorial I think.

      • Aww! “Bedtime” one of my all time favourites. David had such an amazing vocal range! So romantic too.

      • Diane, what a great idea about this memorial book! It will be a real brainstorm when we meet in August , I’m looking forward to meet you and Judy and Claudette and hopefully also Deb, Adeola and maybe Araceli or anyone who decide to come. Because I think we agree , that August 25th is the date .

        Yes , this part with Henry has cheered me up too. And I remember the interview with Kim Carnes , it was short after November21 and she talked about being interviewd for a documentary and it must be “The Last Session”

        Why your mother did sth like that? I hope she had good reasons.
        I would run away from home
        xxx Weronika

      • Hi there, I also love the idea of the book. You girls sound as if you’ll have a great time in England. Great you are getting together.

  200. Yes Arcelia, thank you, is there anyway to post it here, or where would I find it. We had such a great time. I hope when you all get together you all share a special memory, and all the good memories of David Cassidy.

  201. “Bedtime” is my favorite. God blessed me with a wonderful husband. Our favorite thing is snuggling. He’s s s great hugger! I’ve asked him to play that at the service when I pass (no time soon, I hope!). Only David’s. I wish so much that people had respected him more.
    What happened to manners? And respect? If you can’t say something nice be quiet? Drives me nuts! Life is hard enough without meanness!
    Been nice chatting with all of you. Thank you for sharing. It helps, doesn’t it? God bless you all.

    • Hi Debbie,
      I envy you such a good husband , also glad I’m not the only one with the idea of David’s song as the last one. Some months ago I decided that at my service I want Bali Ha’i :
      “If you try , you will find me
      When the sky meets the sea
      “Here am I, your special island”
      Come to me, come to me..
      Oh , how he sings it, I would go after this voice anywhere. Also had a big laugh when I saw my daughters puzzled looks. But they agreed to their crazy mother’s wish.

      • Somebody on the YouTube video for “I’m On My Way Back Home” said she wants that played at her funeral and it makes perfect sense, as a spirit that’s “gonna fly” to heaven to find “love – that’s what’s waiting for me.”

  202. The post I just did was not a comment about y’alls manners. I’m talking about the “star” industry and social media in general. Hope I didn’t offend anyone. I appreciate this website. Thanks .

    • Debbie
      You are right -this is a true fan site,we know you weren’t referring to this site. I have seen some dreadful rubbish on other sites,some of which should have been moderated. It’s scurrilous,and troll behaviour. It upset me at first, but on reflection I felt it said far more about them than about David or anyone. People can be very cruel, but they must be very damaged way down deep to feel the need to say these things to make themselves feel better. It’s sad, but there are damaged people in the world. Some have hit on better coping strategies than others I guess.

  203. Hi Everyone

    Gosh, so many posts recently, it’s been hard to keep up. I’ve been interested in all your comments about the documentary on David. I guess some of you follow TimmMcCoy on Twitter, but if you don’t just saw this tweet from him about the programme, which I thought was pertinent to share. I agree with him, it should be watched with an open mind

    “Timm McCoy™
    ‏ @timmmccoy

    About the “David Cassidy Special” on A&E, If you go into this hating it, you will find a reason to hate it. Stop programing yourselves into a negative narrative. Witness it before shredding something you know nothing about. This is all I have to say about this.”


    • Thanks Claire.
      I agree. This is an important voice and this tweet should calm down emotions.

    • I agree too.

      Yes, it is hard to watch. but this trailer is 1 minute long with clips lasting 3 seconds and around 5 seconds long, you cannot judge the documentary by just that short trailer and the clips in question are very small in relation to a two hour documentary.

    • Thanks Claire,

      That helps. I wrote a piece earlier, thinking that maybe we should be open to watching it…but with all the different ideas expressed by so many, I have become confused about what is the ethical choice…….

    • Thank you for this (Claire Pritchard). Things were becoming very heated. You have provided us with a little cooling balm. Sian

    • I only see what people retweet from Timm regarding David, and I did see that one. He has too many angry political rants for me to follow him directly.

  204. Thanks Claire Pritchard, for adding that post.

    Firstly, not sure IF or WHEN the UK fans are going to see the documentaries.

    But having said that, I guess all fans want to see all that David wanted us to be a part of. And for me, to not see David at his most vulnerable and in pain.
    So going to take Timm’s advice and remain open-minded.

  205. I think the idea of a memorial book is brilliant I would really like to see this happen .I am also looking forward to our meeting in August

  206. Like I said David was truthful with his fans, he never hid, the truth, this documentary is going to show happy times and alot of David’s achievements. Let be what will be.David wasn’t 100% percent starting out on this, but he put over 100% to make this a reality. Of course the end is the sadness moment. Thank God he had the courage to walk into the hospital. From there he was surrounded by his love ones and David was not alone. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset anyone, cause I do understand, all thoughts, this is very complicated , it still hurts to have lost our one and only David Cassidy. If David wanted this documentary, let’s be in it for him, and show gratitude , to his life story, and take a moment to really be happy about what he meant to us and his final David Cassidy Masterpiece., for all who loved him, he left us his documentary. June 11-18 is a important day on the calender. I don’t have cable myself, but I will pick the best place to share and put my thoughts and watch and there is no doubt in my mind, so glad I am A David Cassidy fan.

  207. On a happier note. I indulged myself and watched a couple of Partridge Family episodes on You Tube a couple of weeks back, which made me feel very happy. Thought I would buy the complete set but saw on Amazon that the DVDs are not compatible with UK equipment. Very disappointed.

    Then, once again courtesy of the wonderful Timm Mccoy, who tweeted his favourite eipsode available on dailymotion.com. I had a mooch around and found, what looks like nearly all of them!


    You may already know this.

    Anyway, I’m very happy now!!


    • Claire
      You can buy an ALL regions dvd player. This will play US,European, and other regions. I don’t think they are hugely expensive. Tho free online is rather a bonus!! Thank you!

  208. Generally a documentary about his life is a great idea.Although I didn´t expect to see a man in pain and agony. It´s heartbreaking and definitely not necessary to show the world his bitter ending.I´m not sure whether it was his declared will.. ?

  209. I’m confused about something that is irrelevant at the moment…I thought David had called for an ambulance when he went into the hospital on 11-15-17. He didn’t? And that film clip of the band helping him into the hospital was, for sure, shot that day?

    • In the trailer David is in a recording studio and i believe Craig’s, which is in or near Chicago. This clip could be of David being taken to a hospital there to get pain relief, so is not him arriving at hospital in Fort Lauderdale, as he would have been in pain before then

    • I wondered if that building was really a hospital since he was being led upstairs. Usually hospital entrances are automatic doors on ground level.

  210. You know, at first I felt so upset watching it but I talked to another person and she let me see that this video shows what really happened to him. We have to understand that David himself, wanted this to be shown to help as many people´s life as possible. This brave man left us a lesson to learn. I am so very proud of him.

    David, I know you are here with me, I feel it, and I am sure you agree with me.
    I love you, my sweetie ♥

  211. I’m going to make a suggestion, but you may not agree……….here goes……..
    We have all freely aired our views, clearly its a difficult, controversial and very painful and sensitive topic. I for one really value everyone’s contributions from all viewpoints, because it always helps inform your decision-making whatever that may be. Ulimately people may decide to view,or not; may contact A+E or not – where its available to view.
    I’m going to suggest we move on now, at least until the program airs,and respect/accept that people have different views, because clearly there are strong views and that won’t change, but the “divide” might.. It would be a terrible shame for this to cause friction between cassidy fans especially in this of all sites.
    Everyone is motivated by their regard for David, but it manifests in different ways. I hope this doesn’t sound preachy but I question whether further discussion at this point will really help? Should we call time out on this until after it has aired?

    • Hi Diane

      I totally agree with you.
      I believe we should make our own decision to watch it or not and stop the views being made on a 1 minute trailer.

    • Diane,

      I agree too. Even more.
      And change of the subject. Just have bought my plane tickets for August’s meeting in London
      . Let’s all David’s fans be united and let’s cherish our friendship on this so unique website
      Big hugs for everybody

      • Well that’s decided then! August 25 is inked in my calendar. Looking forward to it!!

        • Thank you Deb,
          I’m ready and the trip will start at 3 a.m. I feel like in a way David Cassidy will travel with me…

          It will be just great to meet all of you in August. Deb , Diane , Judy, Claudette maybe also Adeola , Araceli. Sian, what about you? I fell we could talk for hours. And with every other David’s fan.
          Weronika xxx

          • I don’t think it will be possible for quite some time. Thank you, Weronika. Things can change. 2018 is not practical for me, as far as I can see. Sian

    • Yes Diana, I think that’s a good idea. I too wish it were possible to come to England and meet you all. Just a plane flight away though……..next trip across to Europe….sigh….!

      Lyn, Australia

  212. Margaret, you got a good point. And hi to you. I met Felicia, she is just wonderful, good person, and we did have a nice time, and the celebration for David was nice to be with Felicia.

    • I don’t know what point you’re talking about, but I’m glad you had a nice time with Felicia.

  213. Diane, I think your right, we need to move on and just wait till we see it, all I know is David showed his courage by walking into that hospital, he was never alone after that. And we all have love in our hearts for David, and I wish I was joining you all in London, your going to have a fantastic time. Celebrate David with lasting memories and new friendships, I am so happy for you all.

    • Many Thanks Denice
      You and. Felicia showed us the way! Maybe one of these days we will all meet. Never say never😁

  214. Hi Claire
    I think I may have seen a post from you before on your shared interest in horses. Such a wonderful link and friendship/ fellowship to treasure. David spoke very passionately in uk about steeple chasing and clearly had great love knowledge and respect for horses. So many facets to this lovely man!

    Sadly my first (and only) pony ride as a child was a little unfortunate and I have always been in awe of these beautiful creatures from a safe distance ever since. Pity!

    Your concern for David and fellow fans only does you huge credit, so thank you for caring.

    • Thank you Gail for adding the link.

      It’s wonderful to read the write-up of the weekend… and even “our” Denise got a mention!

  215. Hi Araceli from Spain ♥:

    I am soooo enjoying listening to the CDs I have recently purchased.

    Yep. “A Song for you” from A Touch Of Blue is just awesome and so mellow.
    I love the verse before YOUR “I love you in a place where there’s no space or time”

    “Taught me precious secrets of the truth, withholding nothing
    You came out in front, while I was hiding
    But now I’m so much better
    And if my words don’t come together
    Listen to the melody
    cause my love’s in there, hidin’ ”

    Shivers up my spine…. the way he sings the last words “in there, hidin’ “

  216. Another new favourite, “Remember Me” from Romance
    Just wonderful lyrics – the way he sings the words… just touches my heart

    I can see in your eyes your concern
    And could it be your troubled eyes need to learn
    You hesitate but still you wait into the night
    And maybe you are not alone, am I right?

    Remember me when you feel this way
    I have a shoulder to lean on
    If you’re ever too far away
    Remember me, remember me I am the one

    Remember me I am the one who sees in your eyes
    Remember me I am the one
    Remember me I am the one who sees in your eyes

    Remember me when you feel this way
    I am your shoulder to lean on
    And thought I’m never too far away
    Remember me, remember me I am the one

    Maybe soon the love will shine in your eyes
    And this precious love will come to you as no surprise

    Remember me I am the one who sees in your eyes
    Remember me I am the one
    Remember me ’cause I am the one who sees in your eyes
    Remember me now I am the one who sees in your eyes
    Remember me I am the one who sees in your eyes (x4)

    • Deb , every time when I think that I have my fav David’s song I discover something new. I just love all his songs. It’s his voice , the way he sings ….
      Remember me I am the one..
      The only one

      • Yes Weronika. He was unique.
        I cycle through every one of his CD one-by-one, and like you, find new favourites.

        He used his voice in different ways for different genres of music ; He added special “touches” that made each song so special and unique..

  217. I hope I can watch it where I live in Canada. I was devastated and cried when I heard David was taken to hospital back in November 2017 and cried even harder when I heard he had passed away. David was and ‘always will be’ one special guy. He loved his family and he loved his fans. We do get the A&E channel but sometimes programming can be different here in Canada for whatever reason, but I will keep checking because I really want to watch this biography of our David Cassidy.

  218. Arcelia your posts have David smiling, true words you have said to David, and Felicia sent me the group picture, maybe this is just the start to celebrating David Cassidy, and I miss my friend Felicia, our first visit was short, we indeed did LOVE celebrating and blessing David. I have David and Jane to thank for this website, everyone have a nice Memorial Day.

  219. Arcelia, you are a gem and the sweetest in all you have done for us fans, I truly mean that. I watched the clip to Shelia, I admire David’s strong ness and courage, and he made this for us fans, you know are crying is just going to start over, David Cassidy is worth rivers of tears. Thank you for the next post, I can’t get it I’m not on facebook, is there another way to post it here somehow Arcelia? But thank you again, I have to get on facebook, in time, I love all the fans, and just feel good about David Cassidy fans, just caring good people, who can share one love, David, and be good to eachother, this is rare to our world now, but we have shown the good and happiness in the world, and we had the best teacher and leader, yes you our David Cassidy.

  220. Hi Araceli
    So good of you.to post your pics. I.ve only posted a couple of times due to very limited time but I try and catch.up with your posts when I can. I am with you all in spirit. Yes, it says so much about David.that his fans are such caring people. I am only sorry that for a good.part of his life he thought his fans confused him with Keith’s persona. I never did and I can see that none.of you did. Let us keep his.memory alive and let the constancy of our love for him and our growing bond be a.testament to his memory. If I had the.funds.I would.love.to do things in his name – an acting or music scholarship, a racehorse, and of course to pay for us all to meet.up. That would.be something wouldnt it!? Keep up the good work ladies. Xxx

  221. Thank you everyone for highlighting the Phoenix Theatre plaque. I missed donating for the Saratoga bench but have just made a donation for the Phoenix plaque. Happy weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine here in the Let us all have ‘some kind of a summer’ with our happy memories of David. X

  222. Hi Deb
    If you Google Phoenix Theatre David Cassidy Memorial Plaque the Facebook page comes up. That’s how I found it.

  223. I would like to address all the fans I met
    In Saratoga Springs and became friends with.
    Hello to Caren from Canada, Barb, Maria Toth
    from Latham, N.Y. Charlotte and Dawn from
    Connecticut, Susan Cox from Indiana.
    Thank you to all the fans who supported me
    and my special friend Denice Kirth, and
    thank you for all your well wishes. Thank you
    Denice for all the wonderful post describing
    the Saratoga Springs experience! I feel so
    special on this website. To anyone who is
    thinking about going to Saratoga Springs
    for May 20th 2019, it is well worth the trip.
    You will have the time of your life. David
    Cassidy fans are very special. Everyone have
    a great Memorial Day weekend!

  224. Hi everybody ,
    I’m writing from German-Dutch border. All day I was listening to David’s music and thinking about David and Bernadette, 44 years ago was White Stadium concert. Tomorrow London and it seems the weather is not bad.
    Weronika xxx

    • Have a wonderful time -Weronika. If it’s a coach trip don’t miss those coaches! I’m sure (as a teacher) you won’t need reminding but I once knew a coach driver who was adamant that he doesn’t wait for anyone etc. etc… Enjoy every minute. Sian

      • Thanks Sian
        Actually we have 2 drivers, handsome and young and I already have talked with them about music and David, they asked me what I was listening too, and I played them some David’songs so you know,they won’t leave me behind…

        • Hi Weronika, thought of you on Friday. I was talking to a work colleague at the end of the day about music, and told him that I had bought some Partridge family LPs. (I only ever had David’s solo albums.) Anyway, he then told me he had a Partridge Family collection, along with his Australian rock collection and…..10CC. (I remembered that you liked them too.) Anyway it was nice that he told me because many Australian men of my age won’t admit to liking David Cassidy and the Partridge family. Somehow it wasn’t “manly”. He’s my first face to face fan friend, would you believe…though we work in different towns! Have a great time on your UK trip, Weronika. Cheers, Lyn

          • Hi Lyn , thanks so much, I envy you such a great fan friend. And he also likes 10cc , fantastic. I wish I met such a fan in my country but it’s not seem possible. But who knows ..

        • Weronika, I just played a CD track – dedicated to you and your trip – twice over. It isn’t a DC track at all but rather a song called “Trains” by Al Stewart (more than mentioning Polish trains during the war). Although it reduces me to tears; I definitely want you to have a happy holiday… Sian

          • Hi Sian,
            I only know 1 Al Steward song , his big hit , you know “The Year of The Cat” I must listen to this song when I be back home. Thanks so much.
            xxx Weronika

    • Hi weronika
      I was sceptical when you said you always get good weather for your holidays, but you have totally converted me! Wall to wall sunshine for the second bank holiday in a row. It’s got to be a record. How do you do it? You must come to UK more often!!!!!
      Have a wonderful trip!

    • Thank you Felicia. It’s a tour around the UK also visiting places where David Cassidy played concerts and performed in theaters.

  225. Hope your holiday is going well Weronika – as Diane has said you certainly have brought the sun with you.

  226. Hi everybody, wow how many nice words.
    The weather is just like in Italy in the midlle of the summer. But this day in London was bitter-sweet I ve been at The Phoenix Theatre ,also inside. And suddenly felt so sad , realised that London has changed and how to say ,David is not among us and never will be. I prayed for few moments and made some photos. After this 6 months is still so hurts.
    Hugs Weronika

  227. Hi Weronika and Everyone
    Every day I think of David. It does hurt but time always heals. I hope the pain lessens for his family too. It would be lovely if they felt able to organise a memorial concert for him at some point.
    Have a lovely time in the UK. I’m going to stay with an old schoolfriend who is also a David Cassidy fan next weekend. We both went to David’s Belle Vue concert in 1973. She’s taking me to the new horse racing museum in Newmarket for my big birthday. And of course, surrounded.by all the racing exhibits we will be thinking of David.

    • Hi Jane,
      Yes , time is a big healer, but in London there are so many places where he performed, lived and so many photos like these on the river, and these famous with umbrella, it was like feeling him but also knowing that he is not here any more. So good I know all of you understand me.

      • It’s a pretty intense trip, then… Your mood might shift in a couple of days: See if it does… The thinking about David’s White City tragedy etc. is intrinsically sad… When you leave London; see if things change. See if the fans, here, can cheer things up for you… Sian

        • Thanks Sian . The trip is great and a lot of fun.I talk a lot in English and just love the country and people. Sorry for mistakes it’s difficult to write using phone, not laptop like at home

    • Jane, happy birthday, great to have fellow David’s fan from school. Can you write sth about this concert?

      • Thank you Weronika. It was March 1973 at Belle Vue Manchester. Myself and two schoolfriends went. My bemused das dropped us off. I went shopping to buy an outfit especially for David. A yellow smocky blouse and (gasp!) Maroon satin flared pants. The awful acid yellow top had some maroon embroidery so in my 15 year old mind they looked great together! In reality they must have looked hideous. David burst onto the stage with so much energy. It was an amazing concert and I think he played drums at one point. He looked amazing in his catsuit and he sang everything with such conviction in tjat beautiful voice of his. The ends of his hair grew damp with sweat and stuck.to his face and neck. He gave 100 per cent even though we were a young audience. He never patronised his fans by giving less than his best, which is why I know in later years when he had issues performing he really had issues. He was so beautiful that night I thought he was a god.

        • Haha remember planning what to wear when I saw David at Wembley ’73, smock tops must have been ‘the thing’ as I’m sure that is what I wore. Happy days

        • Hi Jane,I was at Belle Vue also the excitement of getting to see him lives with us forever,will never forget and as you said what a performance he gave.

  228. I’m glad you’re still enjoying your trip Weronika even if you are finding it sad in parts. Do enjoy it. I.know David would want you to. God bless. X

    • Jane, thanks a lot . Maroon satin flared pants! 70s fashion just pure fun and joy! We didn’t have such things in Poland at the time now a little bit too late. David was just the best. I love seeing his concerts on You Tube. He looked like a young god
      The trip is just great. I enjoy everything. Today evening we’ve had such a great time in one of London pub’s and talked with so many friendly English people joking and laughing.
      Tomorrow we are going north.

      • It’s great that you’re having happy times – and creating some happy memories (no doubt) to take home with you. I have lived in several parts of the UK and I know there are bound to be some happy surprises ahead. Please would you have a word with the thunder that might be coming my way? I just know you have the power!!! Enjoy more moments. Sian

      • I can tell you have moved north. Yesterday it was 26 degrees in my garden. Today its about 15!! Come back soon 😁

  229. Hi everyone,
    I work for A&E Networks and created the International version of the show (prepared the show to be translated into other languages). I am a David Cassidy fan myself and thought the show was really, really well done. Very moving. I hope all of you in the U.S. will be able to check it out. If I hear anything about it airing in other countries I will try my best to fill you in.
    Take care.

    • Thank you, Mandy. The subject is super-sensitive, here, at the moment. Sian, England.

    • Thanks Mandy I hope it gets shown outside the USA also as Davids fans are worldwide.

  230. I hope we get to see it in the UK though I am nervous about how upsetting it may be. Some good news from UK. The fund for.the Phoenix Theatre David Cassidy plaque has now exceeded its.target.of £1000.
    Whereabouts are you visiting Weronika? I live up ‘North’.

    • Hi Jane tomorrow we will be in York mostly and in Alnwick Castle.

    • Hi Jane
      Can I still make a donation to the plaque and where do I do this?

      • Hi Claire
        Yes, I think you can. Any additional money will go to charity I think ie Alzheimers. If you google Phoenix Theatre David Cassidy Plaque the facebook link should come up.

  231. Mandy, thank you so so much , great news and I’m happy even if have no chance to see it.

    We’ve been in a lot of great places -Stratford (David also played there, but the best was just driving through the country with David’s music in my ears. I’ve never seen so many different shades of green in my life. Just to get out from the coach and go for hours. We are outside Leeds for the night. A lot of nice local people again.
    Sorry Diane tomorrow night we will be in Scotland.
    David Cassidy thank you for making my life so better. I will be listening to your music to my last days.
    Hugs Weronika

  232. Have a lovely time Weronika. York is beautiful and my granny came from Alnwick. Alnwick Castle gardens are stunning. Look out for the special chocolate infused with herbs. Am very envious of your lovely trip.

  233. The trip sounds lovely Weronika and as Jane has said York is a beautiful place.
    Enjoy your holiday

    • Hi Judy the trip is great but I really wait for our meeting.
      xxx Weronika

  234. Hi Jane ,is it true “The Last Session” has been cancelled,rumours are surfacing all over the place,when I hear from yourself then I know what to believe.

  235. I have not seen or heard anything, but have seen on A+E Twitter page they put another post on there about the documentary that it is on 11th June at 9pm. This obviously means that it is definitely being shown in the USA on that date.
    As we all know it only takes one comment from someone on social media and people jump to conclusions before checking it out.

  236. Hi Jane fantastic day York- York Minister, so moving, I lighted candles and prayed.The Anlwick Castle and garden , I could spent there a whole weekend, so many things too see. We are in Edinburgh , another place David was and performed. We really should write a book “David Cassidy in the UK” and I have same ideas. Hugs for everybody Weronika

      • Weronika – your trip sounds wonderful. York is so historical and beautiful and atmospheric… Then Alnwick Castle is somewhere I’ve long wanted to visit… Then Edinburgh which is magical and absolutely stunning. I love Edinburgh as much as I love Paris (and that’s a lot).

        You chose your coach trip well. Wish we were
        there! Sian

        • Sian I wish I was on this trip with you and other David’s fans . I’ve dreamt of seeing the UK since I was 13. At the time it was a dream…

          • Does anyone else on the coach – apart from your drivers, who sound friendly – appreciate David Cassidy’s songs (or acting career)? You did say you’d had some fun: Was that with a friendly coach crowd? Life can be so ironic.

            Scotland has some very romantic scenery. My favourite film (“Local Hero”) was made there; in the North West and the North East. I hope you get a lot out of the rest of your travels… Sian

  237. So pleased you’re having a lovely time Weronika. Where to next? And I too wish I was with you!
    I picked some of my favourite early summer flowers from my garden today and put them in a pretty pot, dedicating them to David in my mind as I did so. Not a lit candle exactly, but my own offering. I also ordered a copy of the new Saratoga/David book. Hope it’s as good as it sounds.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip Weronika. X

  238. Sorry if this is upsetting, but I read a link to the UK David Cassidy group page that the Cassidy family are not.happy with the A and E documentary. They have begged for it not to be broadcast apparently.

    • David’s friend, Chip, has explained the problem with the programme – and I have written it up on the page about David’s new recording. Chip explains David agreed to do the documentary some time ago, and is worried the documentary might concentrate on David’s illness and not David’s legacy and talent.

  239. Hi Sian, Jane, no my companions never heard about David. I’ve been in some bookshops ,there are many books about music and nothing about him. So we, fans really have to do sth . But it’ s sad. I enjoy my trip , talk with many nice people but it’s all the same “who? David Cassidy? First heard…”
    Today we will be all day in Edinburgh.

  240. But I don’t give up and I will talk and tell people about him. David we are with you and for you .

    • The first thing I would say about him is that he had a fantastic voice and he knew what to do with it. That would be enough for me – whatever else were true. Perhaps I would introduce someone to David singing something with a “blues” feel to it… People have been missing out, haven’t they?

      Don’t be sad, Weronika; life’s just what it is. If
      anything, I feel sad that he didn’t get more acclaim while he was alive. The way I look at it: Everything now is a bonus. I have every confidence that with all the dedicated, appreciative fans around; David’s music will reach more and more people.

  241. Hi just to say I’m strolling through the streets of Edinburgh with the greatest companions ever David Cassidy and Timm McCoy . So happy.

    • Wow! Edinburgh is heaven! You lucky individual! I’m right with you, Weronika. Sian

    • Edinburgh is where I bought Davids Cherish LP, we were on a family holiday there when it was released. I remember gazing at the album cover whilst in our family car as the the rest of the family looked at the sights!
      Have a lovely time Weronika.

  242. Hi, today we are sleeping in a great place – Glenrothes. Tomorrow- Blair Castle, Fort William(Ben Nevis) and Glen Coe. Are there aby David’s fans in Scotland? While in Edinburgh I had a great conversation with a lady from Manchester, and she knew David’s songs. At last!

    • A fellow Mancunian, must be a David Cassidy and Manchester City FC fan. David had fond memories of Manchester donning the shirt the City shirt at two concerts, 74 &04. 74 an unbelievable concert.

  243. She didn’t say anything about Manchester City , but her son (she was with a whole family ) when had heard “Poland ” said “Robert Lewandowski and Poland -England finał in Russia.
    John , can you write sth about the concert?

    • The concert was basically the same as the ‘live’ album where you can feel the electric atmosphere but being there was electrifying! The best live album ever. Check out Kazimierz Deyna a Polish legend who played and was loved by City.

      • Kazimierz Deyna is our legend especially for anyone from Warsaw like me, he played in Legia Warsaw. “Cassidy Live!’ just the best . Pity I won’ be in Manchester

  244. What a fabulous trip Weronika. Yes, there must be a lot of DC fans in Scotland. He used to do live performances in Glasgow until recently. I love the live 2002 Glasgow concert on Youtube. Try and watch it. So funny just during intro to I’ll Meet You Halfway when underwear is.thrown on the stage. David picks it up and with a mischievous smile twirls it round. Some of the fans have a great banner. ‘David – You’ve Still Got It And We Still Want It!’ He still looked fab at 52. Very handsome and healthy.

    • I have some penpal from Scotland. They are lovely people… I never thought I would get to know the Clyde Auditorium where the live 2002 concert was filmed but I did and it was so very special… I was just down stage and I got a “Wow!” look from him.
      Sweet angel of mine, I miss you so much 🙁

    • You can still get the DVD of the full concert – that was my Xmas present to me! My family were good enough to let me watch it end to end without interruption and I was mesmerized. Had no idea it existed! That’s when I realised what I’d missed all these years by being a closet fan…wish I’d met other fans years ago. So much wasted time….boy how that resonates 🙁 but looking forward to making up in August when we all meet to talk and share.

    • I love the 2002 concert too and you will be pleased to know that has been released again a couple of months back. It is available on Amazon and at HMV in the UK and not only do you get the DVD, but you get a CD of the concert too. The title is David Cassidy – I Think I Love you, Greatest Hits Live.

  245. Thank you. I will try and order a copy. Do you know if any of the PF dvds will play on uk tv’s?

    • Jane
      I think you may need a DVD player that is ALL Regions so that you can play US dvds, but I think it will play on any TV.

  246. Hi Jane (Weir)

    I bought the “David Cassidy – I Think I Love you, Greatest Hits Live.” DVD. Its great – and you get a bonus CD with it!

    When my hubby is watching sports or one of his other fave programmes, I watch this DVD in the other room. David was so handsome in it.

    Try to find out if you can amend the code on your current dvd-player, so that even if you buy the (US) NTSC dvds, its possible to play the (UK) PAL dvds and also ones from all regions.

  247. Yes, I’m very proud David took such an interest in my life and horses. I loved him, as a fan, from a very young age.

    • Will definitely be watching. Always been a big fan of his. God bless you David and your family. Your legacy will live on❤️

  248. I have been searching online but can’t find any information on the public memorial the Cassidy family were considering holding. I really hope this idea comes to fruition.
    I also hope the Cassidy family celebrate David’s life by commissioning a statue to recognise his incredible contribution to the music industry and as a lasting tribute to their beloved family member and placed somewhere that brought him joy or peace in his heart. I think it would be an incredible show of affection from his family.

  249. I want to thank A&E for bringing a tribute to David Cassidy. I recorded it last night on my DVR and watching it now. It shows how a person can get over their struggles whether it is alcoholism, drug addiction or dementia. I remember watching The Partridge Family on TV and now it is back on cable and on DISH, FETV Channel 82

    Again, I want to thank A&E for bringing a fitting tribute to David Cassidy.

  250. Hi Catherine
    Yes, I too hope the Cassidy family finds itself able to instigate a public memorial. I know it must be hard for them but David and his legacy deserves it. His.sad demise should not be permitted to overrule his life and career.

    • A star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame… that would be my choice… A statue wouldn’t have his eyes… Sian

  251. The documentary was poignant, heartbreaking, unflinchingly honest. How tragic that this beautiful man succumbed to alcoholism. I am an alcoholic myself, albeit a sober one, and I could have written the story of David’s life. I felt his pain. I can appreciate his family’s concern that his legacy might be exploited, but I think the documentary was respectful and balanced. There is irony, I think, that in his final session he achieved his dream: His music was that of a mature, accomplished artist. I may have missed something, but I did not hear him say that he lied about dementia: He admitted to lying about his drinking. I believe he thought his symptoms were related to dementia. We alcoholics often look for any explanation besides drinking to explain life problems. We heal by getting honest, and in the end, he came clean. He faced his demons. I just wish it had happened sooner. Well done, A&E. RIP, David.

  252. Hi Sian

    I agree with you , a start on the Hollywood Walk of Fame would be fitting, especially because it would cover the numerous facets of David’s career: Actor (TV, Film ,Stage, Screen), Musician (Writer, Singer, Composer, Producer).

    However it is very expensive – $40,000 and needs a sponsor,
    Boy do I wish I had those kind of funds… I would nominate David in a heartbeat!

  253. Went back to look at the FAQs

    Q: Can someone who is deceased be nominated?
    A: Yes. One posthumous award is given each year.

    Q: Can someone who is deceased be nominated for a star immediately?
    A: No. A posthumous nomination has a five year waiting period.

    Q: Is posthumous waiting period 5 years after the date of their death?
    A: Yes. It is a five year waiting period after death.

  254. A star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame for David
    Cassidy should be sponsored by sth which once was called Screen Gems

      • A petition? Signed by fans from all over the world but I don’t think this company would be impressed

  255. We tried to get a Star for Jack Cassidy many years ago. I remember that people spent a lot of time and money for that cause, but it neverreally happened.
    Wish we could get one for our sweet David. He does deserve that honor.

  256. A few weeks ago, I watched 1/2 the documentary on YouTube and when I went to watch the rest , it has been pulled. It says not outside USA. And I’m in Australia.

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