David’s Christmas Message

To all my friends, family, and fans where ever you are this holiday on earth….I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you for taking time out of your life, and giving ME enough thought to come and to visit this site. God Bless you in whatever you may do, or be doing. Be LOVING, CARING, GIVING, COMPASSIONATE, and above all…BE GRATEFUL. I am. Very much so. Because as many of you now know, my mother has severe Dementia and has been living in 24 hour nursing care for about 7 (seven) years. For all intents and purposes I am her sole surviving blood relative. I’m her only child. She had no siblings that survived past the age of 6(six), therefore, I have felt very much alone emotionally. I know that, in fact it may not be true, but it FEELS that way to me. I don’t want, or feel I deserve anyone’s sympathy. I’m trying to deal with this in the best way that I can. My mother, quite frankly, lives in a diaper, and she doesn’t speak, and can no longer laugh or cry…. She has no real quality of life whatsoever. She now, sadly, just exists. This for anyone, is heartbreaking. All I would ask of ANYONE who can laugh, cry, feel genuine emotions, not to take the people in your life that you love and care about for granted. Think about what you “bitch, moan, and complain about”…. I do the same thing myself….until I see a photograph of my mom. Then, I stop and check myself and instantly feel genuinely GRATEFUL!!!! I’m very grateful for everything that YOU have given me in my life. For your LOVE, your SPIRIT, and your never ending support. I treasure the amazing experiences all over the world I’ve had as a result of that love and support. For this year’s end, and Christmas, I wish you ALL much LOVE and Happiness to you and all the ones you love. God Bless you and I wish and do hope that some time in 2012 I am able to go out and tour again, and celebrate, all over the world one last time…Thank You so very much…Happy Trails ….David

Merry Christmas

Webcast postponed

Family issues have made it necessary for me to postpone the webcast planned for DECEMBER 13 until the first quarter of next year. Please forgive me. You will, of course, get a full refund and I will make it up to you. Have a wonderful holiday and you will hear from me soon about a new date and time. A special thanks to Kitchenaid for their support and understanding.


Thank You!

I have read all of your messages. I want you to know that I give thanks to all of you who have been so incredibly loving and supportive of my mom and the difficulties we are going through.

To all of my fans not in the United States: I send all of my love to those who weren’t sharing our Thanksgiving. I thank you for giving me so much and I hope that this Christmas and New Year is the best you’ve ever had. I love you very much and I care very much. I feel so blessed to have had so much undying support.

This holiday season I plan on spending quality time with my family and to celebrate my brother Patrick’s 50th birthday.

Happy Trails,
Much Love & Peace,

David Cassidy


To all of the US fans, I send you thanks and wish you all to give thanks for us and our country. We are blessed and fortunate to be Americans and to have the freedoms we’ve had. Our government and our system are flawed but I still believe that the voice of the people is the best system.

If you are not American, appreciate the fact that a lot of people have sacrificed an awful lot to make this country and I’m very grateful. We are all very fortunate.

We are going to have a very close and wonderful time together as a family. Beau is here and it’s going to be a wonderful opportunity for us to give thanks for all the blessings and good fortune that I’ve had. I wish everyone the same.


To all my fans…

To all my fans,

I spent the last couple of days with my mom. She’s had a little bit of a setback. She’s suffering from Alzheimer’s as everyone knows. I just wanted to make sure she is stable and she is. I thank you all, so much, from the bottom of my heart for all your love and care.  Thank you all for your loving comments.

The Christmas Special is definitely going ahead. I am excited that this is an opportunity to speak to you live, respond to you live, as if you were in my living room or kitchen. You will see where I live, how I spend my time. I love coming home to our beautiful inter-coastal region.

I’ll be singing some old songs that are special to me and maybe a new song. I’ll also sing my favourite Christmas song ‘My Christmas Card To You’ which was first released in 1971 on The Partridge Family Christmas Card album.

I hope you can join me for the Christmas Special http://zoovision.com/davidcassidy/ I’d love you to let your friends know about it.

Much love,