November 4th, 2011 Update

I thoroughly enjoyed the concerts last weekend. It was a terrific trip but the weather was incredibly bad. I know that a lot of fans couldn’t make it to Boston due to one of the worst snow storms in 65 years. Thankfully I did make it to Boston about an hour before the show after a 6 ½ hour delay to my flight. The band is amazing and wonderfully talented. We had some fun when the band played their solos and unexpectedly played ‘On Broadway’ and ‘Superstition’. I had no idea that they were going to play these tunes.

I am accepting some bookings for next year which will be announced here on my website as soon as they are confirmed. However, I don’t know how much more touring I will be doing in the future so I’m looking forward to doing the Christmas Special. Beau will definitely be at home and singing with me. My brothers, Patrick and Shaun may also join us if it can be arranged for them to be here at the broadcast date. 

I’ve been busy since I’ve been home, the phone hasn’t stopped ringing. One of the calls was about my horse Thunder Harbor, which I own and bred. He won at Keeneland Racecourse in Kentucky on October 28th. The trainer and I have decided that he will go up to NY and race at Aqueduct in a couple of week’s time.

Much Love,


I was very sad to hear of Silvia’s death. Silvia was a wonderful, loving and supportive person.
I was very touched by her creativity and kindness. I love the shirt that she made for me.
Sue, Beau and I send our heartfelt condolences to Silvia’s family and friends.


David wearing Silvia's shirt

The shirt, made by Silvia.


Thank you for your support.

To all my fans,

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support. My personal journey with my mother’s long illness and her disappearing has been a very painful journey. As I continue to work with the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation I will bring you as much information as I can as to what we can do. I invite you to bring as many friends as possible to my Facebook page as we all need to know more about Alzheimer’s.

I have just recorded a 30 second and a 15 second PSA regarding Alzheimer’s while I was in New Jersey recently. It will probably go to air in a couple of weeks after it has been edited.
I encourage you all to learn more and, if possible, donate to the The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation.

I appreciate your offer of support regarding my litigation with Sony. I will consult my attorneys about what would be the most appropriate thing to do and let you know.

I am intending to do a live video stream from my home at Christmas time. I will bring you more details on this in the near future.

My thanks again for your support,

Some News

To all my fans,

Some great news first – The Count Basie theatre has just released 100 seats. I hope to see some of you at this concert.

It is with great sadness that I have had to resort to litigation against Sony. I have tried to get them to be partners with me and come to an agreement. It makes me terribly sad that I have had to resort to this. I would like you to support me more than ever at this time. I hope to see you soon at a concert.

I will be appearing on MSNBC between 10 – 10:30am Thursday.

Much love,

Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages. I do get online and I have read your messages. I appreciate all of you that take the time to contact me. Please know that I care deeply for you all.

I have been incredibly busy lately, including helping Beau and his band, The Fates, with a new video and some new tracks. In the near future I will be shooting a PSA regarding Alzheimer’s. I will also be going to Capitol Hill to ask for more funding for Alzheimer’s research projects.

I hope to see some of you at my next concerts.

