January 29, 2016 – Concert review & photos

It’s been almost four months since the world has had the pleasure of seeing David Cassidy live in concert and on January 29th we all waited with bated breath for the return of our favourite superstar at the Rams Head on Stage in Annapolis.
“How do you do, God bless you for all for being here, this is so fantastic!” he said as he strode on stage to the well-known beat of ‘C’mon Get Happy’.
Read the rest of the review here



Washington Post Article

Q&A with David Cassidy: Yep, he’s still a global icon. And, yep, he’s still on tour.

..We spoke recently with a rejuvenated and four-months-sober Cassidy from his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., about the old days and the influence of his family, particularly his father, the late actor Jack Cassidy, as well as encounters with John Lennon, David Bowie and Donald Trump.

What can people expect when they come to see a David Cassidy show in 2016?

Very high energy, obviously a lot of my hits. I take people kind of on a musical journey of my life, including a Cole Porter song that my father taught me when I was 3 1/2 years old.

Read the full article

Glenn Frey

I knew many of the Eagles back in the 70s but strangely not Glenn Frey. Tim Schmidt and I became very good friends back then. I’ve met, in the past, Don Henley in both England and in the US.  I sang on their original bass player and singer songwriter Randy Meisner’s first solo album, a great talent as well.

I, like many Americans, view the Eagles as one of the greatest American bands in the last 40 years.

Glenn will be missed by all and I wish his loved ones and friends my deepest sympathy. Glenn, we will miss you and your talent.  God bless you.


Happy New Year

To each and every one who have been so loving and supportive for so long, I send my love. I hope you all have a fantastic New Year. I am so blessed for all of the support. You’ve all been an inspiration to me.

I hope to see you at my few concerts in the new year. The old body feels a little arthritic these days but I’m really looking forward to playing concerts again in 2016.

God Bless and Happy Trails.