I wish everyone peace love and happiness in their life. The holiday season is a time to be kind to one another in this increasingly violent world. I hope everyone makes a concerted effort to do a kindness and give back to your community and fellow man (or woman).

I love you all and I have never enjoyed my career more than I do now, celebrating over 40 years of touching people’s lives and having them touch mine. I am very excited about the upcoming concerts “David Cassidy presents The World’s Greatest Teen Idols: Peter Noone, Micky Dolenz.” Before I started making records and before I became a professional actor I can remember being a fan of the Monkees and Peter, driving around in my car with their music blasting. I know a number of their songs and I am honored to be going on the stage with the people I grew up with. Probably some of you grew up with them also. We will all perform together and individually. It is going to be really fun. I am genuinely excited about it. I hope you can join us. More dates will be added in the New Year.

As a small token of my thanks for your support I hope you enjoy the song “I’ll Believe You Again.” I’m told it isn’t widely known as it was released only as the B side on the “Lyin’  To Myself” single. I’d forgotten about it until reminded recently.

God Bless,

David’s message – October 19, 2012

David checking his website for messages.

David checking his website for messages.

Thank you, to each and every one of you that took the time to write messages to me when I had to cancel the two concerts in September because of a bad case of Bronchitis. I was very disappointed; I didn’t want to cancel but I was under doctor’s orders. I apologise for the inconvenience it caused people. 

I know fans have been asking how I got the scar on my arm. It happened at the same time I fell and dislocated my finger on my left hand at the baseball game but this has now healed.  Thanks for asking & caring.

I’m looking at producing a hard cover book which will be a musical autobiography; including all the great influences in my life from when I was a child, my mother, my father, my grandparents, singing in church, my teenage years, my musical influences, the partridge family and the people I worked with while on the road. I am going to include the music and the stories about the music. I want to include photographs and we are looking at including video links.  This came about because so many people have remarked with amazement about all the people I have met, all the people I’ve got to know, work with and play with.

I am also planning on putting together a US tour “David Cassidy Presents” next spring and I am just announcing it now although I don’t have dates yet. I will be performing with friends of mine.

I have been continuing to talk about Alzheimer’s. As you know this disease and the need for us all to learn more is a cause that is very dear to me.  I was recently interviewed in Care Advantage Fall 2012 magazine.

You are probably all aware that UK Legend released a song called “Sex Like David Cassidy” and you probably already know that I did a Skype interview. I really appreciate and understand that many of you love the original song. Nobody loves it and appreciates it more than I do. This song is paying homage and respect to me and to the song, that’s the way I look at it. It does get my name and music out there with a different type of audience and that’s great news. So if anybody would like to post any positive comments on any blogs out there about the song it would be appreciated.

I look forward to seeing some of you in the UK next month.

God Bless,


June 5, 2012 – News

I really appreciate all the support and positive feedback I have received for the work I have been doing with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. It means a lot to me. I will have a busy summer with my work with them and with other organisations.

I also have a number of concerts during the summer. I will be doing a couple of tributes to Davy in Las Vegas and Utah. A portion of the shows will be some of the Monkees music. I’ll talk about my friendship and relationship I had with Davy and the impact he had on the world. I’ll be paying homage to a really great artist.
God Bless

To all my fans…

Thank you all for the birthday messages on my website and facebook page.  I am very grateful for your continued support and messages of love.

I am looking forward to seeing my European fans in November in the UK. Full details are here on my website. I will be visiting England at the end of the month to do a few interviews.

I want to let you all know that I’m beginning to do more, not just public, but private speaking engagements. I have thought long and hard about my efforts to bring awareness and education to the public and private sector, and am more and more convinced by peoples very positive responses that I should do as much as I feel I can do….That of course will mean a lot less performing live music, with my band, which I still love. However, every person needs to do what they feel is the right thing to do. I love giving to others. It has always made me feel great when I have given from my heart to those far less fortunate than I. I hope I will always have a chance to touch people’s lives as I have in the past. I’m truly in uncharted waters here. I hope so much that you, my fans, will understand, and help me and ALL OF US!!!! We are going to be facing an absolute epidemic of Alzheimer’s and Dementia here in the U.S., and in other parts of the world, in the next 10 to 15 years. I don’t want my children or yours to have to face the same NIGHTMARE as I have!!!!

On May 18th I will be addressing the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s Educational Conference in New York. My speech, “A Son’s Story” will be delivered during the luncheon. I encourage you all to learn as much as you can about Alzheimer’s by visiting The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s website.

God Bless


Honoring Davy Jones

I am going to be doing a lot to honor Davy’s memory and our friendship. This morning Entertainment Tonight is coming to my home and I’m doing one or two interviews with the media. I’m going to do a tribute to him at our show in Miami.  I’ve also been asked if I would do the same to honor Davy and the “Monkees” fans for a few shows which Davy was set to do in the spring and early summer. I was a fan of his as a 16 year old kid long before I knew him and we became friends. DC

Web Team: As soon as any dates are confirmed they will be added to the website.