Glenn Frey

I knew many of the Eagles back in the 70s but strangely not Glenn Frey. Tim Schmidt and I became very good friends back then. I’ve met, in the past, Don Henley in both England and in the US.  I sang on their original bass player and singer songwriter Randy Meisner’s first solo album, a great talent as well.

I, like many Americans, view the Eagles as one of the greatest American bands in the last 40 years.

Glenn will be missed by all and I wish his loved ones and friends my deepest sympathy. Glenn, we will miss you and your talent.  God bless you.


Help support a worthy cause

David recently appeared on Channel 10 news.


John Gray, the reporter says:

One of the higher ups at CAPTAIN (the group feeding local poor children) liked the story I did recently on the plight of low income children in the summer. They approached Mr. Cassidy and asked if he would consider allowing a single reporter, me, to tag along today? He could have said ‘no’ because he’d have to know any story on this would dredge up his arrest. Instead he asked the woman in charge one question, “Will this help you?”
Not-for-profits have no budget to advertise so a story like mine tonight helps them by getting their name out there. Maybe someone with money sees it and decides to write a check next week to help buy lunches for more poor kids. Because of that she said, “Yes David, it would help.”
So please know letting the media film him wasn’t his idea or wish. He didn’t do this to make himself look good. He did it to help needy kids. Period. I thought some of you should know that.

If you would like to support this worthy cause that helps to feed poor children please click here