Concert Photos

September 26, 1971


Click to see more of Donna’s 1971 photos


Do you have photos of David  that you would like to share? Please email Jane

To see a record of all of David’s past shows see the Concert section of this website. 

The FANS  page has links to hundreds of other pages that have been contributed by fans for fans. Further contributions are always welcomed.

39 thoughts on “Concert Photos

  1. Wow, wow and wow again!!! Thank you so much for sharing this precious pics.

  2. Thanks Donna for these beautiful photos of David, wish I’d been there at this concert!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. David you have come along way in your
    career. Thank you for this wonderful website
    where you let your fans express themselves!
    May every day be a good day! May God bless
    you in many ways!

  4. lovely photos, takes me back, and sept 27 is my birthday and I would have been 12 years old, looks as though you were just starting your career, 1972 the partridge family aired in the uk and from then I went to see you in concert which is now Wembley, the buzz, and mania you created, it is lovely when you are young and talented, I found you so good looking, remember playing I think I love you on my mono record player over and over again, beautiful days.

    • Snap my birthday is Sept 27 too, although I’m a year older than you! (same as David’s half brother Shaun)
      In the UK too and went to Wembley, was amazing – where have all the years gone! Wish I had taken photos at the time.

      • it is lovely to be able to write your thoughts on david`s website, which I would not have been able to do in the 1970s, I do try to forget my birthday now, as I am getting old, try not to remind myself lol

  5. Thank you Donna the photos are beautiful.Anyone have photos of white city concert in london 26/5/74 . I was there but had no camera with me.Many thanks.
    Isabel in Belfast.

  6. As far as I’m concerned, there’s just never been a better looking, singing or entertaining guy ever created.

  7. Good morning David!
    Greetings from New England! Today is the
    first day of spring. This time last year I got
    my tickets for your June concert in Newark
    New Jersey. I was so touched when you said
    there were people on the audience that you
    went to elementary school with them.
    I was given the heart wrenching news this
    time last year that my dog whose name was
    Cassidy, I was told by my vet. that he only
    had 3 to 4 months to live. My dog died on
    May 15th. He has been gone for 10 months.’
    I had 14 good years with him. It all comes
    down to the David Cassidy factor. David’s
    music had been so healing in my time
    of mourning. David thank you for letting
    your fans , express themselves on your
    website. Hi Denice! Read all your post!
    Have a great day! I am very confident
    now a days! Take care!

  8. Photographs of you at BB Kings are great , you look soo good hope you had a great time and something you can treasure forever, take care love always Yvonne from Scotland x

  9. Hi dear Jane,

    Woww spectacular pics !!!!!
    Thanks for you and Donna, per sharing these amazing David’s photos.

    With Love,
    Gueeva 🙂

  10. Dear David,
    Spring is finally here! Happy spring! May you
    have more good days and less bad days! I pray
    for you every day. May God bless you! You
    are so loved! Take care precious man!

  11. Dear Jane, you have done such a great , great beautiful job with David Cassidy web sight. I am still in the learning process with all this technology, we have a long future with David and I hope his web sight does to. One day I will contribute a picture or pictures that will be loved, even by David. In the meantime all the pics are just precious, tell David hello from me here in Cleveland, what a wonderful person you are Jane. I have personal pics with David throughout different years, that hold a memory to my heart, and I know David has heard over and over what he has meant, I meeting David changed my life, meeting someone you admire from far and seeing them in person and they are just what you thought, hard to describe how to put into words,so many thoughts at once. For me to see David Cassidy is loved by how many people? SPECIAL STAR, deserves all the best, one day I will pick one or two of my special pictures, to show off to the world , I’m just praying and hoping David is doing really good and feeling good, and yes resting when he wants, hey he was one of the hardest working stars, that always did so much for others. Anyone that is a David Cassidy fan come join in and let David know your a fan. Hi Felicia, I sent u, letter yesterday, I’ll open yours few days, your posts are expressed right to the heart. David read your posts, and have a good week.

    • You are so lucky to have met him in person. I’ll never have that memory. Shirley Jones said that when she first met David as a child she thought he was the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen and that he looked like an angel. He certainly remained stunningly gorgeous throughout the years, from what I can tell from videos. Mesmerizing, in fact, so it is no wonder the girls often passed out when they actually saw him! Everyone speaks well of his personality too. I love how he treated kids in all of the video footage I have seen of him, especially the way he directed one of his siblings when Shirley was having her “This is Your Life” surprise party. David was just born with the whole package!

  12. Hey, ladies…I don’t know whether or not you have discovered it, but there is a thread under the “Fans” tab on this site for wishing David a happy birthday. There are only a few posts there right now. I just discovered it.

  13. Absolutely beautiful in every way. Such beauty, such talent and such charisma. Wow, what more could you ask. Thank you for posting these photos.

    Sheila (Scotland – UK) x

    David, much love is sent your way. I hope you are well.

  14. Hi David! I went to visit my neighbor today
    and she was watching Bonanza. To my surprise
    it was the episode that you appeared on
    playing Billy Burgess. You look so cute and
    the the acting was great! You made my day!
    May you have more better days than bad
    ones. Take care !

  15. I was so happy seeing David on Bonanza
    today. Imagine he was only 19 years old at
    the time. He played a character named Billy
    Burgess, who was convicted of murder.
    He did a great acting job. It absolutely made
    my day!

  16. Yes Margaret I know I was very very lucky, you know it still puts me in shock when I look at my pictures, it was not something that just happened, I was in my last year of high school, school was not for me and I just wanted out, but new had to do it, I don’t even remember what class it was and I was getting yelled at by the nun teacher, I don’t feel sorry for you if you fail Denice, I didn’t even realize she was talking to me, I was planning on how to meet David Cassidy. I was daydreaming. I think my guardian angel talked to David’s guardian angel and I was blessed. I did meet Shirley Jones also me and my mom. At another time, she was very nice and beautiful. She loves David, in life there’s reasons for everything, and when we’re young we don’t understand why things happen, the way they do. The world that surrounds our David Cassidy has just made so many happy hearts, and I am very happy for him that to this day he is so loved and cared about. We all new back than that there was so much specialnest about him that lasted a lifetime. I must say I did not meet him out of high school, I had to get my life going. I played his music all the time, and the right times just happened so perfectly for me to meet him, and even if I did not meet him I would of still been a fan. I admire that man’s talent,and love his voice and yes he looks real good,but it’s the care he has in his heart, that I will never forget. David I hope things are going much better for you. Everyone loves you so much. Hi Felicia , you are a great friend, thanks to David.

  17. Hi Denice!
    I liked your post! I am so glad we are friends
    as well! I am in the process of writing you another
    letter. I am still waiting for your letter to arrive.
    As soon as I get your letter I will respond to it
    immediately, and mail out the letter I just wrote
    to you. I have a question for Margaret Staat, what
    city and state do you live in the Midwest? I enjoy
    your post. I feel like this website is like a fan
    club. Everyday I read all the fans messages. I have
    been a fan for 46 years. There is something very
    special about David Bruce Cassidy. I like David’s
    music exclusively. I am so proud to be a David
    Cassidy fan! My life is enhanced by his music.
    David you have touched so many lives. Thank
    you for allowing your fans to express themselve
    on your website!

    • Hello, Felicia!

      I only claim to be “from” Wichita, Kansas, but I currently live in Mount Pleasant, Texas, which is two hours east of Dallas, Texas. I had to move here out of desperation and briefly move in with my brother’s family because I was unable to get back onto my feet after the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks caused me to be laid off from Boeing Commercial Airplanes in Wichita, Kansas.

      I did some creative financing to hold onto my house after the attacks until its value went back up by renting out one floor and then the other one while I remained onsite, but I have been stuck here in East Texas since 2005. They just don’t hire many people here in Mount Pleasant who are not bilingual because the chicken plant here attracts Spanish speakers. It takes money to move the heck back outta here!

      We made so much money at the aircraft plant that other employers in Wichita didn’t like to hire us when we got laid off. The aircraft manufacturing industry is cyclical and so we always got called back to work at Boeing after about five years of layoff.

      That all changed after the terrorist attacks, which caused the flying public to stop flying, which caused the airliners to cancel plane orders. In fact, we were told not to expect to ever come back after that last layoff. It took them over a year to process all of our layoffs, but they reached us 10-year people within two months. Some people had some serious time out there.

      Boeing sold off the commercial side of their operation in 2005. I am pretty sure the military side of the street where we built Air Force One and Air Force Two was also sold a few years after that. I created production paper for parts that went into those planes and into commercial planes back in 1988, but most of my time there was spent on the hourly side of the house, which paid a lot more money and was really fun. I expedited parts on second shift using a scooter and a radio. Funnest job I ever had.

      It seems like another life because I have lived under extreme poverty conditions here in East Texas for so many years now. I couldn’t function in the low-end jobs here when I actually landed one. I never dreamed that with two college degrees I’d have to live in the projects and walk everywhere.

      I’ve hung on by a thread for so long, but I can say I have taught myself a whole lot about computers while I’ve been alone in my apartment so many years. I am currently trying to find some place online that would let me write from home. And I don’t mean all of those gigs. I need to find a way to afford a copywriting class through AWAI online since marketing and communication degrees would make that a shoe-in!

      Yes indeed…I should never have left Wichita. I also spent time in Derby, Kansas, in Springfield, Missouri and a few years during my childhood in Fort Worth, Texas.

      Thanks for asking. Long answer, and this site isn’t about me. Oh well. I think you said you are on the east coast somewhere, right?

  18. Dear David, just a little note in the words of Abba.Thank you for the music,the songs I,m singing. Thanks for all the joy they,re bringing who can live without, I ask in all honesty.What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music for giving it to me. Hope this finds you in the best of health take it easy and enjoy the Florida sun, lots of love always Yvonne from Scotland x

  19. Hi again Margaret!
    I liked your post. You had a very interesting
    career. You are very intelligent and can write
    well. Don’t ever give up hope! I am from New
    England , specifically Westfield, Massachusetts.
    I live in south western Mass. I have been back
    for 25 years. I was gone for 10 years. I spent 5
    years in Southern California being a baby nanny.
    I took care of rich people’s children. I was a live in
    nanny. Then I joined the Army from Cal. and was
    stationed 5 years at Ft. Dix, N.J. I moved back
    to Mass. on Christmas Day 1991. I then got a job
    at the Department of Veterans Affairs. I worked
    there for 21 years. And retired 2 years ago. I enjoy
    my retirement. Margaret you take care, good
    luck on the job hunt! Thank you for sharing!

    • You had some interesting years too! I almost joined the Air Force, but chickened out. I didn’t think I had the health to make it through boot camp because of shortness of breath! Take care.

  20. Hi Margaret,
    I like your post. Thank you for sharing! I live
    in Westfield, Massachusetts. That is specifically
    south western part of the state. Good luck on
    the job hunt! You are very intelligent and can
    write well. Take care! I love this website. This is
    where David allows his fans to express themselves.

    • Hi, Felicia. I hope we get a progress report from our man soon. I’m on pins and needles, just waiting to see how he has improved over the past weeks since we’ve heard from him.

  21. David, I hope your health is improving daily. Sorry to take up so much space chatting amongst ourselves about other subjects. Women can be chatty! Lol.

  22. Keep smiling your beautiful smile David. Stay focused and strong. Much love always.
    Sheila UK xx

  23. Dear David, Hello’ from Ireland. I hope you are keeping well and are happy in yourself. I like to think you are part of us “Irish” . Thank you David for all the great songs , down through the years. There’s no end to your talent, you’re absolutely amazing, and I love you dearly. I hold you close to my heart always. Very best wishes to you in all that you,ll do in the future! Take good care of yourself and most of all be kind to yourself!! Love always.xxxx

  24. To David Cassidy, the bravest man in the world!
    I can’t emphasize enough, you are so loved.
    May you have more good days than bad ones!
    Signed, Sincerely Felicia Duran, your fan from
    Westfield, Massachusetts!

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