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For inquires regarding content on this website please contact Jane Reaburn


Thank You

Henry Diltz for his fantastic photographs. Visit Henry’s website at

The numerous fans who have contributed to this website.

19 thoughts on “Contact

  1. David, my heart understands how you are feeling regarding your health condition of dementia. For every disease God has given a cure. LOOK toward alternative medicine and there I believe you will find the answer. Research Jon Barron {https//jon} who made a formula that had amazing results per lab studies. Also research Hulda Clark at {}. Lastly look for info on chinese medicine as they have thousands of years of proven cures that are not hidden as our government has hidden known cures or destroyed evidence of such cures. The answer is not in conventional medicine. Trust your heart on what I say.

  2. Does anyone know if there are still tours of David’s Florida house? My mother really wanted to take one If they are available.

  3. November 21st 2017
    Five years ago, you left us to go in Heaven, you are gone too soon, we miss you badly, you were my sunshine when I was a teenager and I cherish these good memories. I ❤ U forever David ❤ Have a happy trail in Heaven…

  4. Could you please help me to solve a fifty year old mystery?
    In1973 I was riding my motorcycle near Oulton Park race track in Cheshire England. It’s on the outskirts of Delamere Forest. I rode past a small cottage and there was a young man standing with his elbows resting on the garden fence. He was staring across the road just as I rode by. I looked at him and thought, OMG, that’s the absolute image of David Cassidy. I thought nothing more about it until I got home later that evening and started watching the news. A news article stated that David was in the UK and was “staying at a friend’s house in Cheshire”. Was it David that I saw that day? Please help me to put this issue to rest.
    many thanks in advance.
    p.s. My sister berated me for not stopping to get his autograph.

  5. I like to post a photo of a DC puzzle I had for many years. How can I do it.

  6. Almost 6 years ago since you left us and it still hurts. I will never forget you. You brought us so much happiness and I hope we brought to some over the years.

  7. David, remembering you with much love and gratitude on your birthday. You gave your millions of fans the gift of pure joy for decades. You filled our hearts with love. There is no topping that. Love and joy is what energizes the human spirit. You did that for SO MANY for so long!! Your recordings will continue to bring many more much joy for decades to come. There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude to you. I only wish you were still here with us. We miss you so much!
    Happy Birthday, David!
    With much love,

  8. OMG! Unfortunately, it took almost 20 years, but I just saw the review of the June 27th, 2003 concert at the State Theater in New Brunswick NJ. It was by some one named Laura. At the end she talked about a letter written by someone whose wife was in a car accident. I wrote the letter. My wife is Michele ( 🙂 with 1 L) . She is doing well and we still have the poster David signed for us. We still talk about that wonderful night and David’s generosity to this day.
    Thank you for publishing that.

  9. Any chance anyone has footage from the June 27th 2003 at the State Theater?
    David dedicated “Cherish” to my wife and I would like to find it, if if exists.

  10. Time goes so fast , the 21st of November is a time to put a DC album on and remember the good times.

    I hope Beau is still focused on his music.🎸

    Always remember 2011 at Novotel for DC B/Day
    David and Beau were great hosts.

  11. Time goes so fast , the 21st of November is a time to put a DC album on and remember the good times.

    I hope Beau is still focused on his music.🎸

    Always remember 2011 at Novotel for DC B/Day
    David and Beau were great hosts.

  12. I just cannot believe David went to be with the Lord six years ago today! It is as if it was yesterday. David was such a big part of my life growing up. On November 5th, 2001 in KC Mo. at Harrah’s my prayers were finally answered when I got to meet him. I will never forget how he gave me a kiss on my cheek and the best hug I think i have ever had! I will also never forget where I was when i heard the terrible news he had died. So strange to I was listening to Rick’y’s Tune when my sister texted me the news. The part where he sang and I guess this is goodbye is when the text was read.💔

  13. I cannot believe it is six years ago today David went to be with the Lord! It seems as if it was yesterday! David played a big part in my life growing up. I will never forget on November 5th, 2001 in KC MO. at Harrah’s my prayers were finally answered when I got to meet him! He kissed me on the cheek then gave me the best hug I think I have ever had! Also I will never forget where I was on the day he died. I was listening to Ricky’s Tune when my sister texted me the news. What is really strange is the part where David sang “well I guess this is goodbye” is when I was reading the text.💔

  14. I loved David’s 1990 Enigma album with Lyin to Myself. What a tremendous album! Does anyone know if/ when it will ever be available to stream? I wish it could be re-released, this time with a real record label ! Thank you.
    Greg S , Pennsylvania

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