David & the band in Canada

Today, David and the band drove from Swift Current to Regina, Saskatchewan for another concert tonight. They stopped en-route at  Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for this photo.


L-R: Randy, Teri, David, Craig, Dave & Frank – Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Concert Pictures

Thank you to the generous fans who contribute to David’s website.

Recent concert photos have been added to the concert pages.


Photos: Leslie H & Lisa D

To my fans

Thank you for your messages. I love you all & I am absolutely fine.
God Bless you all.

David will be on OPRAH: WHERE ARE THEY NOW

David will be on OPRAH: WHERE ARE THEY NOW this coming Sunday, August 25 at 10pm ET.

Click the link to watch the TV promo

WATN Ep 211 SUN 10pm 30 promo-VIEWING