To My Fans

I love you all so much.

I’ve been travelling almost all summer here in North America.

My 3rd degree burn on my right arm is healing but very slowly. Thank you for your kind messages. After nearly 5 weeks it is now much less painful.

I’m having a fantastic summer in upstate NY and doing some of the best shows I’ve ever done!!! The band and I have had the BEST TIME we’ve ever had playing together. I don’t know how long I will continue but I’m loving it so much, other than the travel!!

Love you all,


July 26, 2013 Concert

Some pictures from David’s July 26, 2013 concert at the Tropicana Casino & Resort, Atlantic City, NJ have been added to David’s website.

July 26, 2013

Photos by Lisa B.

Cancelled Concert July 20, 2013

The concerts at the Mid-state Fair have been cancelled. Due to a severe burn David suffered last week, the doctor required David to stay home and rest, not to travel, and certainly not to play guitar or exert himself.

David apologizes to his fans for any inconvenience.

Media Links

Recent Articles:

“Fighting the Battle Against Alzheimer’s and Alzheimer’s-Related Dementia” – Rock Cellar Magazine

“David Cassidy plays the Partridge hits and more during casino set” – The Examiner

An interview from the past:

Discussing Blood Brothers – 1995 National Arts Program

I appreciate your love and concern

Recently I have had eye surgery and I had a fall. I broke another finger on my left hand but that’s okay, it is healing. Nothing will stop me from playing and from doing what I love to do.

I was really sick during the San Diego concert. It took me almost 12 hours to get to San Diego because a flight was delayed by 4 ½ hours. That didn’t help, but I am really great now and I’m looking forward to this summer.

I had an amazing number of messages from friends and fans who heard I was really ill. I was, but it will take a lot for me not to play. I know a lot of people spend a lot of money to come and see me so I don’t want to let them down unless I am completely unable to go on stage.

Thank you for all the messages that I received from all over the world. I really appreciate them.

I am really okay and back better than ever and feeling really, really excited about the shows I have coming up. I really appreciate all of your love and concern.

I am more excited now about playing than I have ever been. I am having the best time I have ever had playing live now. It’s an amazing experience. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love to do.

Much love,