News – November 15, 2011

David has asked us to let you know the following:

At the moment David is in Los Angeles with his mother Evelyn as she is not well.

He is very excited that all of the content on the David Cassidy Downunder Fansite is now going to be incorporated into his own website, (This will happen progressively as the 4500+ pages are transferred and adapted).

If you sign up for the Christmas Special you will have access to unlimited viewings for one week after the live online broadcast on December 13, 2011. Sign up at to watch David live or at a time that is more convenient to you, wherever you are in the world.

The Web Team.

David’s Public Service Announcement

David talks about something that is very personal to him, Alzheimer’s disease. His mother suffers from severe dementia and he doesn’t want to see his children or your children go through what he has gone through.

 “Watching loved ones lose the quality of life is very difficult and painful. But new studies from the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation show us that there are steps we can take to improve memory. Finally there is hope. To learn more about what you can do to maximise your brain health please visit

David Cassidy Public Service Announcement

November 4th, 2011 Update

I thoroughly enjoyed the concerts last weekend. It was a terrific trip but the weather was incredibly bad. I know that a lot of fans couldn’t make it to Boston due to one of the worst snow storms in 65 years. Thankfully I did make it to Boston about an hour before the show after a 6 ½ hour delay to my flight. The band is amazing and wonderfully talented. We had some fun when the band played their solos and unexpectedly played ‘On Broadway’ and ‘Superstition’. I had no idea that they were going to play these tunes.

I am accepting some bookings for next year which will be announced here on my website as soon as they are confirmed. However, I don’t know how much more touring I will be doing in the future so I’m looking forward to doing the Christmas Special. Beau will definitely be at home and singing with me. My brothers, Patrick and Shaun may also join us if it can be arranged for them to be here at the broadcast date. 

I’ve been busy since I’ve been home, the phone hasn’t stopped ringing. One of the calls was about my horse Thunder Harbor, which I own and bred. He won at Keeneland Racecourse in Kentucky on October 28th. The trainer and I have decided that he will go up to NY and race at Aqueduct in a couple of week’s time.

Much Love,

From David to Silvia’s friends & family

Recently I wrote to David and informed him that a copy of his message about Silvia’s passing was attached to her coffin at her funeral on the 22nd Oct.  I thanked David for his message and this is his reply. As you can see, David was happy for me to publish his letter.

 You’re welcome Jane…I believe that WE (humans) have only each other on this earth. The concept that we take with us just ourselves and what experiences we have with others while on this earth, is what I believe. You can’t take “stuff” or money or things that some people place great value on, and view them as LIFE. We are what we make of our lives and what we do with that life. I choose to love and to try and make a very positive impact and or difference in touching other people’s life. I do so because I have a choice. We all do. Most of us are caught up in ourselves so much, we miss the opportunities to truly share our feelings, compassion, caring, or even just listening to another human’s voice. I heard your sadness and the loss in yours. I’ve gotten a lot more from reaching out and giving, than I ever would receiving. You and I and all of the people that Silvia touched herself…We are richer to have known her. Even I, so distant and so far away, feel a certain loss. It’s because Silvia herself reached out with LOVE to me. She evidently was that way to many others, based on what you’ve shared with me… God Bless her spirit and her friends like yourself Jane, and her family. Do you see how one person has the ability to make the choice to be a LOVING person????? We all do. And that’s what I choose to do with the time I’m here. Knowing now what I’ve learned about Silvia, you may share this letter with any of her friends through my website and post it if you’d like. I’m sure many got to know her as being my loving supportive fan as she was….God Bless and Happy Trails…David