Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages. I do get online and I have read your messages. I appreciate all of you that take the time to contact me. Please know that I care deeply for you all.

I have been incredibly busy lately, including helping Beau and his band, The Fates, with a new video and some new tracks. In the near future I will be shooting a PSA regarding Alzheimer’s. I will also be going to Capitol Hill to ask for more funding for Alzheimer’s research projects.

I hope to see some of you at my next concerts.



September 7th, 2011

To my fans:

I have had a great summer and I’m heading home tomorrow. I’ve done so much travelling!

I’m looking forward to working a lot. I’ll be taking some time to work with Sue and I’ll be working with Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. It is going to be a great last quarter for me.

Thank you for your support and patience. Hopefully we’ll have a couple of tracks on iTunes before too long.

My love to all of you,


Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for your messages of support.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who are carers for family members.

I have just been on the radio in Miami, on a station dedicated to discussing very relevant issues for our society today.  I want to give as much as I can to people in terms of enlightenment, education, passion and awareness as baby boomers are about to face an epidemic. Fortunately people are starting to become aware of Dementia. 

You will know that I’ve been travelling recently but soon I will be able to share more of my personal life with you via the internet.


At the moment…

As of this moment in time, The Fates’ video of Skyscraper has had over 52,000 views. This is really wonderful. Thanks to all of my fans for passing it on. The Fates have a new video which will go up in the next few days.  They are really starting to get some momentum. I am obviously very, very excited for them. They will be outselling me in no time at this rate! Beau may be joining me on stage in Boston.

Over the next few months I will be speaking about Dementia. It is what I consider to be one of the main obstacles for the largest percentage of the population who are baby boomers.  I don’t want my son or your children to have to go through what I’ve been though with my mother. It is one of those uncomfortable things that none of us want to think about, or talk about, because it has to do with our own mortality and that we will become unable to take care of ourselves at some point.

For me, I think it is terribly important; having it affected my life so significantly, that I try and bring as much attention to it as possible. To try and bring awareness to some of the ways in which we can prepare ourselves and to make sure our children are not left to deal with it. I am trying to raise people’s awareness as to what the experience is like. My interest is to assist our generation, to let them know there are things they can do. It is heart breaking to watch someone you love with Dementia.

In the near future, I am doing a public service announcement which will go to air and some private speaking events to hopefully make people aware of the problem of Dementia. This subject is very close to me. I encourage you all to learn more and, if possible, donate to the The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation.

Much love,


To all my fans….

David has read your comments and answers some of your questions.

From the bottom of my heart to all of my fans,

Many of you have been generous and supportive of me for days, weeks, months, years and believe it or not, decades. It is a privilege, not just good fortune, to have so many people care about me and my family. I want you all to know how much it means to me.

As for the issues concerned with Sony, I am not at liberty to comment any further other than letting you know that I am proceeding with my legal rights to try and resolve the issue.

Regarding new projects: There will be no new release until I get an opportunity to get into a studio and finish work on two new tracks.

My most treasured memory was the day my son was born. That morning, in the hospital, was the happiest, most incredible miracle that I have ever experienced. I was very much a part of it. That morning, two hours after Beau was born, I went on to join nearly 100 singers who recorded a song and video (Voices That Care) for the troops in Desert Storm. I was part of something that was very satisfying and fulfilling. Then I went back to the hospital and spent the next day and a half in the hospital with Sue and our son. He was two weeks early and a very big boy then. He has now grown up to be much bigger than his dad!

I look forward to reading more of your comments soon.

Much Love


David & Beau. Then & Now

Then & Now