As we mark six years since he died, we continue to feel the loss. Today, David’s music, talent and legacy continue to add beauty and joy to our lives, and the friendships we made because of David, continue to enrich our lives.
New material is regularly added to David’s website. A list of these recent addition can be found on the ‘recent updates’ page which is always at the top left of the home page.
Thank you to the fans from around the world who continue to share their images, articles, memorabilia and videos of David.

21 November fills us all with dread. What more can be said that hasn’t already been said. Dearest David we continue to miss you & love you. We think of you today & every day.
Thanks Jane as always. I’ve had a look at some of the latest updates. Very interesting the 70’s forever documentary. Even hearing David’s talking voice fills me with so much emotion! David did a similar documentary for a UK TV channel in the 90’s. I’m sure it must be on this site somewhere as you have painstakingly collected everything! Thanks!!!
Also, I seem to find so many bits & bobs related to David on various sites on the internet. Again you may have the majority here. But I found a picture of a magazine from 1947 with the glamorous, beautiful Evelyn Ward on the front cover. She must have been around 20 or 21, taken I think before she had even met Jack. She looked so lovely.
Thanks Evelyn & Jack for your lovely son. It’s just so sad that all three of you aren’t here.
Rest in Peace to all of those we have lost over the years.
Those we love don’t go away,
they walk beside us every day…
unseen, unheard, but always near,
still loved, still missed and very dear.
Remembering you dear David on this sad day. Always in our hearts and wonderful memories of being at your concerts and watching you in the Partridge Family. Missed always and forever. Angela
Wish you were here.
Wish you were here.
Wish you were here.
I just cannot believe it has been six years David went to be with the Lord. He was a big part of my life growing up. On November 6th, 2001 at Harrah’s in KC MO my prayers were finally answered when I got to meet David. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and one of the best hugs ever!!! I will always remember where I was the day David died. I was listening at the time to Ricky’s Tune when my sister text me the news of his passing. What was really strange when I went to read the text David was singing the words ” I Guess This Is Goodbye.💔
I miss the music. I miss the man.
I don’t understand how posting is working this year. I can’t see my reply or anyone else’s either. I always enjoyed this in the past. ?????
Carol, I have to check all posts before allowing them through due to the very high number of spam messages. I live on the other side of the world so time differences may be why it takes a while for your posts to go on the website. Jane
Thank you Jane.
You will never be forgotten David
We love you now as we did then and always will
Always & forever
Barbara and Jackiexxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thinking of David today on the Anniversary of his passing .He is so missed by all his fans . He brought a lot of happiness during my life and new friendships .There will never be another singer ,actor,performer like him . I’m so grateful to have this website and looking at the updates everyday .
Remembered David on 21st November with love always in my heart and will never be forgotten.
Thank you Jane in all you do
Love you always David!💟
It’s a wonder…EVERY SINGLE TIME a photo or video of David pops up in my feed, I instantly smile spontaneously and feel a sense of joy. Thank you, David, for your continuous loving spirit surrounding us.
Me to!
David Forever!
Thank you for your your Great work, Jane, to really create an archive with all the great memories for is.
Love you all
Mientras exista un fan vivo, David será recordado y honrado. Debemos difundir su legado para conseguir nuevos fans y que nunca sea olvidado..❤️
I was a huge fan of David. Was lucky enough to see him several times over the years. I am going to Fort Lauderdale, and I was wondering if anyone knows the address of the condo he lived in after he left the mansion.
Something randomly popped up on up Utube literally a couple of weeks ago and connected with my memory banks. It sent me on a journey discovering and re discovering this mans work, I needed to absorb more. I read the biography in a couple of days (and I rarely read). Caught up on music and instantly connected with several things. Tv clips, images, interviews, concerts. An exiting, amazing, emotional roller coaster of a journey. Utter joy and also tears. Today I watched the Last Session. Thank you for all the content on this site. So much love.
Today we remember dear Jack who sadly lost his life on this day, all those years ago. Why oh why did that initial family unit of 3 all have to pass, in such tragic & heart-breaking circumstances? Rest in Peace all 3 of you charming, lovely, talented souls!!!!!
Araceli, Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I do hope you have a lovely day. Also, hope you see this message especially for you in time. This is the only way I can contact you, but I know we all don’t touch base with this site as often as we used to. Lots of love to you Araceli XXXXXX Adeola.
I would like to wish Jane and all of Davids fans and Davids family a lovely Christmas and a very happy healthy new year 2024 .love and hugs to all .xx