David’s Christmas Message 2012

Reprinted here is David’s message to fans in December 2012.

Christmas Message:
I wish everyone peace love and happiness in their life. The holiday season is a time to be kind to one another in this increasingly violent world. I hope everyone makes a concerted effort to do a kindness and give back to your community and fellow man (or woman).

I love you all and I have never enjoyed my career more than I do now, celebrating over 40 years of touching people’s lives and having them touch mine.  I am very excited about the upcoming concerts “David Cassidy presents The World’s Greatest Teen Idols: Peter Noone, Mickey Dolenz.” Before I started making records and before I became a professional actor I can remember being a fan of the Monkees and Peter, driving around in my car with their music blasting. I know a number of their songs and I am honored to be going on the stage with the people I grew up with. Probably some of you grew up with them also. We will all perform together and individually. It is going to be really fun. I am genuinely excited about it. I hope you can join us. More dates will be added in the New Year.

As a small token of my thanks for your support I hope you enjoy the song “
I’ll Believe You Again.”  I’m told it isn’t widely known as it was released only in Germany in 1990. I’d forgotten about it until reminded recently.

God Bless,

David Bruce Cassidy Memorial Scholarship Program

The David Bruce Cassidy Memorial Scholarship Program is sponsored by the David Cassidy Memorial Legacy Group DCMLG. This group was formed in Saratoga Springs in 2018 and is offering scholarships to High School students in Saratoga Springs.

There are 4 scholarships in the program. 3 are in Memory of David and 1 in honor of Dr. Bilinski. Full details here.

Dr. Bilinski and David Cassidy

Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame

Sian, a UK fan, spoke to a lady at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame recently. Sian, like many other fans, would love to see David in the R&R Hall of Fame. Sian asked that the following information be passed on to other fans.

She was told that handwritten letters sent to the address below are required to increase the chance of a nomination. The handwritten letter should address the selection criteria.

Letters should be addressed to:
Attn: Mr Jon Landau and the Induction Committee
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Inc.
750 Lexington Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Fans have created a Facebook page dedicated to helping get David into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.



David touched countless lives in his lifetime. We continue to feel the loss as we mark 4 years since he died.  David’s music, talent and legacy continue to add beauty and joy to our lives.

Love is a River In Time
(Love is a River In Time)
Now and forever
A bridge between lifetimes

A River In Time was sung by David in EFX.

David through the decades
One image for each decade (60’s to 2010’s)