Message from David – June 4, 2017


Photo from Craig’s studio of the 4 of us; Frank, myself, Teri, and Craig.

I’m having a lot of fun and being as creative as I’ve been since the 70s but as I’m so much older it’s very different now for me. Teri on drums, Craig on keyboard and Frank. Frank is an exceptional bass and a guitar player in this style of nearly jazz! He’s just a remarkable player. I’m limited in what I do well. I’ll play on at least one or two tracks but he’s far better in most cases than I, especially since my arthritis has really hampered my fingers. Many of you who also have arthritis will understand how frustrating it is.

Thus far, I’m very proud of the tracks, as is the 4 of us. We jell very well and they’re as good as it gets!! I’m going to record a bunch of vocals with Craig next week.

Happy Trails,


A number of fans have been asking why David often uses ‘Happy Trails’ to end his messages. Fan’s first noticed David using this in the liner notes of ‘Dreams Are Nuthin’ More Than Wishes’ LP in 1973.
David said ‘It’s the song that Roy Rogers and his wife sang at the beginning and the end of their TV show when I was a very young boy!! I loved that song they sang on horseback.’

Message from David – March 27, 2017

To my fans all over the world,

I want to let you know that I’m doing fine and that today was a good day. I’ve had some very busy days since my interview on the Dr Phil show. I’m really doing very well. I have the occasional bad day as I’m sure we all do. My bad days are not often but I suspect they’re a bit different than most.

I’ve asked 3 of my closest friends (we’ve been friends for decades) to help me and let me know if they see any change in me on any given day. I’m very comfortable with my diagnosis and my life and lifestyle now. I plan on being here on this planet for a very long time!!

Happy Trails,


madison square gardens2sm

David at Madison Square Garden – March 11, 1972

Concert Photos

September 26, 1971


Click to see more of Donna’s 1971 photos


Do you have photos of David  that you would like to share? Please email Jane

To see a record of all of David’s past shows see the Concert section of this website. 

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