A message from David

To my fans,

I’m not retiring at the moment, but I will decide later next year as a result of the physical problems that have been plaguing me over the past decade. I have arthritis and I love to play, but I’ve been doing this from the end of 1970!!

In January I’m playing many of my favorite places here on the east coast. I don’t know how many concerts will follow, if at all in 2015. I want to send my sincere love and thanks for all of your love for me over the past 44 years. It’s meant so very much to me.

I wish for everyone, the best Christmas, with love and happiness to everyone. I have always tried to give love and light to people everywhere. I feel it’s an honor and a blessing. My love goes out to all, and I hope you and your loved ones have a truly safe and happy New Year.

Happy trails to you, from me to all of you.

God Bless.


David’s message – October 19, 2012

David checking his website for messages.

David checking his website for messages.

Thank you, to each and every one of you that took the time to write messages to me when I had to cancel the two concerts in September because of a bad case of Bronchitis. I was very disappointed; I didn’t want to cancel but I was under doctor’s orders. I apologise for the inconvenience it caused people. 

I know fans have been asking how I got the scar on my arm. It happened at the same time I fell and dislocated my finger on my left hand at the baseball game but this has now healed.  Thanks for asking & caring.

I’m looking at producing a hard cover book which will be a musical autobiography; including all the great influences in my life from when I was a child, my mother, my father, my grandparents, singing in church, my teenage years, my musical influences, the partridge family and the people I worked with while on the road. I am going to include the music and the stories about the music. I want to include photographs and we are looking at including video links.  This came about because so many people have remarked with amazement about all the people I have met, all the people I’ve got to know, work with and play with.

I am also planning on putting together a US tour “David Cassidy Presents” next spring and I am just announcing it now although I don’t have dates yet. I will be performing with friends of mine.

I have been continuing to talk about Alzheimer’s. As you know this disease and the need for us all to learn more is a cause that is very dear to me.  I was recently interviewed in Care Advantage Fall 2012 magazine.

You are probably all aware that UK Legend released a song called “Sex Like David Cassidy” and you probably already know that I did a Skype interview. I really appreciate and understand that many of you love the original song. Nobody loves it and appreciates it more than I do. This song is paying homage and respect to me and to the song, that’s the way I look at it. It does get my name and music out there with a different type of audience and that’s great news. So if anybody would like to post any positive comments on any blogs out there about the song it would be appreciated.

I look forward to seeing some of you in the UK next month.

God Bless,


Celebrate with David – August 26th, 2012

David will be in California for a concert on Saturday August 25th at the Sycuan Casino at El Cajon, CA. On Sunday August 26th David is going to be celebrating 50 years of friendship with Sam Hyman and 40 years of touring. If you have lunch or dinner at Sam Hyman’s restaurant Rim-Talay (“By the Sea” in Thai) in Oceanside, CA on Sunday David will be there to Meet & Greet.