Happy Thanksgiving

If you are in Florida around Christmas time I’d love to see you at my show on December 19th. There will be a new set list. I’ll be singing a couple of Partridge Family Christmas songs plus a few of my personal favorite Christmas songs, not just the standards.

I haven’t been doing many concerts lately as I’ve had a sore back.  Recently, Craig and I have been discussing possible songs to record. From March next year I will be doing some speaking engagements, speaking about  Alzheimer’s and Alcoholism.

For those of you in the US, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, for we have much to be thankful for.

Happy Trails,



Thank you to the greatest fans in the world

My birthday was awesome! Thank you to the greatest fans in the world by far! Your messages to me were beautiful. I love you all so much and your support has meant so much to me at this time.

I am doing incredibly well in my sobriety and I am looking forward to doing community services all over the US as well as speaking to many others who struggle with the same disease as I do.

I wish everyone love, peace and happiness this coming holiday and for the rest of 2014.
Happy Trails,


Happy New Year – Message from David

Dear friends, wonderful fans and supporters,

Just know that I am as happy as I have been in many years and my life has flourished in the last couple of months in an incredible way. I have read your emails and messages to me. These mean more to me than ever in my life.

Unfortunately this social media we deal with today tends to be very hysterical in its nature. As most of you know I have never gone to chat rooms or used the internet for my own entertainment. Having said that, I remain very happy, healthy, sober and optimistic about 2014 not just for me but for you all who have continued to support me and to support love and happiness in this world we live in. I will always believe that kindness, love and compassion will always rule out.

Maura and I became very good friends before I ever asked her out on a date which I hadn’t done in more years than I can remember. She has been a great and loyal friend to my fans. She appreciates all of your love and support as do I. She is also wishing you all thanks and great appreciation for your concern for me.

I would also to thank my friend Jane for going over and above all expectations and for her constant commitment to serving you, through me, on my website and beyond.

2014 will be, not hopefully will be, but will be the greatest year of our lives if we choose to make it so.

Words cannot possibly explain my love, appreciation and my truly humble care for your love and support for me. I still want to fill your lives with love, happiness and music. New music will be coming in 2015. I give you my word.

God bless you all and here’s to the best year of all – 2014.