Updates on this website

Thank you to all the fans who have contributed to the website.
You can see a list of recent updates here. Much more will be added in the following weeks.

427 thoughts on “Updates on this website

  1. Thank YOU, for all the work you put down, making this website such a great place to go to, remembering David Cassidy and the legacy he left in music and pictures!

  2. Diane Bacon has written that she has been listening to ‘Can’t go home again’ and is finding it too upsetting. This is a particularly sad song, I remember finding it too sad for me when it was first released! Kim Carnes wrote she finds this song upsetting, too, because it so poignant. I think it’s best at the moment not to listen to David’s songs if they are making you unhappy. I feel sure David wouldn’t want that!

    • Cant Go Home Again is a fantastic song and I have always thought David sings this so perfectly. It is a song that is poignant to most of us who leave home and find it sad going back to your original home.

      • I agree about Can’t go home again. The lyrics are amazing.
        I keep thinking about the last lines.
        ” the wine that had taken his worries and cares had also taken the love he once shared” how much of that was true to David’s life.
        I was so surprised at myself how much I was upset at David’s passing having been a fan in the 70s and having some albums on vinyl bought his first 6 albums on CD and discovering new songs I hadn’t known. I love Junked Heart Blues. He was so talented not just with that lovely Smokey voice but as a great songwriter.
        RIP David . Still and always will be sorely missed. Sandie in England

        • I did listen to the song. I cried and felt like someone was putting a knife in it. šŸ™

  3. Thanks Jane for all the hard work you are putting into the website,it’s much appreciated many Thanks Yvonne.

  4. Thank you Jane for all your updates on David’s website. All your efforts on this site are very much appreciated.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Mirabelle’s magazine covers really make me smile… “DAVID’S LOVE DIARY WE’VE FOUND IT!!!” Old copies really bring to life precious memories. Sian Steed, England

  6. A huge thanks to everyone contributing and of course Jane.
    Those old pics bring back so many happy memories, and wow how beautiful was David !!

  7. A journalist in the UK called Liz Jones was a fan of David’s as a young girl, to the extent she had to have the day off school when David married Kaye Lenz! She said she adored him and was so in love with him as a young fan. She interviewed David several times, when he was appearing in Las Vegas, and when he was auctioning stage clothes for charity. One of her interviews wasn’t very successful because David was watching horse racing, and at the same time, she asked questions which he wouldn’t have liked and neither would any one else in his situation – about possible romance with Susan Dey and why he had changed his hair from the long-distant feather cut, neither of which was anything to do with the reason she was interviewing him or his talent. Since David died she has written twice about him, and one article I felt was unfair. I wrote to her about this, and she has written to me and I hope she has taken on board the points I made, for example about David’s great sense of humour. I hope she will consider writing a feature about David, and that it will be a positive one! She said she was sorry if I felt what she wrote didn’t reflect the admiration and respect she genuinely held for him.

  8. Lovely photo, thanks Jane for keeping David’s website updated much appreciated. Christine Heaton – England

  9. I can say this here and I know you will understand. šŸ™‚

    Yesterday I had to drive 130km from where I live to do some work, and then back on the same day. It was a lonely road that I am not really familiar with…..but I had good company all the way.

    On the way out: Home Is Where the Heart Is and Gettin’ It In the Street; and
    On the way home: Dreams Are Nuthin’ More Than Wishes and The Higher They Climb

    Sad and beautiful at the same time.

  10. David now has 2 benches! One paid for by donations from David’s fans around the world and one from his horse friends, Garry Contessa and Dr Jerry Bilinski, a horse vet David stayed with – however, I think the Saratoga race track give slightly confusing information about the actual celebration of the benches – saying tentively they might hold it in late April. I think its because they are a horse racing track and might worry about too many David Cassidy fans and how it should be organised. However, I am only guessing!

  11. Thank you Jane for all the hard work you do keeping this website going. I appreciate everything you do and provides his loving fans with a focal point to joint together and unite with one special person in mind. Thank you so much for all your kindness.
    Kindest regards
    Sheila UK

  12. I truely think Cant go home again is one of Davids most beautiful songs and I can listen to it over and over again. It makes me really happy instead of sad
    And also a big thank you Jane, for all the good work you do for all of Davids fans
    around the world!

  13. Yes I agree Arcelia, David Cassidy, made a beautiful song with his beautiful voice and we all will never forget, I’m glad I was part of his era,and what a impact not only for me, but worldwide, It would mean so much and bring so much good back into the world, if he could be honored more, and one day a year, we have David Cassidy Day marked on the calender, for generations to come what he gave, and his happy music and voice would also be a inspiration to others.

  14. On David’s face book, the DJ’s Mark and Brian – These 2 played David’s new musical material on their radio show, and as a result, David got lots of offers for music contracts. According to someone’s comment, Mark and Brian re-launched David in the USA! There is a really funny interview with David and these 2, he lets them get away with doing some serious teasing!

  15. thank you Jane for everything you have done for us on the website, since David`s passing,the one thing i shall dearly miss is David`s message to us from him, thanking fans for there support, god rest you David, i send you kisses to heaven.

  16. Hello Everyone,

    Just wanted to touch base and say since the passing of both David and the most recent death of my brother, only 7 years younger the David, I feel totally numb. They both died too soon..it makes me want to cry for a week. Why did this have to happen? Now instead of getting together during the spring and summer to have cookouts with our family ..I have to help bury his ashes at the memorial. So every day hug and tell those who are closest to you that you love them, because life is indeed fragile.

    Love you Big Brother and to my David who I will miss always xoxoxo

  17. Christian my prayers and thoughts to you and your family, you have been on this website a while, we all support eachother. You are right, on what you posted, I hope comfort will come to you, we must find happiness in what David left for us, and remember the happy times with your brother, I miss hearing from David on this website, he was a special star to communicate with us fans, now he at peace and only God knows our final plan. Christian thank you for letting us hear from you .

  18. I have enjoyed reading the Tiger Beats, in particular Sam’s stories of life with David at that time. But someone on David’s face book pointed out Sam didn’t write the stories himself, however he gave them ideas. Which ever way, a lot of the stories do seem very true and have a real insight – for example, David playing guitar during a thunderstorm and using the storm as background percussion!

  19. Denice,

    Thank you for your kind thoughts. When I think of a song to tribute both David and my Brother I would choose “Remember”, by Harry Neilsson.

    Long ago…far away
    Life was clear……close your eyes

    Remember….is a place from long ago
    Remember….filled with everything you know


    Remember…close your eyes and you can see
    Remember….think of all that life can be


    Dreams…love is only in a dream


    Remember……life is never as it seems…….dream

    Long ago…far away
    Life was clear…close your eyes………..

    Love you Always…David and my brother Marlin xoxoxoxo

  20. That has always been one of my favorite songs. I want to make a correction its Harry Nilsson.

    Take Care Everyone……

  21. I hope DC’s record producer and good friend, Craig, has decided what to do with the approx. 3 songs David managed to complete during his tribute to his father, Jack – ‘Songs my Father Taught Me.’ We only got to hear a tiny piece here on this site via Craig’s interview – it was ‘Sweet Little Angel’ with David singing and playing guitar. I have heard Craig now has plans to incorporate what David could record. The ‘Sweet Little Angel’ clip was beautiful! But we will have to wait and see.

  22. I would like to ask a question about the only photo of David I have – The picture is a famous one of David standing topless on a beach, in patched jeans, with a guitar, and of course, wearing the puka shell necklace he made on holiday in Hawaii. I have read someone on this site that David hated this particular picture of him. But why? Someone suggested it is because it makes him look too much like a teenybopper and not enough like a serious musician – but is this the reason – or is there another one?

  23. I will forever mourn the loss of David Cassidy. He was our icon and he was someone that we looked up to and truly adored. He always had a place in my heart throughout my life and despite everything I might have been going through my love an devotion was always there for him because he was apart of me. I cried the day I learned of his death. David, we will always love you an you will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace David. It will never be the same without you.

  24. Christian that is a beautiful song, the words are beautiful, and take you to a good place. We must remember the ones we loved.

  25. Three months today since you left us with a heavy heart. ItĀ“s still hard, the time hasnĀ“t healed at all, I feel as sad and lost as I was at the beginning. I miss you so much and I am still crying for you šŸ™

    • Hi Araceli,

      I still feel exactly the same as you. The loss of David from our lives has hit me harder than I could have imagined. The sadness for me, also, has not diminished after three months. This website is the only place where David’s fans can console each other and therefore is much appreciated. Also, I really appreciate how lucky we all were to have lived in his lifetime and to have experienced his great talents and the goodness that he was.

      Sydney, Australia

  26. Christine,
    I’m so very sorry that you lost your big brother. My heart hurts for you. I know the pain, the numbness. My big brother passed away in January 2017 at the age of 59. It was just the two of us. A part of me seems to be missing without him here. When David passed away in November, I was surprised at how hard it hit me, how much I grieved. My thoughts especially went to Beau, Katie, Shaun, Patrick & Ryan for I knew what it was like to lose one’s dad and now a brother. I also kept asking myself; why am I crying so much; as I listened to his music,watched every live performance, interview, etc. that I could find of David? I don’t know that I’ve completely answered that question yet. But, I do know this. David Cassidy touched a part of my heart for the first time when I was just 11 years old. He continued to do so ever since. He gave so much of himself and not just his talents, but his truth, his honesty, his sensitive and beautiful soul and most of all his love to all of us. David Cassidy; the man, the human being, influenced and touched millions of lives worldwide during his lifetime. I hope David knew just how much joy he brought us all. So, that 11 year old girl who is now a 58 year old woman, will forever hold dear, “cherish” if you will, you David Cassidy, in that part of my heart that you captured so many moons ago.
    Christine, from one little sister to another, I send you many hugs, prayers and much love!

  27. Araceli – you are not alone. Every day I miss him more and more. Today was no exception. I find solace in talking to him every week just as I did this morning on my way to work. I look up to Heaven and say “Hi David”, let him know how we are dealing with his passing and thanking him for all the love he has brought to us and how much I admired him for the past 47 years. I was fortunate to purchase a long time ago all four seasons of the Partridge Family and have watched them all again, and even then some again because I loved the episode so much. I watch the You Tube Videos and that brings joy and a little comfort to me. I won’t say all days are good. There will be times that I am in my car and I just start crying. I can’t seem to listen to anything else in my car but his CD’s. I tell him that hopefully the hurting will ease up, but I doubt it. I have loved all the other posts done here and and glad that we have this to express our feelings. Have a great day everyone – I will also post that I am live in beautiful Arizona as I have read other fans sharing where they are from. Happy Trails Everyone!

  28. Arcelia, David Cassidy may have left the earth, but he did not leave our hearts, this is one guy who we all just loved, and to this day, it still hurts, I may never get over losing David, I have to trust in God, and David is at peace, and it’s beautiful up there, and he is singing with the angels, and he is with his love ones, we just have to believe, I look at all he did,there is so much that I never saw, I am looking back realizing , what a lucky girl I was to have a favorite star , and he was not only my star, he had a whole world of people who loved him, and now I am here with the best, of the best, all of David’s fans thank you for your posts,I feel not alone,and my wonderful friend Felicia, who I became friends with here on David’s website, I am happy we really are friends. Jane just amazing, on all she has done, and we the fans can continue to celebrate David’s life,

  29. Watching an interview David gave which is on his face book – when he was about to appear in The Celebrity Apprentice. I heard/read David didn’t really want to do this, and turned it down. However, he was talked into it when Donald Trump telephoned him and said it would raise money for ‘The Alzheimer’s Society of America.’

      • David was a life long democrat!! He did not approve of Donald Trumps policies and said so in interviews and on stage.

        • Yes, I know about David’s views regarding politics. I didn’t mention politics, so I’m not sure why you went there. Anyway, it was always a sad thing to me that David endured humiliation on that show. It was doubly sad to me to learn here that humiliation was what he got while trying to do a good deed for humanity.

  30. Araceli, Sandra and Denice, you all summed up so well how I feel too. I can’t believe it’s been three months already since we lost David and yet it feels as though it was yesterday. I’m still hurting and missing David so much. I listen to his music every day and watch his musical performances, it makes me feel better but yet it’s bittersweet, that we’ll never be able to see him in person again on earth. I do cherish the memories and am so glad that I was around to get to know David from the early days of his career through to the end. As you said Sandra, this is the only place where we can talk freely about our feelings about David and what a loss it is and everyone will understand and console each other. I do find it comforting and appreciate all of you, David has a wonderful, caring group of fans, thank you all for being here and sharing your thoughts and experiences. .

  31. Araceli we all feel the same losing David was like losing apart of ourself,knowing he will never leave an other message on his website,knowing we will never feel the excitement in our hearts when going to see him perform live,I felt in my heart when he did not post here for a couple of months all was not right,but I never expected that outcome,I cry I laugh and try to remember the joy,love,and that fantastic laugh that only us DC fans recognise a mile away it has not got any easier 3months later still feels surreal,but with time we will all heal.And what a wonderful legacy he has left for us all to share,take care my friend.

  32. Judy and Yvonne, I just read your posts, and I relate the same, this is very bad, sadness won’t go away, he was just to great, of a person, that’s why it will always hurt.and this website is the only place, that we can help eachother to feel comfort, with eachother.

  33. The video on David’s face book of David’s appearance in the 1981 Merv Griffin show, proves how he really got into character to play the part in ‘Little Johnny Jones’ – even singing while simultaneously chewing gum! David’s record producer, Craig, commented David was very rare in that he could do music, (Craig’s words.) act in film, and also theatre and musical theatre, too. Anyone who saw David when he appeared in ‘Blood Brothers’ was very lucky! And he was able to do a perfect John Lennon Liverpudlian accent! Someone who worked on the show backstage said whilst working on the show in the UK, he read David his fan letters. David would then dictate his reply which the person would scribble down. One fan letter proved really difficult as it lasted over several pages.

    • Seeing David in Blood Brothers in the UK is one of my best ‘David moments’. Showcased his talents to the full.
      Love to all, know how much it hurts missing David. x

      • Have always thought that play with David and Shaun should be out on DVD somehow. Didn’t have the pleasure of seeing it.

  34. Thank you, my lovely friends, you are really great comfort. We are here together sharing our love for this beautiful man. I know he is at peace and pain free now and thatĀ“s the most important thing for me… Whatever you are, my dear David, be happy. You will forever be in our hearts ā™„

  35. I saw David in Little Johnny Jones, Joseph Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Blood Brothers, David you deserve a standing ovation in all three, what a performer, and what a voice you had in your theatre shows, he just did what he does and I will never forget those shows, I loved whatever David did, always went great, it was like so good that it made me wonder how he did so much, and he was just a outstanding entertainer. David I will cherish those memories, and I said a prayer for you today.

  36. Thank you Julie…….

    You never know how much those people in your life mean to you …until their taken from us.

    • I agree, Christine. It is a loss and an adjustment when we lose people we are close to. I lost the brother I was closest to back in 1991. I was mad at God for years. I’ve learned since then to just trust Him. Now my other much-older brother (whom I’ve gotten to know better during the last 13 years) is having issues with his heart. When he leaves the earth, there will be nobody left on earth who loves me. Well, people leave our lives and others enter our lives, all in God’s timing (though still extremely painful sometimes).

      • Margaret, sad but very wise words and I recall hearing David Cassidy in an interview saying something also about when our parents leave this world, we are alone and the ones caring, loving us the most and for what we are, are forever gone and we feel a loneliness beyond anything else. I was very touched by his words, and I was from yours aswell! Take care/Annie

  37. Maragret we all love you here, you also have been a true loyal David Cassidy fan, who posted here for David and us fans.

  38. Listened to the second version of ‘I Think I Love You’ when it was revised by Craig – love the original of course – but now love this one too! But heard David eventually gave up on the idea of Craig’s new versions of his songs, as it was thought fans mainly wanted to hear the old versions – a shame and sure it wasn’t true, the rearranged songs were just as good, but a different take!

  39. Jimmy Osmond has a UK tour at the moment and last night while performing in Petersbrough he sang “I Think In Love You” in honour of David.What a lovely gesture it’s on YouTube for everyone to see.

  40. Thank you Yvonne for letting us know about Jimmy Osmond’s tribute to David, I just watched it on YouTube, that was a very nice gesture for him to remember David.

      • Yvonne – thank you for asking to be a friend on face book – but I don’t really ‘do’ anything on face book, in fact, don’t even know how I managed to put myself on it! I’ll leave it for the time being. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I’m no computer buff!

      • I don’t bother with all these other websites -sure they all mean well, though – but this was the site David interacted with when he was alive.

        • Claire, that reminds me of that wonderful Robert Palmer lyric “They don’t bother me at all – I’m far too busy loving her…” This website will keep us busy forever… Sian

  41. Looking at David’s face book, and posts of how David looked as Keith Partridge – and can’t help think when fans comment on his looks- sexy, hottie, etc – but what would that seem like if they were commenting on a woman?

    • David was “hot” all right but some people are crass. I get the impression he was fed up with all the underwear thrown at him… Sian Steed, England

      • Yes!! Saw footage of a girl who threw her underwear at David – with her phone number inside! Don’t think DC thought it was the best way to introduce herself to him!! A bit too direct to say the least.

        • Since David had such a good sense of humour – it would have been hilarious if he’d said “I’ve got what I want here – thanks – you can have the phone number back!” Sian

  42. I mean – a man commenting on a woman! Just a thought how difficult this must have been for him at times.

    • I have been thinking the same Claire, even if I must admit, I’ve made a few comments myself on YT, about for instance his beautiful eyes. But you really have a point, it would never be ok if it was all about a woman, and its never ok commenting on anyone (man or woman) in an objectifying way. I also feel DC really thought it was a heavy thing, carrying this being put on a pedestal regarding his looks (and then have to live up to everyones expectations)At one point in an interview, he said something like “if his hair wasnt “Keith standard”, it was an issue”, and that all that was one part of his struggle after the PF ended. Imagine having to live up to a created figure every day you walk out your door in your private person…huh, awful. And then there is aging, which happens to all of us, but for some reason some people thought DC should not get older, and when naturally he did, it was also commented on. You have to have pretty thick skin, not being hurt by such things..

  43. Thank you, Annie – I didn’t know about David’s hair having to be ‘Keith Standard.’ I did know his hair style was created for him by a hairdresser at the time with Screen Gems called Jeffrey Spirit. David said it was his hair, but Jeffrey cut it into the ‘Keith’ style, and it was at it’s zenith by series 2. I do know what you mean – about commenting on David, it’s hard never to have said anything about how he looked, when he was extremely beautiful! I expect DC liked it in some ways and hated it in others!


    • Claire, interesting about who did his hair or was his stylist?back then. Didnt know that, he for sure did a great job! “Keith standard” was my expression to make a long story (radio interview with DC from the nineties) short about the hairissue, but I think you got what I meant. Yes, he indeed was extremely beautiful, inside and out and that I think, can never be wrong commenting on.Take care/Annie

  44. reading the comment about david`s hair, many actors do have there hair styled to fit a character who they portray on screen, when it is required,

  45. I too have made comments about David’s eyes, hair and stunning looks and you can’t ignore just how beautiful he was. This I’m sure both helped and hampered David’s career path over the years. BUT as true fans we know his talents were immeasurable in many fields and I hope he knew we appreciated that and he was not just a poster boy.
    Being so beautiful must put so many pressures on both men and women.

    • I can’t help thinking of Elvis Presley (who was evidently tied to a restrictive contract at a fairly young age)… and Marilyn Monroe (who apparently had a high IQ)… When very attractive entertainment stars are hemmed in; how bad must that feel? Yes, I’m sure that most of David’s fans appreciated him for more than just one side, but maybe not all… Sian Steed, England

  46. I think when David got to a certain age,and also us fans,and wanted to taken as a serious singer and performer,it was a bit crude and disrespectful although he always took it with a great sense of humour,but inside he was probably thinking grow up please.

  47. i think david was in awe of his big success, steming from the partridge family, he was a good looking man, and his son beau reminds me of elvis presley, he has similarities in his looks to the young elvis,

  48. I think Yvonne is correct in saying David did want to be treated with respect as he was a star with great talent.

    • I agree – Claire – and also (as I know you’ll have noticed), David was a really hard worker who inherited fantastic genes but also earned his success. That’s not to say that some of his genetic inheritance wasn’t unfortunate. Sian Steed, England

  49. I don’t want to get too personal but am I the only fan who thinks that the Rolling Stone cover photograph of David was a real mistake? David looks awkward and self-conscious in it and when I found out that the photographer was Annie Leibovitz I was a bit shocked. I’ve seen much better pictures of David and if it’s supposed to give the viewer a glimpse of the “real David” then I can only think that the real David wasn’t very at ease with himself at that time or that perhaps he just didn’t gel with the photographer… Sian Steed, England

    • Sian – I think this was a very beautiful picture of David – although when it came out I was very young and it was too much for me then – however, the problems for David, such as getting a programme with Bob Hope cancelled due to this photo, weren’t connected with the picture as such. It was the journalist who embellished what was going on it the background in the write-up, which wasn’t actually applying to David. Apparently David wasn’t happy with this write-up at all.

    • I was about 3 years old when that Rolling Stone article came out, so I can’t really comment on whether it was a mistake. I always watched the Partridge Family in primetime and had their records. Knew nothing about “his image” and how he was considered “bubblegum” — that crap was way over my head and Rolling Stone wasn’t even on my radar . . . I couldn’t even read then! Didn’t even know about David Cassidy’s Rolling Stone and the pictures until I was an adult. Learned about it when David did “Behind the Music”. I thought he looked very comfortable in the photographs. If it was Donny Osmond, yeah, I would say, “this is uncomfortable”, because that’s not Donny Osmond. That would make me cringe. He wouldn’t be himself with his clothes off because he really was sweet and innocent. David Cassidy was no virgin and he was a sexy guy, so seeing him nude . . . well let’s just say I have no problem with it. And call me a bit of a perv, I wish the centerfold was the cover! LOL! And I’ve seen other pictures from that photo shoot, and I love them! Annie Leibovitz knows a beautiful subject when she sees one.

      • I’ve got nothing against him being sexy – don’t worry. I can’t agree with you, though. I’m happy with people enjoying the pictures. David with his horse is sexier, for me (Cherish cover). Sian

  50. I agree with you Barbara, Beau does look like a young Elvis, and Sian I agree with your post about David in rolling stones magazine, he did look self conscious, I just miss David Cassidy, and will always miss him, besides all his credits and accomplishments, David Cassidy was a very kind person, he cared about people, I never thought of him as Keith Partridge, from the beginning he was David Cassidy, to me, but Keith was super cool in the part he played with super cute looks, and the best hair of all time, the best was when Keith , got to sing a new song each week, that’s when I knew why I just loved David Cassidy, felt like he was in our house singing, he walked with style and new how to work it all to perfection, I liked how he held his microphone, I loved that man’s voice. There’s sadness that will never go away, we all just loved him, so so so much. Somedays the sky looks so beautiful, and I look up and wave to David, be at peace David.

    • I can’t remember which year The Partridge Family began showing on TV in the UK… I wonder – does anyone know, please? I don’t suppose we received it as soon as it was shown in the USA… As for the Rolling Stone affair, I wasn’t aware of the fuss at the time. I used to buy “Jackie” and “Mirabelle” magazines. I’m pretty sure my mother used to share in my delight if she bought me one, herself! Happy times! Sian Steed, England

  51. Today, March 2, it is 44 years since I saw David in concert in Sydney in 1974, and on March 4 it will be exactly one year since David did his last concert performance. Still can’t believe he was gone eight months later and is not here with us now. He didn’t get much of a retirement before his health took a turn for the worse, so sad for him, he deserved so much more in his life, didn’t get much in return for all he gave. And he really wanted to complete “Songs My Father Taught Me”, which adds to his tragedy. I hope we get to hear the songs that he was able to complete. At least now he is at peace. Think about him every day.

    Sydney, Australia

    • Yes I have often thought it sad David did not have a long and happy retirement, where he could have relaxed and enjoyed life at a slower pace. His health and issues robbed him of so much.

  52. I don’t think David would ever have been able to retire! Health permitted, I think he would’ve carried on indefinitely! Lots of performers are like this, the whole thing is like a drug they can’t live without! Most of David’s life revolved around him being able to perform, those concerts were his life’s blood.

  53. .. when I mentioned it might’ve been difficult for David at times when he was judged on his looks alone – its interesting to see his reaction in the footage on David’s face book of DC with Davy Jones. Davy was clearly one of David’s all time hero’s, but said David was the next ‘pretty face’ who took over from him – David very quickly changes the subject!!

    • Fantastic looks are definitely a double-edged sword (for both men and women). I used to think how wonderful it would be to be a “Miss World” but that was naĆÆve of me… Sian Steed, England

  54. A year ago tonight David played his very last concert at BB Kings,we never thought 8 months later he would have passed.It,s still very hard knowing we will never see him again,but what a beautiful legacy David has left us.We all have our own memories,and reading other fans memories here on the website is a joy. I think I can speak on behalf of every fan and say(DAVID THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES WE WILL TREASURE FOREVER)

  55. I didn’t realise it was already one year since David’s last concert at BB Kings. Incredibly, I believe David was planning 300 concerts. I think he was being very brave to attempt to do this considering his considerable health problems at the time.

    • It was also on March 1, 2017 he appeared on Dr. Phil. Can’t believe it was a year ago already.

  56. Yvonne, Claire, agree, its a fantastic legacy he left, and I am so glad we have internet these days, so we, who were never able to see him live can enjoy his concerts, at least the ones made later in life. I also think he was tremendously brave entering the stage considering his health issues, most people/artists would probably hide at home and never go public again, but he did and he also even gave interviews to help others in the same situation or if having relatives with dementia for instance, thats so incredible brave and thoughtful!

    • David certainly experienced some very extreme highs and lows in his lifetime. It’s such a shame he’s gone, already. He probably had so much to impart at this later stage in his life – especially to young actors and singers just starting out… Some lessons take a long time to learn. Sian Steed, England

  57. Yes Yvonne,David did his last concert one year ago, David loved all his fans, I miss him so so so much, this morning on atena t.v. the partridge family was on, it was a early one 1970; I just felt so bad, I just want David to be at peace, I have to trust in God, and let him take care of David. This website has helped me, and I’m in the right place with you all, I read all the posts and can relate to each one.

    • Hi Denice,glad you are in a good place is Felicia alright she has not posted for awhile,give her my regards,and you take care Yvonne.

      • Hi Yvonne,
        Just read your text to Denice asking about me.
        I could be better . I have been feeling sorry for
        myself. My mom and cat have been gone for 3
        months. I was getting over them , getting my joy
        back . Then unexpectedly my 88 year old neighbor
        and friend Marie, died in the hospital on Feb.28.
        Her funeral is March 7th. I am so lost without
        her. We were friends for 5 years. So Yvonne
        I send my regards to you!

  58. Thanks Sian, I read all your posts, did you ever get to see David in concert or theatre? I like all your posts, we all have the same views and there’s so much to talk about and David Cassidy left us a real legacy, but the most important he topped it with love, so much love and care to us fans. Us fans gave love back, and I thought it was silly for people to get hooked on stars, but when David Cassidy came along, I was in, and going on fifty years later, he will be the only star I loved and will miss.

    • Thank you, Denice; that’s kind. Yes – I saw David in concert in London (March 1973). Some clever mothers organized a coach trip to the city for the girls in my year. We were all 14 and 15. The trip had no mishaps that I knew of and we were obviously very excited. We were “safe” even if there were any tearaways, amongst us. I vividly remember two screaming girls in front of us, in the arena; tearing at their hair (“David – we love you!”)

      Most of all I remember the dream-like trance I was in when David appeared… The most perfect moments were when he sat on the edge of the stage and sang “I AM A CLOWN”… Heaven. Sian

      • Oh, how I envy you! Living in Poland in the 70s, I couldn’t even dream of going abroad, London could be in another galaxy. I had only Radio Luxemburg to listen to and two David’s records. My dear father bought them for me when he was in the UK in 1974 . For him they were really expensive, but he knew how I longed to have them. It was my best ever birthday present!. It was difficult to be a fan then living in Eastern Europe. I’m so grateful that now I can read articles and see photos and videos . I start my day with coffee and look at this fantastic website.
        Weronika, Poland

        • I wish you could have seen him, Weronika, too…

          As it happens; I’ve lost my entire music collection twice in my adult life (once to a flooded out car and once to a storage warehouse that went up in flames). Now I am way behind most of David’s fans and have a little catching up to do… I envy those who met David in person; those who saw him in Blood Brothers… and (occasionally) those who married him…! Ultimately, envy is what you have to climb over and keep battling through!!! Sian

          • It’s so great that we , fans, could support each other. That’s so important. And so many fantastic stories to read from the people who saw him in concert or met in person.
            For me is still so hard , I listen to his music everyday.

  59. One year today David was performing like if nothing occurred in his body. I canĀ“t believe he was so ill already then. People who was lucky enough to be there that night, always talked he was just the same David he used to be. How I wish I have been there sharing that last concert with him!! I would have ever thought he left us so soon. I miss you, my sweet angel. God Bless you, be happy wherever you are now. Forever in my heart ā™„

    • Yes It was a memory of a lifetime I was at a table right in front of him and God bless his heart.. he gave his all.. it was my birthday… I got a guitar pick. A wonderful night.. one year ago.. hard to believe …who knew what Nov 21st would bring. A talented amazing soul..


  60. It was becoming hard for David and some of this was due to the audience – I recall he told everyone politely not to use cell phones with lights due to all those eye surgeries, and they carried on. I worked in a theatre for 19 years as an usher and couldn’t believe how some of David’s audience were allowed to behave during David’s later shows. In my theatre, anyone with a camera would have it confiscated until the performance was over. Anyone climbing on stage would be asked to leave. Apart from upsetting the performers, they were ruining the shows for everyone else. David particularly didn’t like it when fans climbed on stage during Craig’s solo keyboard performances, and I don’t blame him! He was trying to protect his friend! Most performers have a huge thing about phones being used, it was too distracting for them when they were on stage. Also, no point going to see a performer live, and then spending the entire performance looking at a phone!

  61. Sian thanks for sharing, 1973,wow I never got to see David in the 70s, you know why, cause my parents,we’re from a different era, and being a young teenager with who I just fell for David didn’t matter to them, and fights with my sister over the t.v. on Friday nights, I went through alot I was even bullied for liking David in high school, I had a small picture of him in my notebook, and this girl started trouble went through the whole school, I didn’t care, and then I started my plan on how to meet David, no immediate hurry, it took me about 8yrs , 1981 what a dream come true, and a ha ha to everyone who didn’t believe, deep down David had so many secret fans, I meet him four different times through the years and he posed for pics with me,I even had a phone conversation, the man was kind and a true inspiration and made a impact on my life. Life has ups and downs, David was real, and he loved us fans, you hold on to the great memory Sian of David in concert 1973, and Arcelia if I knew that one year ago would be David’s last concert, it just hurts, David always found a way to get back on his life, he was overworked through the years, but he loved performing, he just go right to it, that was David Cassidy, thank you all for being supportive to one another, and talking about all the joy David gave really helps, I’m trying and crying at times to let David rest in peace, very important to carry on David Cassidy legacy, there will never be anyone who would take his place.

  62. Hi Yvonne, yes Felicia and I are still friends, I told her about the new blogs, she is still posting under the tribute, I will tell her you asked about her, that was very nice of you. David Cassidy fans, are friends and fans forever. Yvonne you are one very special David Cassidy fan.

  63. Following on from my comments on David’s later shows – apart from cell phone lights, Danny Bonaduce thought David had developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, due to years of people screaming at him. Therefore it was becoming difficult for David when audience members suddenly yelled out at him during his performances.

    • If you factor in dementia as well, David must have been having a pretty hard time in concert… Sian

  64. Wow, Sian…your post is amazing!! Though David was here in Spain in 1973 -he only performed on Spanish TV- it got me almost 35 years to see the MAN live in concert, but I am so happy I finally got that chance and even better meeting him. Lovely man in anyway ā™„

  65. See that in 1965 David starred with mum, Evelyn Ward, in ‘And So To Bed’ and received a standing ovation for his singing – but as David was born in 1950, that would’ve made him only 15 or 16? Obviously showed signs of great talent at an early age!!

    • I agree Claire, David definitely showed signs of great talent at an early age. I was listening to the PF Up to Date album today, David sings so beautifully and to think how young he was when he was doing the PF albums just amazes me! Hard to believe he was only in his early 20s, those songs still sound wonderful today. I know they weren’t his preferred musical style but he did feel they were very good songs. I really enjoy all his songs from throughout his career, he did everything from the blues to rock and ballads so well, what a talent. I miss him so much but I’m so glad we can all still listen to his music and keep him in our hearts and our memories.

  66. Denice , I found the new blog! I understand now
    I was posting under the tribute that originated
    3 months ago. I can get current now . So I see
    the fans never stopped posting, I just was on
    the wrong site. Nothing like a David Cassidy fan!
    Denice let me know when you you get a definite
    date to the the bench memorial in Saratoga

  67. To all David Cassidy fans, I am so glad Jane
    decided to keep the website. Reading all the posts
    is heart warming . We are all in this together.
    May Davidā€™s legacy live on. Every fan has
    something to contribute. Hi Yvonne! I am posting
    again. It is such an honor to be part of this website!
    To every David Cassidy fan God bless you and
    have a great day!

  68. Hi Felicia, I’m glad you finally got here, and I helped. I am going to the to see the bench that will be for David from the fans, and the other bench from his friends, I want to go and be there for David, at his favorite place and just see a place he loved, there will be a sadness for me, I will try to hold on to my great good memories that I have with meeting David, I want to be able to celebrate David’s life and all he left us. Going slow for me. David Cassidy as a fan to you, I will be there , when they display the benches in your honor. At that time, I look forward to seeing all the fans who loved you and always will. I am looking forward to meeting my penpal Felicia, who has become a great friend in my life. We became friends here on David’s website. Felicia is also a very true dedicated David Cassidy fan, and I am looking very forward to meeting in person, and for us both to show gratitude to David, and hopefully we can share smiles and heal , after this terrible loss of a beloved favorite star to us and so many. I also want to say, David had a cause, he helped and believed, he did so much charity, thank you to the national museum of racing to think and remember David Cassidy. Felicia I will see you there, and looking forward to a wonderful visit in person, I can’t reverse the circumstances, and David Cassidy would be happy and want us to enjoy.

    • Denice you take some photos for us fans that are unable to attended,you and Felicia have the time of your lives meeting for the very first time,at a very special place in memory of David which fans made possible with kind donations. I am quite sure your day will be filled with mixed emotions,but what a place to have a memorial bench DAVID would be thrilled to bits.We will šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜­šŸ˜­but he will ALWAYS be our ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø

  69. The Tiger Beat magazine on DC’s face book mentions David’s girlfriend during the 1970s – I remember she featured in papers, and was captured with David leaving an airport. She was incredibly tall and always wore a hat with a big flower/badge on the side. I don’t know if this was the same model girlfriend mentioned in Tiger Beat – but I do remember seeing snaps of David’s very tall girlfriend and feeling heartbroken as back then I was an official teeny-bopper and highly unlikely to become David’s new girlfriend! The news-paper headline was titled ‘Cassidy Dwarfed by Tour Friend,’ and made my heart sink!!

  70. Another 1970s girlfriend was Japanese and David met her on a beach in Hawaii. David said he had an immediate connection to her – just by looking into her eyes!!

  71. Yvonne, Arcelia, and Sian, I just feel like we all became special friends on this website, and Yvonne and Arcelia, I knew yous a little longer, thank you for you special messages they mean alot, I took a pic of David in 2007; I’m not on facebook, I may get there,someday, I grew up with the typewriter, been wonderful to be able to be here through the good and bad together, back to this pic, out of all my pics this one his my favorite, David just turned 57, and he’s up close singing to us fans, he has roses in his hand that a fan on the other side of the stage gave him, but he hands these roses to me, and I gave them to my guy friend next to me, so I can get this pic, and I want to share it with you all. I gave it to Jane, and I don’t want to pressure her, she has done so so so so much for us, I trust and believe in Jane, so I hope it works out and you all get to see it. David was happy that day, and put out another outstanding show. He was so connected with his fans, once a David Cassidy fan, that’s it your on the David Cassidy bus, I knew the difference between Keith and David, I loved when he did the t.v. show man undercover.

    • There’s so much that David did that I didn’t get to see and it’s all in the ether (somewhere) or more precisely – it’s recorded… It’s like a treasure trove; waiting for us. Now we probably all want to see your roses photo, Denice; whether or not the roses are in it! Sian

    • Wow… you mean he got to relax during one of his concerts? That’s something. I’ve been reading some of the (online) critical reviews of his autobiography… David’s life was so extreme. I think he was human just like the rest of us… Sian

  72. Sian that was one of my favorite concerts, it was a center for the arts, and David was very supportive of the arts he mentioned during his show, he talked with the audience, fun , he looked handsome, it was 2007, I had not seen him since 1994, he did take the roses back, from my guy friend, I wonder now if I would got to keep them. The fans were happy, David was scheduled to play there again in June 2017, it of course, was cancelled months earlier, The last time I saw him was June 2016 at hardrock northfield rocksino, I was in the front row, I thanked him, he put out a great show ,the excitement when he comes out on stage, and his smile, I’m sorry I did not go back stage, I didn’t want it about me, I knew he was going through troubles, and he took so, so, many pics in the past with me, I just wanted to enjoy David’s singing voice , I also saw him outside concert 2013, comparing , I thought 2016; he was much better, and things were getting better for him. And now we’re here without him, I will never forget David’s talents and achievements, and I thank God for the time he gave us with David.

    • With some concerts, it all just comes together, doesn’t it? I’ve experienced that with other singers etc. Each night is unique. Long live our memories, Denice! Sian

  73. The Tiger Beat item of David’s face book has an article – David Cassidy Tired of Show business, – written after DC had finished touring in the 1970s for while. It says that perhaps David had decided his career had gone as far as it could, without some real training behind it. So, this is what David had to contend with in those days! People completely underestimating his talent!

    • But his parents were much of his training – the genes and that hard work ethic… and his perfectionism. Sian

  74. Yes Sian, David was bought up from the word go, being trained! His grandmother was an opera singer! But obviously back then people didn’t get this and some were very dismissive! Of course, I never realised this at the time as a young teenager, but must’ve been so frustrating for David!!

    • Whilst on holiday with me (with a David Cassidy LP on in the background); my Godfather quietly remarked on what a good singer David was. I was a teenager and – as my Godfather had grown up in Wales with all of its proud singing traditions – I think he was really relieved that I “fancied” someone who could actually sing! Sian

    • Te quiero, David… Araceli, thank you for reminding us all that we didn’t get the guy!!! Talk about sexy! It should be illegal to look that gorgeous… Sad Sian who has forgotten most of the Spanish she learnt at school…

      • IsnĀ“t he beautiful dancing flamenco, Denice? I was so upset I couldnĀ“t see him but he just performed on Spanish TV, he didnĀ“t do a concert here. Anyway, I am so happy he enjoyed my country and was able to do some things he couldnĀ“t do in other places, just like skiing or simply feeling free for some days. Hugs back at you ā™„

        • He did look free and happy, Araceli – you’re right. Bet he sometimes wished he could re-do his life (with a few changes). Sian, hugs…

    • Just beautiful Araceli and the song Can’t Take My Eyes Off You is so appropriate to David. He obviously enjoyed himself then in Spain, haven’t seen these pictures before. He was so gorgeous and talented with a personality to match. Loved him then so much and always will.

      Sydney, Australia

    • Thank you for posting the photos Araceli, nice to see some more terrific photos of David that I hadn’t seen before, appreciate you sharing them with us.

  75. Thanks Arcelia, we have alot to look forward to, there is so much here that I never saw on David, to be able to go back and see everything on David Cassidy is a gift to us fans, it’s like back than you heard about David beening interviewed, all over, hearing and watching, the watching never happened. Now to watch , what you missed , there for sure will never be anyone who could take David Cassidy place. Thanks Arcelia, for your video, I absolutely LOVED, David looked gorgeous and super happy, he went sking, he was smiling looks like David really enjoyed being in Spain. Just like I said, I never got to see this back in the day, and one more I never imagined I would be here on this website, with so so so many loyal , caring, fans of David, and posting and sharing David Cassidy stories, you Arcelia all the way to Spain, I read about Spain, David was loved worldwide, and I’m still super happy for you getting that wonderful Hug, from David, just being able to post with everyone has helped in healing, and I liked the music in your video Arcelia, thank you again, all the way to Spain, wow.

  76. I received a letter from Saratoga Springs concerning David’s bench, due to complications with my UK donation – however they said-
    I hope you will be pleased to know that we have received enough donations in David’s honor to cover the cost of the bench, which will have a plaque that reads “In Memory of David Cassidy from his Friends and Fans.” The bench will be placed in the newly renovated Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Courtyard this spring. The date of the courtyard opening has not yet been settled as it is weather dependent, but please feel free to check back with us for that information. Our doors are open throughout the year to welcome guests of all ages and invite them to enjoy the many wonders that the Museum offers, including the official Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame. We sincerely hope that you are able to view David’s bench after it has been installed.

  77. I got mine about two weeks ago, I like the words they are putting on the benches, I’m glad this will be nice in remembrance of David Cassidy, at his all time favorite place. I’m grateful ,us fans are all here together.

  78. I recently listened on David’s site to interviews he gave in the UK on radio 4. This was before he became ill with early stage dementia. David talks about the situation with his mother, and said he was more than willing to answer questions from the public about helping people who were looking after relative with dementia – it is such a shame radio 4 just carried on with a whole variety of other subjects and never gave David a chance to speak about it! In the end, I didn’t even know he was STILL THERE! A completely missed opportunity!

    • David’s own dementia struggle received enough media coverage (maybe more in the USA) to have influenced thousands or even millions of people and make them really think… I imagine that alcohol would be much harder to resist if your mind were deteriorating. That’s something I’d probably never have thought about if David hadn’t died, so apparently prematurely. Life’s what it is. Regrets are the ultimate waste of time. Sian

  79. Hi Everyone, having a tough day today. I had a dream about David last night and my emotions are overflowing today! I thought it was getting easier, but I was very wrong.

      • Thanks Sian – My tear ducts are so full but I am at work and if I started crying no one would understand me. That is why I am SOOOO thankful to have this website and all of you as my support group!

          • It comes and goes for me too. I get especially sad (with tears) when I read something about his hard struggle, realizing how hard he worked and struggled when at such a young age and what damage it caused, and also that so called “friends”that he trusted turned out to be no friends at all. Also some special songs brings that out too.

  80. I was reading a post or letter David had sent his fans on his site some time ago – everyone who turned up at David’s concert on this particular night wanted to sit in the first 2 rows, causing chaos at the theatre and getting David into trouble as he was worried the venue would never book him again!! He was trying to explain it was a first come basis, and his performance wasn’t just for the front 2 rows and he would be reaching out to fans in all areas of the auditorium. However, I do have a lot of sympathy, as the best seats were always the 2 front rows!! The only time I saw David in concert, he was no more than three inches high, I was so far away!!

    • I’m for seat reservations every time – strictly enforced – whether it’s trains; planes or concerts. Expecting a crowd of David Cassidy fans to be demure was optimistic! Sian

  81. Hi Annie, I have the same thought, are we talking about David’s, friends in the early, early years, cause the first time I met David, he was very very happy, one of his friends was there and wanted to rush my visit, David shut it down fast, and said we can take all the time I want and as many pics I want, and smiled and we laughed, and I got to see David’s laugh in person. I never imagined I would meet him many more times, my message is David Cassidy really cared about his fans, from early on, when I heard the news that David was hopitalized, I cried so so so bad, I did not want to see him suffer, to this day, and forever losing a person of his qualitys and the 100%+ we will never have a star, with character, like David Cassidy, and we knew he cared, and us fans felt that he cared, no matter, what part of the world you lived in. For me I been looking back, on 75% that I never got to see of David. Thank you Jane. I still cannot listen to his music. I will one day for sure, just not yet, when I became a David Cassidy fan, not only was I making a lifetime decision, I made a decision that lead to being able to experience the All of the exciting legacy of David Cassidy, and join you all, and share our posts, and we must never stop celebrating David Cassidy.

    • I didn’t know you couldn’t listen to his music, yet: That’s really moving, Denice. As you’ve said; we’ve got all he’s provided for us – for the rest of our own lives – until we die. I really hope you maybe feel like listening, soon… Sian

    • Denice, lucky you who got to meet him several times, from the early years until the later! I never got to see him live, he only performed once in my home town (twice in Sweden) in the early seventies and I was too young to go at that time. (even if I wanted too!) I think from what I have read (his biography) and also from listening to several interviews, there were people, friends, I guess perhaps from the early years, that sort of took advantage of him and when he had his struggle later in life, some turned their back on him. Also Craig, from his band mentioned this, that “friends he thought were his friends, were not” But he never ever sounded bitter. But there of course were those who stood up for him aswell, as truly friends do. I can understand your difficulties in listening to his music, music is a really powerful thing, as it releases emotions, memories etc.etc, and some of his is also extremely touching. (I cry the second I start some of the songs..) Hopefully you will be able to listening to it soon again! Take care/Annie

  82. Whenever I feel sad about David’s death, I remember that at the very end of his life, he was reunited with his wife, Sue. It is very sad they split up, but this shouldn’t have happened – she was everything to David, the most loving, caring and beautiful person. He was blessed to have married such a wonderful person. In some ways, he was lucky in that he found such an exceptional wife and one true love!

    • I totally agree with you. David hit the jackpot when he and Sue got married. She was so good for him.

    • I am trying to tell myself this – but don’t think she was his one true love. It doesn’t exist, people can love more than one person – what about Maura, and David’s last girlfriend? I’m sure he loved them, too!

      • I’ve been trying to work out the “true love” issue (for everyone) all of my life. Not there yet… Sian

        • I’m going to forget all this, Sian! Just too complicated! Also I think DC was a very private person – well he had to be in his situation – and would prefer fans commenting on his music/legacy/acting/talent/personality, etc …

          • Yes. Also – it’s possible that David was as mystified about it all as the rest of us. Sian

  83. Sian and Annie, thank you for understanding, you both made me feel that it really is a true caring website. For me, once I heard David Cassidy voice, I’m like who is this guy, I wanted to hear more and more, he just had mix, like a secret ingredient, after the PF, his own music was another ingredient, David’s voice and his own style ,which included great looks, was like where did he just come from. And yet he was a natural, he lived real life, so he understood his fans. Annie I never got to see David in 1970s, 1981 first time. To meet him in person,David Cassidy showed all the good quality,s he had so many, kindness and care ,and most of all David gave of his time to do so much for others. And Claire I liked your post, I was happy when David married Sue, I liked how David and Sue dressed, David outfits had great color combination s. One day, I will play David’s music, I don’t know when, the day I decide I don’t want to be sad, David would not want no sadness, and David worked so hard to make all the music he left, I just want to be in a good place.

    • David would have wanted you to be happy, Denice. He might have smiled and said “So much wasted time”. Sian (hug from England)

    • I agree with you all, Sue seems to be a great person and was most certainly very good for David (as he was for her of course), she was there for him in lows and highs and I am sure they loved eachother very much. Even if a marriage ends, you can still love eachother in a deep special way. Denice, I so agree with you that DC had that extra special “like a secret ingredient” in his voice! I find it magnetic and to me, it’s so incredible touching. I also think he was a “natural”, he didn’t pose or in anyway act, that’s just the way he was, I think that could be one of the reasons he reached so many and that his fans stayed, he was genuine and the real deal. I know his concerns back in time was, he was created (as for the PF role) and that people didnt know the real DC, however I think most fans saw through that and liked him so much because of the above mentioned reasons, he was not artificial, but natural. Also always liked his outfits and color combinations, never overdone and great taste!

    • Hi Denice,sorry you are so down at the moment,you will be able to listen to Davids music again in your own time when you are ready,we all grieve differently.Myself I,ve got to get my David daily fix that’s my way of coping,take care Yvonne.

  84. Sian I never thought that way,you have a great point,you made me smile, you are right, I love his voice and music, why not, just alittle more time, you definitely have me thinking, thank you, David had the best fans, we are so far, yet we are so close and share our posts about David.

    • I was just thinking – I wonder what song John will have on tonight (with his malt)? Sian

  85. Arcelia, thank you so much,it’s been really difficult, David Cassidy is not replaceable. And for me his voice was a lifesaver, it had so many flavors, and he created a new era, a idol with talent, my mom always talked about her idol, yes Elvis was great, now I got to experience a idol and a icon, in my era. His voice got me started, and here I am with all of you, who have such caring feelings, and with the help and kind words,David Cassidy had the best fans. Thank you, each post here, has a special meaning,and Hi Felicia, hope your day was nice.

    • I’m curious, Denice, because you implied that your parents didn’t approve (?) of David (or just your going to any concerts?) but your mother was an Elvis fan. Surely she would have understood (?) Maybe I misunderstood. It seems so unfair or mystifying. Sian

  86. Thanks for asking, no my parents did nothing for me in the 1970s,, regarding any pf, records,concerts,tiger beat mags, I would shovel snow to make money, or clean the house and get a very small allowance, and me my sister would fight over the t.v. on Fri nights, and I broke the t.v. knob, and I just blurted out someday I’ll meet David Cassidy, I would see my father, when he was home, sneak in the room when David would be singing, my mom she was not on board in early years, was not until the late eighties, she realized what a big deal David Cassidy was. I think back than I wished for the impossible, and never got to see David in concert in the 1970s, he did come to Cle, and Youngstown, so there were times he was in my neighborhood. So I just enjoyed David from afar, and I was always excited on all David did in each year, and I followed his career, to me he kept getting better and better, and to finally meet him in person, well worth , wiped out those childhood blues, and he was also a sincere person with good character, and a few months before my mom passed, I showed her some pictures from David’s recent concert in 2013, she said he looked good and smiled, and she got to see him in late 80s early 90s, and my dad got to see David in blood brothers in 1994, and really enjoyed, and last year, my dad watched Dr. Phil, and he said he learned so much about David, and now he understands it all and he watches PF reruns, and said David was it and cute and sings really good and carried himself well, now he knows what the fuss about DC meant. I hope I made sense Sian, and DC made so many memories for so many and he really was a nice person,with a coolnis about him also.

    • Your parents climbed on board in the end but you couldn’t see him in your own area: That must have been painful. I certainly understand domestic strife. Musically – I was lucky, in general. I grew up about two miles from Knebworth Park in England, which had a succession of rock music festivals… and I did get to see some famous bands; both there and especially in London… Obviously I was very lucky in seeing David… I wish I could have done something about that for you… Sian

  87. Hi everyone…just wanted to share with you how I am honoring our Man. I am from the States and here we can get personalized license plates for our car. I ordered mine and it will say MSNUDC. (Missing you David Cassidy) I am very excited about it and can’t wait to put it on my car and drive around so everyone can see it, even though most won’t understand it, oh well there lossšŸ˜Š

    • That’s lovely, Nancy. Enjoy. It’s nice to know you’ve found a happy way of expressing your feelings for David. Sian

    • This is kinda indulgent, but I went on a site that does family crest merchandise and am awaiting the delivery of my own pinkie crest ring – inspired by Davidā€™s but it has my family crest. I will be curious if it will remind people of David. I am hoping it will and that they will feel free to talk to me about David.

    • How lovely Nancy and Gail.
      I use my DC mug every day and think of him each time I have a cuppa!

      • I wish I could get a plate for my car too. Wow, that would be amazing!! Unfortunatelly, we arenĀ“t allowed to do that here in Spain.
        Love about the pinkie crest ring too.
        Indeed so beautiful ways to remember David ā™„

    • Nancy, that’s a lovely way to honor David, hopefully many DC fans will see it and be touched by it… Greetings from a fellow AZ DC fan (I’m in Tucson šŸ™‚

      • It is nice to meet you Judy! I felt like I was the only one in the States that was a fan šŸ˜Š I am glad I am not alone!

      • Iā€™m in FL. We also have a variety of specialty plates that raise money for charities and schools. I am going to put mine on the ā€œImagineā€ plate, which has that little John Lennon self portrait sketch and raises money for food banks.

  88. So many memories…every day I listen to some of his songs, and they re-connect me with my teen years.

  89. Carmen – who has kindly put her magazines on David’s face book for fans to read has just commented that by 1975 there wasn’t so much material about David in Tiger Beat. Carmen explains by then, David had left the Partridge Family and he was obviously keeping a low profile for a while, trying NOT TO be in all these magazines. I assume back then David wanted to go in a new direction which would be entirely understandable. He had just finished 4 years as ‘Keith!’

    • In 1975 David was still only a year beyond what had happened to Bernadette at White City. He was devastated by it and that probably fed into all of his feelings about being famous; not just being Keith. I don’t suppose it was only some sort of career move. Sian

      • I remember like it was yesterday when I learnt about Bernadette. Her death really had to hit David deeply, though it was his fault.
        Poor David!! Now they can enjoy each other at Heaven above ā™„

        • I wouldn’t say “fault” – although I wasn’t there – because I imagine everything was so out of control that he couldn’t prevent it. The organizers would have to shoulder some blame (and the hysterical fans, themselves – possibly). Sian

          • No, Sian – don’t say that – it wasn’t the fault of David’s fans – but back then there wasn’t the crowd control they have in practise today.

        • Bernadette’s death did hurt David deeply, but i do not blame him for it. I was at the concert at White City and mainly blame the organisers and blame some of the fans that decided to go to the front even though it was already packed. I say this as there was only to types of tickets either on the grass or in the stands, once you were pass the stewards to make sure you were in the right area there was no one to stop anyone going to the front. I and my cousins who came with me got to the concert about two hours before the start and the area at the front on the grass was already packed, we stayed further back with a good view, but right up until just before David came on stage there was still fans arriving and trying to make their way to the front and no one to stop them. The concert was stopped two or three times to get everyone to move back and you can hear of the LP “Cassidy Live!” David asking for everyone to move back. also David had already decided to stop touring after these concerts in 1974 and had left the Partridge Family by then, so this awful incident probably confirmed to him he was doing there right thing at that time.

          • I got that Araceli and are sure most did, no worriesšŸ‘
            I think it must have been an awful experience for DC and of course the terrible lost for the relatives of a little girl-Bernadette, who just wanted to see her idol…The security back then were taken way less serious than nowadays, and they probably weren’t prepared for the mass hysteria, after all David draw more people than anyone to attend, and compared with for instance The Beatles or Elvis, the audience was much younger, they underestimated the power of little girls in a crowd! Very sad and tragic!

  90. Hi eyeryone i was at the white city concert along with my cousin Sheila.It was 3 days after my 20th birthday.We were seated high up in the stands and had a good view of the stage .I remember when David first came on the stage the crowd went wild the screaming was deafening.David came out wearing a white jumpsuit,he was gorgeous and he moved about the stage with so much energy.We sang along with every song he sang although it was hard to hear his voice above the screaming.I remember him wearing a black suit with tails when he sang If i did,nt care.The atmosphere was electric and the fans got more hysterical as the concert went on.The dj asked the crowd to move back repeatly but it got to the stage were they had to stop the concert and David went off stage.We could see fans being lifted out of the crowd down at the front of the stage because they were getting crushed it was very scary to see.After a while the dj came on and asked the crowd to move back or David would not return. David came back on stage and finished the concert.He was brilliant and the show was amazing.We were staying with my uncle who lived in London and when he picked us up after the concert he told us it was on the news back home in Belfast about the hundreds of fans that were injured.Sadly Bernadette died a few days later in hospital.The organizers have a lot to answer for because they let to many fans on the grass area.David was devastated but he did not do anything wrong.I think he never got over what happened at that concert.I will never forget him.

    • In a radio interview on David’s site in the 2000s, the DJ mentions he is going to one of David’s concerts, either that night or the next, and he is in the front. David immediately becomes worried about this and says ‘”Be careful in the crush.”

    • Thank you, Isabel. The whole thing’s too sad. I wonder if that level of hysteria is confined to one age group, in particular? Having suggested that; many of David’s fans still went wild many years later. I’m glad I missed the White City concert but also glad you got something from it. Sian

      • White City fans at the front must have been terrified… I twice attended New Year’s Eve’ concerts in Union Street in Aberdeen (Scotland) and got a place centre front right on the barrier – both times. There wasn’t any hysteria (just joy for Deacon Blue & Wet Wet Wet) but alcohol must have been flowing very freely… I knew I could crawl through the barrier if I had to but there were still a few scary moments! That was as an adult, in 2004/5 and 2006/7… Sian

        • Further to my earlier post on the White City concert, it was a scary and it marred what was a brilliant concert. I also have a vague recollection from reports either in the newspapers or on tv at the time of the organisiers had wanted to have a big screen, but the local council wouldn’t let them, but in all the newspaper cuttings on the concert that i have there is no mention of this, I may have heard it on tv at the time when the investigation into Bernadette’s death was being done. What I do know is since then almost every large stadium or outdooor concert had big screens so that everyone could see the group or singer and i have been to quite a few other concerts apart from David’s. This didn’t always stop anyone getting crushed as there having been a few incidents since then at other srtists concerts where fans have been crushed, but no one else has died as far as i can remember. Also I think the investigation after the concert did change the secuity set up etc around these concerts.

          • Added to this, they didn’t tell David the truth about what happened to Bernadette, he was told she already had a weak heart and died partly of excitement and wasn’t at the front. I’m not sure what their motivation was in not telling David the truth. Maybe they wanted David to complete his shows, or were worried about his mental health. David found out years later that Bernadette had died of asphyxiation.

          • Further to my earlier posts abour David’s White City concert, other than being crushed at a concert and Bernatdette’s, the only other times that anyone has died at a concert is in the recent terrorist attacks last year.
            Also, on looking back at the newspaper reports in my scrapbooks, yes, I still have alot of my colllection of pictures etc, there were fans actually faking being ill or hurt just in the hope they would be taken backstage and then try to get to David. I know it seems crazy now that fans of David’s would try that at that time, but then to some it was ” I will try anything to get to David Cassidy” mentality, this also could been seen back in David’s visit to the UK in September 1972 when he stayed on a boat on the river Thames, none of the hotels would have him because of his fans disturbing other guests, there were some who were jumping into the Thames to try to get to the boat so they could get to David, not something anyone would normally want to do in the river Thames back then. Claire, I’m sorry to say that at that time there were some fans that were very selfish in there attitude, it has also shown it’s head recently with some so called fans negative, demanding and nasty posts on social media to David’s family. The vast majority of Davi’s fans are kind and caring as shown on this website and i am grateful that there is this website, thank you Jane. There will never be another like David Cassidy, I will love and miss him always

  91. Iwear a nomination bracelet that has charms on it to remind me of family and my husband bought me a music note charm which has been added to it in memory of David.

  92. Thanks Sian i did get to see David live 3 more times twice in Glasgow and the last time i seen David live in concert was in 2005 in my home town and i was lucky to get a seat in the second row.He was one in a million and cared so much for his fans.THere will never be another David Cassidy.

    • I am right there with you! I wish I could go back to those days – just a care free teenager enjoying life to its fullest! I have been doing a lot of date stamping today at work and keep seeing “12”. It is hard to believe that in one month David would have turned 68. I can already see that his birthday will be a hard one for myself and everyone on this website to get through, but we will šŸ™‚

      • It will inevitably be an “unofficial” memorial day – whatever else happens. I think it will help fans with their feelings of sadness and deep grief, in some instances. It will serve as a huge release of emotion and David would have wanted us all to do something positive on his special day. I know what I’d like to do (privately) but it will really depend upon circumstances. Sian

  93. I got it done! I went to the DMV and was able to put in for EV2 6809 on the Imagine/John Lennon specialty plate. Hopefully I will have it in time for my birthday in May.

    • AWESOME! I went onto our Motor Vehicle Department for Arizona today to see how long it would take for me to get mine and they said about five working days šŸ™‚ Your state may be different! So excited for you!

  94. Hi Sian, yesterday I played some of my favorite David Cassidy music, thank you for that advice, I was wasting time not listening to the voice of the man with the golden voice, as John Daly said, Hi John, I don’t have a malt, just my ears and I also played a fool in love,love DC voice on that song. Sian and Arcelia, I felt a piece of comport finally, I was ready yesterday, I also watched interviews David did, I watched one with Geraldo Rivera, Goodnight America, it took me back and brought me here to the present, as to why I was a David Cassidy fan. At 24, David was ahead of his age, his work ethics, hard working, great speaker at 24, love that interview, David Cassidy showed what a true celebrity, is, just a everyday guy, with it all, who shared his world with us. Thanks again Sian and Arcelia, it’s only here on this website I feel a healing, but will never get over David, and always miss him.

      • I know it’s really hard… but when someone you have a lot of love for – dies; you can pretend they’re with you and what they would say to you, now – what advice they might give you. Of course; for all I know; they might be there, with you. I don’t pretend to know that, for certain. You actually met David and you made a connection and it is bound to hurt more… Sian

  95. Really lovely pictures of Apollo, on David’s face book – this was the horse David was pictured with in the 1970s, the palomino horse. When David was still alive and offered to answer some of his fans questions, I asked about the name of his horse. But in the end, a fan told me he was called Apollo. Now I discover Apollo wasn’t David’s horse, and belonged to a family friend. Such a beautiful horse! (and rider too, of course!)

  96. Hi All
    Does anyone know what was on the medallion that David often wore round his neck?

    I believe that Jack Cassidy had signet rings with the Cassidy “Crest” made for each of of his sons. David obviously wore his one with great pride.

    Thank you everyone. Its lovely being in this space where everyone has love for our beloved heart-throb. God bless,

    • Deb – I don’t know this for sure – a while ago another fan asked about this on David’s site, and got the reply that it was the symbol of Aries, given to David by his mother.

  97. David seemed to wear jewellery which had a meaning for him, such as his father’s crest ring, the medallion Aries necklace I think given to David by his mother, and his Puka shell necklace, made by DC on holiday. I did hear his father’s ring was stolen off David’s finger by a fan – not much of a fan!

    • I wear my puka shells daily, not the originals that David had, although when I had joined his fan club years ago I was sent what they said was to be a replication of them. I wore those to the point of them breaking šŸ™ I got my replacement from Newport Beach in California and love them just as much and have gotten a few compliments from the older generation on how much they enjoyed wearing them back in the day. I clearly remember David being so distraught over losing his pinky ring and having him ask for it to be returned. I agree – definitely NOT a fan at all! I tried to google about the medallion but came up with nothing. Have a good day everyone…if I get really bored at work I am sure I will be back on here.

      • The ring was a gift from his dad and had such sentimental value,his brothers also have one,Jack got each of them one including his brother.

  98. I very rarely bother with all the other ‘David’ sites’ and having just had a brief look, I’m thankful that Jane does such a good job in monitoring this one!

    • Thereā€™s one Facebook group where, when you try to join, a pop up comes up asking why you want to join. I said to share my love for David after 43 years of dormancy. I guess admitting that I had been dormant was a mistake because I wasnā€™t approved to join.

      • Gail – I would say to you that when David was alive, he didn’t bother with all these other sites and concentrated on this one! How do I know? Because David actually says this during an interview put on his face book page! Anyway, why you want to join is your own business not theirs!

      • Hi Gail…that might be the same one I tried to join yesterday but then didn’t finish my response as I felt guilty joining any other group than this one. Even though I didn’t hit the response button I still received a message on Facebook that I had been accepted to join the group. I may have to see how I “unjoin” the group.

        • Thereā€™s another page thatā€™s been sharing photos from that group, so Iā€™m probably not missing anything, but itā€™s weird that not only did I not hear that I was approved, but I canā€™t find that group, indicating that Iā€™ve been blocked. I guess the administrators are protecting against trolls, but I promise I never troll.

          • Don’t worry, Gail. I don’t do Facebook at all but (based on a few other comments) maybe you’re supposed to say “I hate website X and that’s why I want to join…” Maybe you’re just too nice (you never know). Sian

          • Hi Gail,
            You are like many of us who appreciate David again after life took us on other paths. There are so many fans who were able to keep up with his music and what was happening in his journey and I am thankful to you all.

            I believe it says much about David’s talent, his impact, his generosity and his warm soul, that we are here again appreciating him after years of being “dormant”.

            I realise though that the chance to catch up on what we missed wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of his fans and fan clubs. Thanks to all of you for keeping the faith and contributing so much to this site and others.

  99. Hello all, sorry to intrude, just a younger male fan passing through. I’ve been quite moved by all the sweet sentiments of the fans. So, Iā€™d like to give my own personal tribute to David Cassidy.
    You’ve been with me through practically every stage of my life. You’ve been a warm embrace in my darkest hours and a personal cheering section for every achievement and new step. You gave me a special connection to my mother who adored you, and youā€™ve influenced my music style more than anybody else.
    I hope you realize just how much you have been loved.
    You may think you hit your peak some time ago
    But, to me, your star has shone more brightly than ever.
    Every video, every interview, and every new song I discover of yours, the more I get to know you.
    The more I get to know you, the more profound your absence is in my life.
    I miss you more than ever.
    It has been difficult coping with your physical absence, but I feel your heavenly spirit encouraging us and comforting us each day.
    I think the best way of saying thank you, is to live out all Iā€™ve learned from you.
    Treating others with the same high level of kindness and respect that those who were fortunate enough to meet you received.
    And, of course, Iā€™ll do my part to keep your memory, your legend alive and well.

    with love, Kevin

    • Kevin, I am with everyone else – what beautiful words that come straight from your heart. Thank you so much for sharing…don’t be a stranger – we enjoy having a male share his love and devotion for David and what impact he has had on your’s and our lives. Welcome to the group šŸ™‚

    • Kevin, I’m struggling to find the words…and I don’t usually struggle. Your post is surprising and so welcome. Sian Steed, England

    • Thanks everyone! The welcome’s been real encouraging. I’ll definitely be checking out more of the site too!

  100. I canā€™t wait until November 21, 2018 . Because
    then I feel I will be healed. I love this website!
    I like to read all the post from you wonderful
    beautiful David Cassidy fans. Everyone is so
    expressive, so upbeat, so full of life! Itā€™s still
    hard to believe that David Cassidy is dead.
    I guess one has to celebrate his life and not
    dwell on his tragic death. I am reading all the
    post and I am so pleased to read about all
    the positive memories fans have. My favorite
    thing to do when I am driving is to play the
    Cherish album on C.D. I love being a David
    Cassidy fan! Hi Denice! Hi Yvonne!

  101. Sure , this website is exceptional and the best. I haven’t written anything on any sites in my life. It’s.only after November 21, 2017 when I was so distressed and unhappy , I found this place and found courage to write and to celebrate David Cassidy’s life with his great fans.
    I’m proud to be David Cassidy fan!

    • Hi Weronika,
      I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you let us know about your experience in trying to listen to David Cassidy in the 70s and 80s? I lived in CZ for a while and had a Czech friend who told me how hard it was to listen to “western” music, when he was a teenager. Was it the same for you?

      Lyn, Australia

      • Hi Lyn,
        It’s seems that I overlooked your post.
        Yes,it was so hard for us teens interested in music to live in a communist country then. I listened to the music via radio mostly – Polish and Radio Luxemburg. I was very lucky , I had a friend whose father worked for a govermnent , he could go abroad , and he always got some records for us. And once it was Patridge Family “Shopping Bag” with “One of Those Nights” and I was just mesmerized by David’s voice. We didn’t have PF on our tv , but I knew how David looked like because sometimes I saw his pictures in Bravo magazines. We young just helped each other, and I still have these fantastic friends from school. And when my father was in UK in the 70s he bought me 2 David’s records even if it was so expensive for him , he knew what was meant to me. But it wasn’t easy to be David’s fan then, he wasn’t very popular , his music just wasn’t played on the radio but I remember there was a lot of Donny Osmond’s songs. I don’t know why really.
        Cheers , it was nice to answer your question
        Weronika. Poland

        • Weronika, I bet you appreciated it more than some people who took it for granted. Sian

          • Oh yes, sure. You can’t imagine how the feeling was when I just put my hands on any western record then.
            Now I’m in London at least once in a year even if my daughters complain ‘Ma, again?!” But on the other hand it’s so unfair I wasn’t able to live in the free world in the 70s and maybe see DC in concert.

        • Hi Weronika, Thanks so much for telling us about your experience. It was really different to how it was here (Australia). I can’t imagine the excitement you would have felt when your friend’s father and your own father arrived back from abroad with the records – such treasures. It’s wonderful that David has not only left the legacy of his music, but a whole lot of special memories for each of us.

  102. I was reading a post above about the hysteria surrounding David when he was on tour in the UK in the 1970s, and David was forced to live on a boat in the middle of the River Thames. This was due to no hotel having him to stay because of fans screaming outside all night and upsetting other guests. But some of David’s fans were so desperate to get to him, they were prepared to risk swimming across the River Thames to his boat! In a radio interview on DC’s site, you can hear both the DJ, Ed Stewart, and David begging fans not to go into the river! Unfortunately, they are too late, and we hear David telling Ed a fan has just waded in!

    • I read that in his book too. He never got any normality because of they way fans behaved. That’s just crazy. His book is amazing though, reading his words and his experiences gave me so much MORE respect and understanding of what he went through just to pursue what he loved doing. HE went through a LOT, especially in his early years prior to becoming who he was in the entertainment. Love that man and will miss him dearly.

  103. Wow Kevin…I know I could not have said it any better than what you have shared with us! Welcome to the group and I hope to see more posts from you.

  104. Sorry for the duplicate post guys…it just has been one of those days trying to do things while the boss is out of the room and not doing a very good job.

  105. Hi Kevin, your post inspired me to believe, David Cassidy made a impact on you, and you knew David was one to enlighten, and you just showed how much good David brought to have a fan like you Kevin. And yes Kevin David was so so so kind, in meeting him, he was that, he was so much more and post more with us.Kevin ,you brightend my day. Hi Felicia, glad to see your post, David’s still here with us, he is smiling from heaven above, we all miss him , just to all be here together, gives comfort, it’s not only your own heart, missing David, it is one huge heart of all us fans.

  106. I often wondered why we never see footage of David appearing on Top of The Pops in the 1970s. We get to see him outside the studio wandering around Sian Park, and he made a brief appearance at Heathrow Airport. But it turned out David was banned from the Top of The Pops studio because the producers were worried his fans would ‘wreck the joint!’ Maybe David’s fans were extra-feisty ones!

    • Iā€™ve seen the 80s clips from the Romance period. Iā€™m not sure what shows they were but the color pink is tied to ā€œ Someone.ā€ Once he was in a pink suit, and in another instance he was being lifted in a crane that was festooned in pink balloons.

      • Yes, love the pink balloons video – someone who worked on it said the balloons were out-of-control due to it being filmed in Scotland on a very windy day! David tries to carry on singing, but is clearly fighting a losing battle against all the pink balloons!

  107. Sian – that’s a bit controversial! They were just young girls, hormones raging. But the fan who lived above David’s bathroom in the air conditioning unit for several weeks, spying on him, was taking it too far!

    • You’re not joking – there. It is such a serious subject, though and I feel that David would need to be here, with us; giving us his input. Sian

  108. Great article from the web (December 1 , 2017) .Fantastic photos. And it has made me think about what kind of man David Cassidy was. As author has written , on the one hand , “an open book” , so friendly, easy to talk to and helpful , on the other, so conscious that “in this business showing up it is half the job” I mean, this combination of great voice, acting skills,hard work, personality and physical male beauty made him so unique and exceptional. When someone other sings, it’s , you know, just another song. With David’s performance it was always something extra. That’s way I always will be a fan.

  109. Doreen – Thank you for letting David’s fans in the UK know he is on Sony Crime Series. I know it’s just a cameo part for DC, but would never have known without you telling everyone and will look for to watching it!

    • Claire – I know David isn’t in it for long, but thought as it may not be a channel that people look at that often and I only noticed when I was going through the channels that i saw that Sony Crime Channel had CSI on and thought I wonder what season their up to and what do i find but that they are on season 13 and checked and found David’s episode would be on Monday.
      I’m looking forward to seeing it too, I shall record it too.

  110. David did a short but good job here but I was scared the first time I watched it. I donĀ“t think I could handle to watch this episode again. Anyway, I am glad he got the chance to work as a serious actor on this show.

  111. David was so talented and could work as a serious actor also. He was dedicated to whatever he put his mind to. Talented people like David are hard to find these days. I wish so much he was still with us. Will remain a fan always.

  112. Saw both David and Kay Lenz in CSI crime story. These 2 are and were excellent actors – but they only had cameo parts and I feel their talents were wasted! It’s a very slow show, but when they’re on, even if its briefly, they manage to make the whole thing come alive. However, it is a grisly show, as it warns you, and I don’t think I’ll be able to watch again!

  113. I was listening to the 2003 radio interview with the station in Nevada. I wonder if itā€™s possible to get the show I heard on route to Thanksgiving on 11/22 on the 70s on 7 on SiriusXM. It was a replay of a time when David was a guest deejay, playing some favorites of other artists as well as some PF songs.

  114. Jane Anne Dickinson has mentioned on David’s face book that the series Ironside, which David was in before he started the PF, is currently being repeated on UK TV on ITV4. It is daytime TV and is on season 3, currently on 5/6? David is in episode 14.

  115. Does anyone know what date David appears in Ironside in the UK – the programme is shown each day at 8 a.m. ITV4, but I do not know what episode we are currently up to?

  116. Hi Claire i checked the tv guide on tv wed.28/march 7.30am Ironside e12 same day 1.30pm e13 itv4 uk. So i guess e14 will be on thur. 29th March at 7.30 am. The guide only gives information up to wed 28th.Hope that helps.

  117. Hi Claire, I’ve just checked on the Radio Times website for Ironside – Stolen on Demand and it says Thursday 29th March at 12.50pm – 1.50pm and repeated on Friday 30th March, 7.35am – 8.40am.

    Miss David Cassidy every day.

  118. Isabel and Doreen – thank you for your help about David’s appearance on Ironside – I will try and make the effort to watch. I think David has a starring role in this, hopefully!

  119. Claire, David does have a starring role in Ironside. the character he plays is one of main ones in the story. I won’t tell you any more as it seems you haven’t seen this before, I have, but I shall watch again.

    • Did anyone ever see him in the Marcus Welby episode? The first scene takes place at an airport . . . David’s character is meeting his father . . . in fact, the father is played by the same actor who played Shirley’s love interest in the first season of the Partridge Family . . . remember the episode with Jaclyn Smith? “Larry Metcaf” . . . Same actor playing David’s father in the Marcus Welby episode. Anyway, so you have this father waiting for his son (David) at the airport, and you see this crowd walking as if they just got off their flight or whatever and then you see this beautiful angelic face in the crowd . . . and there he is, David Cassidy. He was the most beautiful boy I had every seen. Just a light around him. And he was 19 when he filmed this, but he looked like he was 15. He really looked like a boy. For some reason on the first season of The Partridge Family he didn’t look as young as he looked only a year before when he was doing all these guest shots on these other shows. He looked more like “Keith Partridge” in the Bonanza episode. Anyway, the first shot of him at the airport — he was one breathtakingly beautiful young boy.

  120. Thank you Arcelia , I enjoyed the article, David looked happly,married, and he looked relaxed, I do remember, he was not in the news during that time as much here in the states. Thanks for translation. And a far away hello and hug to you.

    • It is still hard to believe David is no longer with us.
      Just keep telling myself he is at peace. x

  121. I feel the same, so hard to believe he is no longer with us.
    Listened to “Touch of Blue” yesterday, but spent most of it in tears.
    Love and miss you always David Cassidy.

  122. I wish I hadn’t missed seeing David when he was in London starring in Blood Brothers.’ I find it hard to believe that at the time, I lived around the corner from the theatre in London and yet still didn’t see the show. If I could wind back time, I would’ve got my tickets on-the-spot! David got very good reviews, and the critics were surprized he could do a perfect Liverpudlian accent. Once again, David’s talents were underestimated! And of course – adding to the difficulty he was singing with a perfect accent! I have heard there is a cd available of the show so will have to look out for that.

    • I was lucky enough to see this and David was indeed wonderful in the role of Mickey, and yes I agree with you Claire he did not get the full credit he deserved .
      So wish that there was a DVD of David’s performance .

    • Claire – nobody is a more energetically enthusiastic advocate of David Cassidy’s many talents, than you!!! Many of us have regrets; not only about David… David, himself, evidently had a few… Sian

  123. It’s spring again even if we have still a lot of snow here in Poland. David’s birthday will be soon (also mine , I was born in April too). So I bought myself a beautiful silver letter D pendant , and I wear it every day and people ask me about it. So in a way it’s my share of keeeping his memory here , and some of my friends started to listen to David’s music.
    As a fan , it’s the least I can do.

    • Weronika, what a nice thing to do! I think I will somehow create a tribute t-shirt or such on my own. It’s difficult get any items you especially want that are legitime DC products. I was very lucky the other day, finding the LP “Dreams are nuthin’ more than wishes” in a second hand shop, I am still searching for the CD “Classic songs” (I read in here that DC was not very fond of that release, but I find it awesome and just love the -70 vibes so very much and his voice on those tracks is magical!)

      • It’s sometimes funny when my friends told me “What?! Cassidy? You always liked rock!” And I answered that they just didn’t know anything, just go and listen to e.g. “Cassidy Live!” If this is not rock I don’t know what rock is it. And besides rock is not everything.
        Annie, what a great idea with a t-shirt. It would be great to have one with a David’s quotation e.g. “Dreams are nuthin more than wishes” or “When I’m a Rock’n’Roll Star” or “It’s seems you’ve got that old hold on me” from “Hold On Me’ and with just his name and a date 1973 or 1974 , because for us he still lives even if only in our hearts and memory.
        Thank you and take care

        • Weronica, well said, there’s more to it than only rock’n roll and I can relate, as also considered being more of a “rock’n& roll girl”, but I agree DC did rock, even more in his later years at his live performancies, and I think he’s great in any genre. Music is about everything and our preferencies shouldn’t be pidginholed in genres, as its about music being authentic and moving people no matter what genre. I digg it all if it’s honest and sincere (and of course it doesnt hurt if having the magical voice DC had!) Great idea putting one of the titles on the t-shirts, then a true DC fan will immediately get it:) Have a nice weekend!/Annie

        • Many people have eclectic musical tastes (including me) and I bet most of us could list a few surprising favourites on that score…! Sian

          • Yes, that’s true, but funny that now I like the most what I loved in the 70s. Now it’s even better because I can understand lyrics which previously couldn’t. I have varied musical interests- rock ,blues also classical music but nothing moves me as much as something from that time. Yes I know it’s probably middle age but also music then was really fantastic (and DC the best)

        • So many evocative lines to choose from… “…imagine you and me singing in a gospel choir…” “…and our souls went a little bit higher…” “…when life was a joy I never got over…”

          • Those lines are for a personal t-shirt tribute, by the way. It would be nice if another fan made an instant connection. Sian

          • Or “leave me gently so my heart doesn’t break” ..or just ‘love is all that I ever needed’…”we had whees on fire”…

          • Are there any legal infringement issues about a song lyric on personal clothing if it’s not in any way for sale etc…? I hope somebody knows the answer to this and if it’s the same in all countries. Sian

  124. Thinking of David when he was told he was suffering from early stage dementia – he would be pleased to hear they hope to have a treatment which will actually do some good in three years, and a vaccine to hopefully prevent the disease in ten. Allegedly David refused all help offered by Doctor Phil and his team – but unfortunately David would know enough about the disease, that currently, there isn’t much which can be done anyway, so Doctor Phil couldn’t help. However, at least David did what he could when he could, by trying to educate about dementia and advertising for The Alzheimer’s Society of America.

  125. I asked and in Poland I can make such a t-shirt if it’s for my personal usage and not for sale. Wow that’s just great !

    • Thanks, Weronika. I didn’t want to get heavy but I thought I’d better check. I suspect that’s pretty universal. Anyone may correct me if not… Sian

  126. Law is so complicated, but it’s allowed to use a quotation for personal non comercial usage
    and we also should disclose author’s name. The same situation when we write thesis and use someone else’s bit. Anyway that’s the copyright here and I think it’s universal in Europe.
    But , really law is hard and I hope I’m not mistaken.


  127. Making your own t-shirt for personal use with titles from songs, expressions etc.with copyright is of no problem legally or such.
    But, you can’t use copyright original pictures, prints, logos without permission, this is not ok even if only for personal use. You have to make/write/draw/paint it yourself. That was my intention from the very beginning, as I paint and draw a lot, I use pencils for fabric and then iron it for making it permanent. I realize now it may have come out as I was going to do a David Cassidy tribute t-shirt with his picture on it. That was never the case, sorry if someone misunderstod

    • Annie, it is a great idea of making a t-shirt and I will do it for myself and thank you because I haven’t thought about it and I understand you perfectly
      Have a nice weekend

    • Thanks – Weronika and Annie. I hadn’t even thought about the picture/photo side of it. I think you must be very creative, Annie. I write poetry but can’t claim to be a great artist. Either way; it just seemed respectful to check as I was thinking of all these wonderful phrases and lines from David’s songs. No worries… Sian

  128. Some of David’s fans are upset because Danny Bonaduce described his friends life as ‘a tragedy.’ They say David wouldn’t want his life to be remembered like this – and I think they’re right! We all know David achieved a huge amount in his life, much more than most, and had many happy times as well as sad. But I think they should cut poor Danny a bit of slack! He must’ve said this on the spur-of-the-moment when he was clearly very upset about the death of his friend, mentor and more or less, brother! The two certainly do seem like brothers in interviews!

    • This is the ultimate subjective issue, Claire. How many lives are tragic? You really won’t want my thoughts on this one! Sian

    • I think you’re right. I don’t think he would want his life summed up as “tragic” . . . perhaps Danny meant his death was tragic. Because it was. He was only 67 years old. Too young.

  129. I think Danny meant, why did it go this way, and we all feel this loss of a person we just loved so much. I met Danny when he was touring with David, he also was super nice, Danny made a impression on my mom, she loved his outgoing personality, and I could see the hardworking duo,David and Danny put out a fantastic show, and you could see the closeness that they just had fun and smiles, David played and singed so well , it was real . It is still very sad process for us fans, and there will always be a sadness, I can’t imagine what his loved ones, and close friends still feel. I’m glad his loved ones where there, and Sue said God was there, I believe that strongly, and David is in his new home in heaven. That makes the hurt part feel better, the sadness is the same, we just loved David Cassidy so much, I’m glad I’m back to playing his music, Sian you helped me with that, thanks and a faraway hello to you. And it’s Friday night, hi John, got your malt and David’s music playing, have great evening, hi Felicia, our trip is almost here, I’m glad we can celebrate David’s special place, and met for the first time, in honor of David Cassidy, we became pen-pals here, now we are friends. I like all the fans posts, and thank you again Jane for making this website, a very special place.

    • Another really sweet post – Denice. Hope John enjoyed his malt, too. Denice, I’m really happy that Felicia and yourself will meet and at a special place, too. One or two of the fans (especially the faraway ones) might just ask you how it all went at the benches event in Saratoga Springs… We’ll be there with you, in spirit. You can count on that. Sian

      • I agree, Sian, another really sweet pos from Denice. She is such a lovely DavidĀ“s fan so she has to be sweet too… And yes, it would be so nice to be all together for that special event in Saratoga. What an amazing experience that would be!!
        I donĀ“t know how you could share pics of that day, Denice, but I would sure like to see some of them.
        Big hugs to you all ā™„

  130. Thanks Sian, I wish you all could go, I know it is far ,I would love to meet you all, nice we can post together, and share are special memories of the greatest star,that we loved so much and miss so much. You a very sweet also.

    • Oh I know, especially when he went to the chair on the other side to get away from the weirdo. Reminds me of the other show where he and the kid were moving away from the nut lady!

    • Yes Araceli and Gail, that video of David on the Paul O’Grady Show is so hilarious! It’s wonderful to hear David laugh and see him having so much fun, but bittersweet, I miss him so much. Thank you to Clodyne and Jane for sharing that clip with all of us.

    • That show was hilarious,especially when Paul called him Donny who was appearing on the show next day.

  131. If you never saw EFX, at least now you can hear the soundtrack. A user called OneUltimateWarrior has uploaded it to YouTube.

  132. Hi Arcelia,and Sian, you girls brightend my day, it would be so nice to met someday, we are true fans of David Cassidy, and we’re going to stay right here as long as we can, thanks to Jane, I’m just so thankful to be able to talk about all the good things, in regards to all our memories of David, and we’re here to post, because it is still so difficult, and only a David Cassidy fan understands, and most importantly cares. I will take pictures in Saratoga, and I will find a way, to share across the ocean, Felicia hello, the time is getting closer, I’m ready, and this is a trip that will have special meaning,

    • LOL… Yes, I have seen this clip already… Awww, David was so cute and sweet with the goats.!! He really was an animal lover.

      I miss hearing from you, my sweetie… You will be able to celebrate this Holly Week in GodĀ“s loving arms ā™„

  133. Have been looking at all the clips of David, what can I say? Beautiful, beautiful man in every way and who I have adored from afar since 1971. Regret never having been able to meet him, it would have been a highlight of my life. So sad he was not given the respect he deserved, he was so talented. Would have loved to have been able to come to the commemoration of his Memorial Bench, hope to see some photos of this next month. Really missing him and wishing he was still here with us, he’s gone much too soon.

    Sydney, Australia

  134. Another great update on this web – from 2003 (Del and Mel show) What a great performance! Oh, how I wish to be in the audience! David looked so happy and was so witty. This anecdote about Elvis -first class. So great sense of humour and so sexy…always.
    Warsaw, Poland

    • We in the UK always looked forward to David getting interviewed,it always turned into a laugh,and his laugh was unforgettable.

  135. Someone has commented on what David was doing – in more recent times. Well, despite his health problems, he did still seem very busy – this is all according to this site – he was making arrangements with friends including Danny Bonaduce to ask them if they would appear in the A @ E documentary being made about his life. David was still attending various sporting events in Florida and meeting up with friends. He didn’t own his horses any more, but was telephoning trainers to give them his advice. And he was trying to finish his recording with Craig, and practising his guitar playing every day in his music studio. He had ‘got hip to utube’ according to Craig, in order that he could watch clips of his father. So, despite everything and his health, DC was keeping very busy!

    • Hereā€™s a clip from his father:

      And in the last month, I have seen Jack Cassidyā€™s Mod Squad and Mary Tyler Moore on the Decades channel and one of his 3 Columbo episodes on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries.

    • I hope Susan Dey appears in the documentary, after she went to the memorial service.

  136. I feel David’s father, Jack Cassidy, had a similar problem to David in that his talent at certain times in his life wasn’t appreciated. David had mentioned in an interview his father was offered the lead role, the husband, in ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ but turned it down to appear in a theatre production which was a flop. If Jack had accepted the role in ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show,’ he would’ve been a major star in America and the UK. What a shame, might’ve meant things could turned out differently!

  137. I’ve just seen this site’s Wallpaper Gallery for the first time… Speechless! Sian

  138. Sian, can you write me where to find it? This site it ‘s so amazing everyday I discover sth new there are so many fantastic articles and videos

    • 1) Find Home page 2) Find “Updates on this website” 3) Click on “here” 4) Find the rectangular site navigation box at the top left-hand corner of the page 5) Click on “Wallpapers”

      This website is so well done by Jane. It’s like the best quality chocolate box you’ve ever been given – that never seems to run out of chocolates! I like to dip in and out at random and make up for a little lost time… Enjoy! Sian

      • Thanks, that was amazing, the work of true love.
        Yesterday I found in the archives (August 2012) an interview with Sam Hyman about his 50 years old friendship with David. Very interesting to read, great photos – e.g. young David in their rented Laurel Canyon’s house , and yes, so well said – the best quality chocotate box!

        • Thanks, Weronika: It will be nice to read that. It will be good to know what Sam really thought (because the magazines used to do write-ups for him; not exactly in his words – apparently). Sian

  139. Looking at David’s face book and the EFX show – the one where David took over from Michael Crawford, when Michael was in hospital, having had an accident during the show. Michael Crawford had got rid of the circus performers in the show, feeling they were getting too much attention, and David got them back again! But I do remember reading David went on to have nasty accidents during his time in EFX. It was a very dangerous show, and DC broke his foot, and possibly had other accidents where he injured his back. I think these accidents contributed to the arthritis David suffered from, so although the show was spectacular, unfortunately there was a price to pay!

      • Sian – the face book only shows a magazine cover featuring EFX – some of this information I found out by listening to a radio interview David gave which is on this site – not sure which one, though. DC didn’t mention the injuries, but about the circus performers and how good they were and how he had to get them back!

        • Thanks. I’ll find it in my own time; probably as a nice surprise. So many lovely surprises on this website. It’s a shame about those injuries, though. Sian

    • Hi Claire,like you I think there was a high price to pay,but he got such great reviews for his performance on that show.

  140. Now a date has been confirmed for the unveiling of the bench,which lucky ladies will be attending.

  141. I am able to listen to AccuRadio on my computer at work and they have a Lost 70’s station and they play PF songs. Listening to I’ll Meet You Halfway right now and it really gets me through my day at work to hear his voice….it is also bringing tears to my eyes as it is just one of those days.

    • Hi Nancy, thanks for the info about AccuRadio, I never heard of it before, they have all types of music on there, I listened to the Lost 70’s station today at work and I heard them play I’ll Meet You Halfway, that was great to hear David, thanks for telling us about it. This morning Antenna TV showed the PF pilot, it’s always great to see the PF episodes but also brought some tears to my eyes, to see David (as well as Suzanne and Dave) so full of life, they brought so much joy into our lives, also brings back wonderful memories to me of life back then when my parents were still alive.

  142. Hi Yvonne, Hi Arcelia, I’m not on facebook, it took it all for me just to get here, I am so happy to post with you both, been a long road, We shared happy times, and the sad, and the bench for David is May 20,18, and if I understand that day will be for David, and we can celebrate in the courtyard? I like that better, David’s day, and live on facebook event, I wish you girls could be there, if not were still all together for this event. I know for sure, we will never stop celebrating David Cassidy, and we will love him forever. Sian hi to you girl, love your posts, Hi Felicia, a date been set, are we ready, yes, what a nice honor for David, and Felicia as true David Cassidy fans we can be there together, for this very special event, and as fans we can be together with other true fans.

  143. Hi Claire, I read your posts, I never saw efx, I new David got injured during that time, what years did he do that show? David was incredible, injuries and all, he just kept performing, the stage was his life, and you would think everything was always perfect once David took the stage.And it was, he was the only David Cassidy.

    • We’ll we there, with you, in that courtyard – in spirit. I’m really happy that you’re going to be present, Denice; as one of our representatives…!!! Hugs, Sian

  144. Looking forward to seeing David on UK TV tomorrow in Ironside in an episode filmed in 1969. It will be interesting to see David’s acting when he was getting started. In early acting days it seemed DC was cast in much tougher and rebellious roles. Then the Partridge Family came along and as we all know, set him off in a totally different and unexpected direction.

    • Claire, I don’t have TV and I’ll appreciate any comments you make after you’ve watched that episode. Sian

  145. OMG! I canā€™t believe I stumbled upon 21 minutes of the 11/25/77 Partridge Family and My 3 Sons reunion show! The video fast forwarded thru the M3S parts to give preference to the Partridge Family. The younger kids have grown into their teens, and David performs Strengthen My Love. I never would have found this if it hadnā€™t autoplayed after another David clip. This need to go in the updates.


    • That’s was just great to see. Thank’s so much. Strengthen My Love , just amazing, I always wonder how he always put everything in his every performance and created this special bond between him and us . I’m afraid my English is not good enough, hope you know what I mean.
      Weronika, Poland

  146. Sian – you asked about Ironside which was on UK TV in an episode from 1969 starring David. David is about 17/18 yrs old in this, playing the part of a basket ball player at college who has a mentally ill girlfriend in hospital. He gets involved with two older men, stealing, so he can buy his girlfriend presents. So although his character is involved in crime, it is sympathetic. Yes, David was a very talented and natural actor, even though he was so young in this. Nothing like Keith Partridge and I feel, much more his style.

    • That sounds impressive, Claire. When I first saw the Partridge Family; I’m sure I used to wonder if David was playing himself. From what he, himself, has said – and from what you’ve written – it’s obvious he wasn’t. I hope I get to see him in some more stuff, eventually… Thanks a lot… Sian

  147. I commented above that the part I saw David playing today, in Ironside, was much more his ‘style.’ But David could adapt to whatever he was in, as in playing comedy in the Partridge Family. So I feel by saying a more serious, gritty role was more his style, I was accidentally limiting David. We all know he was multi-talented, as David’s friend, Craig, pointed out, and rare in that he could do music, theatre and film. All 3!

    • Thatā€™s why they called him a ā€œTriple Threatā€ on the Goldbergs last night.

    • I got what you meant, though, Claire. I’d love to hear his Liverpudlian accent. I reckon a Blood Brothers recording is going to be on my Christmas list. Sian

  148. Hi Everyone
    Just discovered these lovely chats and shared memories of DC. So good to know others are finding it hard to accept the sad loss of David.
    An amazing man and performer. Once loved always in your heart! I was lucky enough to see David at Belle Vue, Manchester, England in March 1973. What a mindblowing performance. All he needed to have done was turn up and sing a few songs and everyone would have been happy. But instead he threw himself 100 per cent into an amazing concert which showcased his brilliant talents. I went with 2 schoolfriends and being very well brought up young ladies we started off sitting in our seats. It soon became apparent that to have any chance of seeing David we’d have to join everyone else in standing on our seats! We hesitated, shrugged and guiltily climbed on them to stand up. Our reserved behaviour did.not.reflect.the immense love and admiration we had for this man. I recently discovered the clips of his 1973 Sydney concert where he played piano without any sheet music as he sang Daydreamer. David was the real deal! I have been surprised to find myself shedding quite a few tears since November. Jane. England

    • Hi Jane and thanks for sharing that sweet story about seeing on of Davids concert back in -73! /Annie

    • Hi Jane, I also saw David at Belle Vue in March 1973 and you described it exactly as ‘mind blowing’. My first ever pop concert and what an experience!
      I remember that first concert vividly with David wearing a cat suit. I even remember what I actually wore that day too. Some things stay in your mind forever and that day is one of those days.

  149. I have read all the posts, true David Cassidy fans, speak from the heart, to this day I miss David Cassidy, and hi always will. The other day, I was in a store and I met a nice man, we got talking, and he was 60, we got talking about back in the day, I told him my DC, story, he thanked me so much for sharing my story, he liked David’s voice, and said he was a nice looking guy also, and he wants to be friends with me, and go lunch and just enjoy life, maybe I will, And I want to wish everyone a blessed happy Easter. And if you get a visit from the Easter Bunny, enjoy.

    • Happy Eastern to you too Denice and Sian, and to everyone else in here aswell! /Annie

    • Happy Easter Denice,Sian,Annie and all fans. Another David’s miracle – making new friends because of him. I was on holiday in December and talk with a pair from Holland about David and we listen to his music together, and they became friends even it was just for 2 weeks.
      Weronika , Poland

  150. Thank you, Sian Weronika, and Annie, a far away happy Easter,and many Easter blessings. Happy Easter to you Felicia.Happy Easter to you Jane. And to you David, may God’s love be with you today and always.

  151. I just want to let any David Cassidy fans going to Saratoga Springs N.Y. for the bench celebration May 20,2018, that , that week especially the weekend is a busy weekend for them, and rooms close to the racetrack are selling out very fast. I was told there is other events also.

    • Thanks Denise, for posting the date of the celebration.
      Can’t attend, but, like many others on this site, we will be there with you in spirit.

  152. Hi Felicia, it was a very nice morning for me, I enjoyed talking to you on the phone, we went over some plans for Saratoga, we have been David Cassidy fans since when, and I’m excited about meeting you, and just being me, and going to see David’s bench, from us fans,and the bench from his friends, Felicia, I hope during facebook live, our friends who we post with see us. I miss David, like everyone else, so to have you there Felicia, with me, is a nice way to celebrate, David’s life, and favorite place.

  153. Hi Denise and Felicia
    Please take lots of photos for us fans unable to join you in Saratoga. Hope you both have a great time. If I ever won the Lottery I’d run a horse for David and his fans. We’d have great fun coming up with a fab name and supporting it wouldn’t we? Sigh! A pipedream but hey, you gotta dream!
    Jane, England

  154. Hi Jane, thanks for posting with us, yes David loved the horses, I won’t know much till we arrive in Saratoga, I will keep posting let everyone know how it’s going. I’m working on something for David with my friend Felicia, soon as I know I will post. I became part of this,way back by just admiring David’s imaginable talent, that was for real, As a adult now, and all the years of being David’s fan,I now have a friend Felicia, we have never met,so in Saratoga we will be there for David, and it will be fun to finally meet, and we can support eachother, losing David is still sad and difficult. All of David’s fans are wonderful and caring.

  155. And Jane, I enjoyed your earlier post, you were so lucky to see David in early 70s, thanks for sharing your story.

  156. Thanks, Jane, for posting that Fanasy Island episode. I used to watch FI back in the day, but I didnā€™t remember either of Davidā€™s episodes. The other one Iā€™ve seen video for, was a 5-minute synopsis in which Davidā€™s character marries the cake pop-out girl instead of his fiancĆ©e. Is it possible to find the complete story?

  157. I’ve really enjoyed that Fantasy Island episode. Naive but also so charming. David sang and played the piano and his gorgeous smile…Thanks for posting.

    • Did you also watch the Good Day show? I couldnā€™t figure out why the one lady kept holding on to a big wad of tissues!

      • I think she had said she burnt herself. But I’m not sure for 100%.
        There are so many amazing updates to watch every day. Talk shows and TV shows , like “Ironside”, David was very good in it.

  158. Marcus Welby, Ironside, Adam 12, Bonanza, Mod Squad and now Medical Center. Nearly everything before PF. Amazing. So grateful and thank you for posting.

  159. I just watched the Medical Center episode in which David appeared, he was so good. Thank you Jane for posting it, along with all the other posts, you have done a tremendous job, a great tribute to David, what a legacy. I am just amazed there are so many news items, TV appearances, etc featuring David, he was such a gifted, multi talented person, along with being so kind and caring.

  160. Watched “The night the city screamed” yesterday. DC has a rather small part, but still…Love the ambience in those movies from that era. Can’t find it in here to watch, so I’ll share the link: https://youtu.be/dlBnOodprvU

  161. Happy birthday lovely man thinking of you today and always šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™

    • Happy Birthday! This is going to push it to 413 responses, but it was neat that this morning there were 412 responses to this post on 4/12.

  162. Couldnā€™t stop thinking of David yesterday as it would have been his 68th birthday rest in peace gorgeous guy you will never be forgotten.

  163. Just like to say how much I enjoy being on this website ,reading all the comments from all the fans everyday . It is comforting to connect with other david cassidy fans on days we feel sad .hope this website will continue for many years although we have sadly lost david his memory is alive through his website

  164. Hi,
    I am trying to get a t-shirt of David. Unfortunately when you click on ‘merchandising’ it says the page is in construction. It’s been like that for months. Plus, many sites are closed because some people sell t-shirts or other items of David not approved by the family yet we can’t buy anything that is from this site. Are there are places I can go to buy a nice David t-shirt? I have been looking around but I can’t find nothing I really like. Thank you.

    • Amazon has a t-shirt with his picture. I just checked to make sure they have one before I posted this reply. Hope you’re able to get one.

  165. OMG ! David! miss you so much !! next to my husband your music and your songs were the one thing that kept me going through all the adversity in my life! having now lost you both your music, your voice and my treasured photos of us together at your concert in Manchester U.K lifts my spirits each time I’m down ! I send much love to your family and hope they keep your music going !xxx

  166. I remember getting a full page pic of the family in the red velvet costumes in TV week…….but that was along time ago…….haven’t seen the same pic ( a good coy ) for many years. It’s the same one that eventually that was put on the Note book cd cover .

  167. Listening to sarah cox on R2 and playing different songs then she plays DC from the 70s makes me cry every time. David,you were taken from us far to young. As a young girl in the 70s i loved him…and still do. Forever in my heart always. Xx

  168. I wish I knew about this site before , I have been really struggling since he passeď , it has hit me much harder that I ever imagined. But reading all these posts I know there are many feeling the same , and I don’t feel so much like I’m losing the plot

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