David Cassidy : Singles
The Last Kiss / The Letter

Shaped Picture Disk

From Japan

British single
Released: February 1985 (Arista Records) Catalog number: Arista 589
Only released in England and Europe (none of his Arista work has been released in the US).
In Britain, the single hit No. 6 on March 6, 1985, and was issued with a color picture sleeve of David standing with his thumbs in his pockets. Record has blue plastic Arista label. Version of The Letter has different intro than LP version. Although not credited, George Michael sang back-up on Last Kiss.
British poster bag edition (Arista 589) housed the single in a color poster of David.
British shaped picture disc (Arista ARIPD 589) was David's first-ever picture disc. In the shape of his body, the picture is of him sitting down. It was released in March with a limited edition poster/calendar.
British 12-inch single (Arist 12 589) has 6:46 version of Last Kiss on the A-side and The Letter and an exclusive 9 1/2-minute BBC Radio interview with Simon Bates on the B-side. Listen to the interview!
Japan picture sheet (Arista 7RS-120) has same picture as Last Kiss picture disc (which is different from British sleeve). Has lyrics and liner notes. Record has black Arista label.
Spain sleeve (Arista 107.177) is same as British, but David's name and song title is in black letters, not blue.
Portugal sleeve (Arista 03.107177.12) same as British issue.
Australia sleeve (Arista K9637) same as British issue.