Miscellaneous Compilations
King Of Pop 74-75
1974 L & Y Records KOP 001
This record was a unique first in Australian Pop-recording industry. It was released as a souvenir of the "Pop world's most glittering night".
As it says on the sleeve: The album "features 20 tracks from all your top performers." It contains many hit songs by previous King Of Pop winners and guest presenters. David Cassidy and Gary Glitter were guest presenters at the 1974 King of Pop Awards on March 8th, 1974.

Rock Me Baby - David Cassidy
I Am Woman - Debbie Byrne
Jenny - Jamie Redfern
Sit Yourself Down - Colleen Hewett
Don't You Know It's Magic - Johnny Farnham
Games People Play - Allison Durbin
Every Mother's Son - Brian Cadd
You've Got The Gun - Sherbet
Evie Part 1 - Stevie Wright
Neither One Of Us - Linda George
Always Yours - Gary Glitter
You've Got A Friend - Debbie Byrne
Hello Funny Face - Jamie Redfern
Superstar - Colleen Hewett
Comic Conversation - Johnny Farnham
Higher and Higher - Normie Rowe
Cassandra - Sherbet
Thank God You're Here With Me - Benjamin Hugg
Orchestra Ladies - Ross Ryan
Keep On Rocking - Brian Cadd