Letters From David
August 30, 2005
To those of you who are truly my fans,
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and kindness during these trying and sad times. Please know that your care and concern have not gone unnoticed and are deeply appreciated. Many of you have written to ask about my mother and I'm pleased to say that she seems to be doing a bit better. She is out of the hospital and we have made a lot of progress in providing for her care. Doctors, social workers, and my mother's long-time and devoted friends have all shown genuine concern for her well-being.
Sadly, however, there are a few people who have gone out of their way to publicly make malicious statements about me and my family with disregard for the truth. Even more tragic is the fact that there have been eyewitness reports that some of these same individuals have gained unauthorized access to my mother's apartment and have taken many of her most prized and personal possessions. I am very troubled by these destructive acts and they are now in the hands of the proper authorities. I thank those loyal fans who have brought this shameful behavior to my attention.
Seeing a parent you love suffer from the debilitating effects of dementia is terrible. I realize, however, that even in the most trying circumstances there is a lot to be grateful for. Last week, when I flew to LA to be with her, my mother and I reconnected in a way that I thought was no longer possible. I love her very much and, on behalf of my mother, my family and myself, I thank you for your continued support and respect for our privacy.