Myspace Blog
The following appeared on David's Myspace Page.
April 6, 2011
A Favor of my Fans
I have a special favor to ask. Please take a moment to go to:
Download the song "Jump" and vote for Beau's band, The Fates. They are competing for a spot to play at Bonnaroo Music Festival in June. There are over 400 entries and the band is already in the Top 10!!!
You have no idea how proud I am of Beau and the other boys. They are phenomenal musicians.
You have been the most loyal, wonderful fans and it thrills me to share the gift of my son with you.
Happy Trails,
December 20, 2010
A loving open invitation to all of David's UK fans:
It's been 40 years since David Cassidy first arrived in the UK, and much to his surprise, there were hundreds of fans there to greet him at Heathrow Airport in 1971 ..
During that first week, his throng of fans grew into thousands outside of the Dorchester Hotel and they sang his songs there, on Park Lane, each evening, and literally stopped traffic.
To commemorate this remarkable relationship between David Cassidy and his fans, David himself has decided to pay homage to those fans and the many others who have followed him and supported him from the very beginning.
David wants to celebrate this occasion with a special pre-birthday party. This will be the first and only time that David has ever done anything quite like this. This small and intimate gathering of David and his true fans in a casual and relaxed environment, will take place on the evening of April 10th, 2011, 2 days prior to his actual birthday of April 12th. The evening will be an opportunity for David and his fans to mingle, chat and just be themselves, unlike a quick meet and greet or a hasty autograph or photo session.
David's intention is to connect with individuals without being on stage or entertaining them, but to simply have a chance to get to know them a little better personally and share the unique experiences that they have had together over the years
If you are seriously interested in being a part of this special evening celebrating David"s birthday, you may e-mail the promoter directly at: mlrpromotions@sky.com . Please note that ONLY a limited number may participate in this birthday celebration so if you are interested, you should contact MLR Promotions as soon as possible and further details will be provided. The wonderful staff at MLR Promotions, are looking forward to hearing from you all.
October 23, 2010
Celebrity Cookbooks Available
Hello to everyone!
Hoping you all are resting more than I have been. I may be jumping the gun, but I just found out that the celebrity cookbook I have a recipe in is going to be available to order online sometime this week.
If there isn't a way to order the cookbook yet through this link (I was told that this will be where to order them) so just keep trying. The proceeds go to a very worthy cause and you'll get a beautiful cookbook for your money.
When you order, feel free to let them know that I sent you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Singing for tips on Celebrity Apprentice
Hey everyone! Show up tomorrow 757 Broadway- Famous Familia Pizza! from 11-3 and help raise $$ for charity! I'll be making pizzas and singing for BIG tips that are going to be donated to a worthy cause! A film Crew is going to be there filming for Celebrity Apprentice. The tips are the most important in this challenge. See you there! Love & peace DC BTW.....IF YOU CAN'T SHOW UP, CALL Famous Familia Pizza at 212-353-2900 and make a donation to Alzheimers Research on behalf of David Cassidy.
September 18, 2010
Celebrity Cookbook
I hope this message finds everyone doing well. I just wanted to announce that I was asked to publish one of my personal favorite recipes as part of the upcoming Las Vegas Celebrity Cookbook.
The cookbook will be available to the public by October and the proceeds benefit the Las Vegas Metro K9s. This project is being sponsored by Siegfried & Roy, so I am honored to have been included.
Until I'm able to find out more about the publishing date, here's more information:
Peace & Love
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Meet & Greet Tickets
Hey Everyone!
It looks like there's still time to win, so if you happen to be coming to see me perform Saturday, August 21st, 2010 concert at the Mohegan Sun, you can win "Meet & Greet" tickets.
Can't wait to see you!
Love & Peace
Friday, July 09, 2010
Could it Be Forever
If you plan on attending the Edinburgh Festival this year, I'd like everyone to know that I'm flattered two playwrights, Lucie Fitchett and Victoria Willing, wrote their play with me as part of it.
Could It Be Forever is debuting on August 4th and continues through the 29th.
I have said it before, but I am honored and would like to thank the writers for including me in their creative process.
Peace and Love,
Can reliving a moment in our teens make us see what's important now? Three men, three women - all one time school friends, meet after many years. It's great to catch up, people don't really change... But when they fall into the memory of a particular week in 1973, a week when David Cassidy was in town... they ignite long hidden desires, fears and the pain of fractured friendship. A joyous, poignant trip that asks 'Did we get where we wanted to go? Have we stayed on the highway? And can we still remember the lyrics?'
Thursday, February 25, 2010
See you on the Today show!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be on the Today show on March 2nd. They want to highlight The Partridge Family as one of the greatest television families of all time. So it's basically a reuniting of some of the cast from The Partridge Family. Shirley, Danny and Brian are expected to be with me for this show.
The segment airs between 7 to 9 am so I hope my fans are able to catch the episode.
Thank you again for all your support.
Peace & Love
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Hello World is the Song That I'm Singing!
Wow! What a ride the past couple of months have been and it's only getting better.
I wanted to be the first to let you know that I'll be appearing at the Hollywood Show Celebrity Autograph Convention at the Marriott Burbank Convention Center in Burbank, California on Sunday, October 11th, from 10am to 1pm.
The entry fee into the convention is only $20.00 and I'll be in the main room by one of the doors. I've also planned something special for my fans. I took an exclusive photo about four days ago and it's only available for autograph during the show.
For those of you who won't have the chance to attend the show, you can pre-order one of my photos HERE
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
You are invited to an Exclusive 'Day Out' on..
You are invited to an Exclusive 'Day Out' on..
The Isle of Wight, England. with
David Cassidy
Wednesday 12th November 2008
There is limited availability for this day so book early.
Join David on this once in a lifetime experience
Let David Welcome you to an exclusive day of relaxation and chat
This fantastic day includes:
Meet and Greet Session
Individual Professional Photograph with David
Autograph Opportunity
Question and Answers to David
Meals and Beverages included throughout the day
(Drinks & Food from the bar are not included)
Who knows he might even sing to us!!
The cost of this unforgettable once in a lifetime experience is only £299.00 Per Person (378.00 Euro) ($537.00)
If you wish to book please e-mail: jksentertainment@yahoo.co.uk With the subject line David Cassidy.
(Please note there is strictly limited availability for this event so please book early)
Enclose your Name, Address, Telephone number (with dialling code) stating how many tickets you require, (No more than 4 tickets per e-mail address, send name, address & telephone number (with dialing code) for each ticket you are buying). We will then send you an e-mail confirming your booking, further instructions and where to send your deposit of £150.00 (190.00 euro) ($270.00) per ticket to secure your place, Due to the expected high volume of participants if we do not receive your cheque or postal order within 5 days (7 days from USA) from our return e-mail to you, your place will be forfeited. Applications will be dealt with on a strictly first come first served basis and the decision of JKS Entertainment will be final, no correspondence will be entered into. A reserve list will be put into place and
in the event of any cancellations you will be notified.
The balance of £149.00 (188.00 Euro) ($267.00) will be due no later than 12th October 2008.
Should you wish to pay the £299.00 (378.00 Euro) ($537.00) in one payment before the 12th October 2008, you will receive a special gift (exclusive only to those who have paid in one transaction) which will be a wonderful memento of your Day Out with David.
Details etc... will not be released until full payment has been received. Should you book after the 12th October, then full payment will be required at time of booking
But this will not entitle you to the gift.
(Smart Casual Dress is required for this event).
All deposits are non-refundable (at the discretion of JKS Entertainment)
Sorry, no discounts for late arrivals or early departures
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sweet Vendetta
Thank you so much for all of your kind words. Here is my interview after the big win:
Monday, May 12, 2008
At Seven Feathers Casino
Hello Everyone!
I performed at Seven Feathers Casino in Oregon this past Saturday and I was able to visit with a long-time friend of mine (Annie). We took some photos together after the show but she hasn't emailed them to me yet.
So please check back and I should have photos posted as soon as I get them.
Any fans who joined me that night? I hope you enjoyed my show despite my being sick. It was a pleasure talking to everyone.
16 Apr 2008
MySpace Facelift
I hope you enjoy the new facelift for my page. I've added my new fan club logo as well as new photos in my family album and two more songs. I've also asked that Sabre Design design some new comment graphics for you to use on your pages. These should be available in a few weeks.
Although I don't have the time to answer everyone, I do appreciate all of the messages you have sent as well as your comments.
04 Apr 2008
Patrick and Shirley in Music Man
I thought I'd let everyone know that my step-mom, Shirley, is going to star in a week's worth of concerts from The Music Man this April.
She played Marian the Librarian in the film version of The Music Man, and now she's going to play Marian's mother in the concert series. My brother, Patrick, will also be in the concert. He's starring as con man Harold Hill.
They were both part of the Broadway revival of 42nd Street.
The concerts are from April 22-27 at Hartford's Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts.
Love & Peace
28 Mar 2008
New Photos
I had mentioned that I would be posting new photos. I have to admit that there aren't really very many of me, but I know you've been asking about family, so here they are.
I hope you enjoy.
Peace & Love
04 Mar 2008
I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be posting some more family photos of Sue and Beau in the near future. Sue has asked me to wait showing any of them to you until she is done using them for a project.
Love and Peace
And I guess I'll add some photos of myself. DC
25 Feb 2008
Plant a Shamrock for the MDA
In the St. Patrick's Day tradition, please help me spread the luck o' the Irish. Every year thousands of retail outlets across the country sell Shamrocks Against Dystrophy Mobiles to benefit the research and services programs of the Muscular Dystrophy Association - bringing hope and help to "Jerry's kids."
Will you join me this year? It's as simple as can be - just spread your support of "Jerry's kids" by planting a Shamrock on your MySpace page and then encourage all your friends to do the same. Even if you don't make a donation, by planting a Shamrock you can make a difference. Just click on my Shamrock and follow the instructions.
Peace and Love
05 Feb 2008
Oprah Show
We're taping the show today. See everyone on the 12th.
30 Jan 2008
Oprah Winfrey Show
I can see that most of you already know, but I'll be on the Oprah Winfrey show on February 12th.
I hope everyone can join in and watch me on that day.
Peace & Love
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Painting Information
Hey Everyone,
I've had a few fans asking about the painting behind me & Sue in our photo on the main page. The painting is of me, Sue and Beau and was done by an artist named Alex who is a friend of my brother Ryan's.
Epcot was a lot of fun. Hope to see this great of an audience in the future.
Peace & Love
Friday, August 10, 2007
Congratulations to my Wife!
I just wanted to take the time to let everyone know that Sue has published a book. Sabre Design is busy putting up a website for the book, but for now, you can purchase the book here:
The World's Greatest Email
Herein lie the funniest, most inspiring, thought provoking, life-saving communications of our times.
The World's Greatest Email is a collection of cyberspace gems that will entertain and enlighten everyone who reads them.
Is there really a town called F@*ing, Austria?
What exactly are the physics of hell?
Want to know how to tell if someone is having a stroke?
Can your cell phone unlock your car?
Find out the answers to these questions and more in The World's Greatest Email.
And here's a Preview Page
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Also, I wanted to be the first to let everyone know to be looking out for some website changes. We'll be revamping it to make it easier for you to find out more. I'll be sure to keep you posted.
July 05, 2007.
Hi, this is David
I'm pretty new to this MySpace thing, but Christina has been gracious enough to help me out a bit, so bear with me.
I've been getting asked about my singing in the 7up commercial. Well, it's not me. I don't know who it is, probably a studio singer, but I thought I'd let everyone know.
As you all know, I've been touring a lot. The days are short and nights are shorter so there hasn't been time for me to read all of your letters. For the letters I have read, I appreciate your kind words and I will do my best to read more after my tour is done.
Love and Peace