Hello Magazines Featuring David Cassidy
March 9, 1991. Photographs of one month old Beau at home with David and Sue. David and Sue explain why they waited to get married.
October 21, 2003. At his beautiful new Florida home David Cassidy talks about his years as a heartthrob, the happiness he has rediscovered with his wife Sue and why he won't repeat his father's mistakes. This article contains some lovely photographs of David.
November 2006. In this three page article David Cassidy reveals why he's happy to let go of the past.
April, 2007. 32 years after the tragic accident at David Cassidy's London Concert Bernadette Whelan's Brother gives an interview.
December 2, 2008. "DAVID CASSIDY is in control of his life at last", is in Issue no. 1049.