David Cassidy In Print.

David Cassidy in the News

Working the Party After the Show

March 1, 1995

By Pat Steger
San Francisco Chronicle

Show and tell: British Consul General Malcolm Dougal gave a theater party Sunday, taking about 50 to see the British musical ``Blood Brothers'' at the Golden Gate Theatre.

Then it was on to his Pacific Avenue home for cocktails honoring the show's stars, Petula Clark, who is English, and David Cassidy, who isn't -- surprising Malcolm, who said, ``After watching him, I would have sworn he was English.''

David had to miss the party because of family commitments, but Petula happily worked it before going on for sushi. She spun through the crowd, meeting Malcolm's fiancee, Brigid Pritchard, just here from London, and Betsy Dohrmann, who thought the show was ``compelling.''

Agreeing with Betsy was British Airway's Jill Donaldson, who said, ``I saw it twice in London, but I think it's better here.'' Petula saw it twice in London, too -- ``and I thought I'd never want to do it -- until I saw it in New York; so much energy and excitement.''

Energetic Walter Shorenstein, who flew in from New York that afternoon, missed the matinee but not much else. After cocktails, he went to the dinner at Fleur de Lys to celebrate wine maker Alfred Fromm's 90th birthday.

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