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'WKRP In Cincinnati'

June 9, 2011

by Hollywoodland

WKRP Trivia

- Les can be seen wearing a bandage on some part of his body in practically every episode. We eventually find out it is because he has a very large (and never-seen) dog that he keeps at home.

- The reason why the call letters "WKRP" were used is that they were the only ones not being used by an actual station. They wanted to use "WSOS" or "WHLP" but they were taken.

- The pilot was filmed at CBS Television City in Los Angeles but the rest of the episodes were taped at CBS Studio City in the San Fernando Valley. It was filmed on the same stage as another sitcom about a midwestern station, "Mary Tyler Moore" (1970). Only shots for the opening and closing credits and cutaways for a few episodes were recorded in Cincinnati.

- The character of Herb Tarlek was known for wearing very tacky suits. In one episode, after Venus sees Herb wearing a particularly outrageous suit, he remarks, "Somewhere out there there's a Volkswagen with no seats." In fact, one of Herb's suits actually WAS made from the seat covers of an old Volkswagen.

- In the 1990s, reissues of the syndication of WKRP had nearly all music played by the DJs changed. While the original run of the series prided itself in both writing and acting by using current hit songs, it was later deemed too expensive to keep the rights for the originals in syndication (hundreds of thousands of dollars were at stake). Instead, songs were removed and replaced with "generic" studio music; even original "generic" music was replaced to avoid any possibility of later lawsuits. Because the actors often spoke over the music, voice impersonators were hired to emulate the actors in those scenes. In some cases this meant revising lines so that jokes about the song just played were removed, and changed to often-meaningless new titles.

- David Cassidy turned down the role of Johnny "Dr. Johnny Fever" Caravella.

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