David Cassidy articles and appearances during Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
March 12, 1983. Star Ledger Magazine. "No foaling around for Cassidy."
March 12, 1983. New York Daily News. "The lives of David Cassidy. Pop superstar, recording artist, TV & stage actor."
March 12, 1983. Milwaukee Journal. Mentioned Engagement to Meryl. March 14, 1983 & Live At Five. NBC TV. USA.
March 1983. The Morning Show.
March 23, 1983. Today Show on NBC TV. USA Talk Show.
March 28, 1983. New York Paper mentions Joseph his engagement to Meryl.
March 1983. New York Post. "Brotherly Love." Has nice photo of Shaun backstage with David in costume
March 29, 1983. Globe. Photo of David and Shaun.
March 30, 1983. New York Daily News. Photo of David and Fan Club Presidents & Reps.
April 12, 1983. Star Magazine. About engagement to Meryl.
April 26-May 2, 1983. Good Times Mag. Page 30. "A New 'Coat' for Teen Idol David Cassidy."
April 30, 1983. "Two On The Town." USA TV show about Broadway shows.
April 30, 1983. CBS TV News.
May 7, 1983. English TV Times "Sunday: Tales of the Unexpected." Has article which also mentions "Joseph".
May 7, 1983. The Sun (England). "Back At The Double." About Tales of the Unexpected.
May 7, 1983. The Daily Mirror. England. "David Pops up Unexpectedly." About Tales of the Unexpected.
May 83, The Bill Boggs Show. USA TV Talk Show.
May 16, 1983. People Magazine. Large article with David and Meryl.
May 18, 1983. The Sun, "David Cassidy, the biggest teeny idol of the Seventies, has been talking for the first time about his wedding plans and his new life."
May 20, 1983. Five O'Clock News on ABC-TV.
May 23, 1983. People Magazine.
May 24, 1983. USA Today, "Rolling Stone aids Cranston." About stars including DC were guests for a fundraiser for Democratic Senator Alan Cranston.
May 29, 1983. Sunday Express (England), "Why David Cassidy happily gave up the willing girls."
June 7, 1983. Daily News, "The Manhattan Mood."
June 9, 1983. The Sun (England), "A Kiss for Cassidy's new filly."
June 14, 1983. The Star, Nice photo of David in costume with Shirley Jones visiting him.
June 14, 1983. National Examiner. David and Shirley Jones photo.
June 14, 1983. The Merv Griffin TV Show. US talk show. David sang "Any Dream Will Do."
June 23, 1983 - Freizeit Revue (Germany), "Comback fur David."
June 1983. WOR Radio Interview taped at Royale Theatre.
July 6, 1983. Entertainment Tonight TV show. David & Meryl at the race track.
1983 - (England) "Now David can cope with fame. Tales of the Unexpected mentioned.
1983 - (New Zealand) Mentioned Gina Lollobrigida and nude photo she took in the 70's of DC.
July 16, 1983. NBC/WKYC 3 in Cleveland, OH. 5:30 p.m. TV news.
July 16, 1983. A.M. Cleveland with Scott Newell. Radio interview.
July 1983. Cleveland Newspaper. "Joseph retains a childlike appeal." By Bob Dyer.
July 1983. Cleveland Newspaper. "Joseph's coat of many colors a modern day musical soup."
Sept. 18, 1983. A.M. Today. USA TV Talk Show. David came on with a psyciatrist and talked about his break-down in the early 70's.
1983. The Tony Awards.
1983. Unknown Paper. "Dustin Hoffman named on men's best-dressed list." David was named "Best Dressed man for the Stage."
October 16, 1983. Houston Chronicle. "David Cassidy: as 'Joseph' he enjoys return to theater." By Everett Evans.