Concert Reviews
Sweet Symphony Sounds with DC
by Cat Ortiz-White

Photo by Amy Shatzen
On Friday & Saturday, November 21st & 22nd, David performed at the Pacific in Santa Ana with a full Symphony Orchestra, something he said he'd always wanted to do. I was lucky enough to attend David's concert on Friday evening. Originally, I wasn't going to attend at all but it turned out I had a doctors apt. in L.A. that same day, so I decided to go to the concert and spend the night. I also made arrangements to meet with fellow fans Doris and Joyce M., both of whom I'd met at the DC Pala Casino Concerts.
The concert was AMAZING! David's "Opening Act" was the Orchestra itself, in a melody of music from movies & TV shows about flight, including Star Trek. The conductor had a man in the audience even read "Like the Captain James T. Kirk" the opening dialog of the show - that was really funny and cute! Having them perform first also gave me a change to hit the bathroom before DC came out - which was badly needed after a quite bite to eat with Doris before the show.
Then David came out in black jeans and white shirt. After a song or two, he said how he wasn't appropriately dressed for this venue and came back wearing a knee-length tuxedo jacket. I LOVE him in those long jacket - he looks sooo cute. Reminded me of around 73' or 74' when he toured Europe and wore a long black jacket and had the really long hair - sigh!

Most of all, I've NEVER heard David sound better. Of course, he performed the usual PF/solo hits from the 70's HEARTBEAT, I'LL MEET YOU HALF WAY, SUMMER DAYS, I WOKE UP IN LOVE THIS MORNING and the inevitable I THINK I LOVE YOU. But it's the songs he doesn't usually do that made this show so incredible! I was SOOOO thrilled to hear David do I WRITE THE SONGS (with Lisa & Candice replicating Carl Wilson's haunting harmonies) it sent an chill up my spin. It was just amazing!! I was so glad he explained about having the FIRST hit and back-ground of the song. Same with the slow version of BREAKIN UP IS HARD TO DO, and it brought down the house! He also explained how Neil Sedaka who wrote it was at his '73 concert and wound up recording that version and having a huge hit with it. When he said "You think I'm in the wrong business or what? It's like I'm cursed or something." I was cracking up! It was also a show stopper!

Photo by Amy Shatzen
Seniors in the front seats with SINCE I FELL FOR YOU from his new CD A TOUCH OF BLUE. He also did CHERISH and dedicated it to his fans. POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION OF ALBERQUE & COULD IT BE FOREVER also sounded great with the Orchestra. He also performed I SAW HER STANDING THERE which also got a HUGE response. No dancing in the isles as there was no room for that, but many "Bravos," whistling, etc. That was really nice to hear, especially where you know much of the crowd were not necessary "DC Fans." On the rockers, of course, the Orchestra were able to take a break (the horns sounded fantastic on HOW CAN I BE SURE)

David was just incredible and I loved him doing I AM A CLOWN which is still one of my fav songs of his as well as some of the songs from the new CD. Loved how he sat on the edge of the stage for that one too. He sang CRY for his encore and again, it was superb! It was almost like going to an over-seas concert w/o having to fly there! Worth every penny!! He really was AMAZING!!
I had row O on the end but Doris was two rows up, closer to the center and the gentleman next to her had an extra ticket and so she came and told me "you've just moved two rows up." She told me about the nice man and I thanked him. He hadn't heard of DC before and told him a bit about him and what he's done. A the end, I asked how he enjoyed the concert. He said he really liked it as David has a nice voice. That was nice to hear:) Some of DC's little "humorous" comments and behavior probably wasn't appreciated by some of the older, "regular" symphony goers. He does have a "very dry wit" as the British would say, at times. Like he said to one man near the end "Oh, so nice of you to wake up now" - he, he! I laughed at THAT one, even though I thought maybe he shouldn't have said it. I was staying at the Wyndam hotel across the street. Got an EXCELLENT deal on the internet and the hotel was FABULOUS!! Four star with "welcoming snack and drink" of your choice as a "Wyndam member," which doesn't cost money, you just sign up on the internet. My husband brought our 2 year old, Crystalinda down during the concert. She was asleep when we got back, so I quietly changed my clothes and we went up to visit in Joyce's room.
Joyce M. & Joyce T. were also staying at the Wyndam, as was David's band I was visiting with a fan Doris and Joyce M. after the concert and we went down to see if the restaurant was still open as Joyce hadn't eaten yet and we ran into Candace and Lisa - his background singers. They know Joyce M as the "Lei girl." We struck up a nice conversation and I said to Canadce "Please tell David how much us long time fans appreciate him doing some new material." She said "Well, WE do TOO!" LOL!! I laughed and said "I bet!" She said she'd let David know. Lon also passed by with his lovely wife and two ADORABLE little girls all dress up in lovely dresses.

I also got to see Joyce T. shortly Saturday morning before checking out and heading to Disneyland. Joyce was also at Friday nights M&G with Cheryl Corwin. David did pose for a couple of photos with Cheryl for her fan club but did not pose with anyone else of sign any autographs.
Saturday morning, we had breakfast at the hotel and I had that added on the bill. So I had to check out at the front desk. Lisa came down right when I was telling the gal at the counter how good the David Cassidy concert was Friday night. I said "Oh speaking of which" and Lisa said "Yeah, I'm David Cassidy." She was very nice. She lives in Vegas and loves working with David. I showed her a photo of Crystalinda, who is 2 years old now. I told Lisa we were going to Disneyland for her 1st visit there. Lisa said she was adorable and to have a great time.
While at Disneyland, Marjon and Dineke from Holland saw us and came to say Hi! Crystalinda had a GREAT time! She was as excited to meet Minnie Mouse as I was the first time I met David! She tried taking "cuts" to meet her several times. It was really cute, if I say so myself - and I do - LOL!! She wore her "London Disneyland t-shirt" with Minnie on it which was a gift from a friend of mine who'd come from England for the Pala concert and we bought her a Minnie Mouse doll.
Friday evening, I also got to meet Alice and some other fans from England, Greta from Holland as well as many other long time fans. I later heard from fans that went the following night that David was even better on Saturday night. Fans also told me David did C'MON GET HAPPY instead of I SAW HER STANDING THERE on Saturday. I wish I'd been able to attend the Saturday show but it was still a great trip and it was really fantastic hearing David make such Sweet Sounds with the Symphony!