History of Cassidy Family Fan Clubs
by Cat Ortiz-White
In 1977 Cheryl Corwin contacted Ruth Aarons about starting a club for David but she told her about the other fan clubs already existing for him. Instead, Ruth asked Cheryl to start a club for David's brother Shaun Cassidy who was then the brand new heart throb and in a hit series "The Hardy Boys". So Cheryl started "The Official Shaun Cassidy Fan Club"

Cat, Shirley Jones and Susanne Stiward. Photo taken June 10, 2000 in Las Vegas, NV
In 1981 "Cassidy Class", a club about the whole Cassidy Family was started by Susanne Stiward. In early 1987, "PS The Family Newsletter" started by Carol Davis and Corey Hetzer, and featured both Hardy Boys, Shaun and Parker Stevenson. In early 1982 they shifted the focus of the newsletter to cover all the members of the Cassidy family and gradually omitted Parker. The last issue was in early 1985.

Carol Davis and Patrick Cassidy. Photo taken during Patrick's run in "Company" at the Long Beach Civic Light Opera in 1994.
Shortly after the PS newsletter folded, "Cassidy Class" merged with another club to become "The Family Magazine" with editors Pam Carr, Susanne Stiward and Corey Hetzer. In 1986, "The Family Magazine" folded and Susanne continued to put out "Cassidy Class" until around 1991(?). Susanne now has a web site Cassidy Friends.

David and Cheryl Corwin. Photo taken Feb. 16, 1997 in Las Vegas, NV by Cat Ortiz-White
In April 1994, Cheryl Corwin changed her club from being one just for Shaun to Friends of the Cassidys. This club still exists today and Cheryl also has a Web Site For All Cassidy Fans.
There is also an Official Shirley Jones Fan Club. As most of you know, aside from being an American Icon having won an Academy Award and being in many classic musicals such as "The Music Man", "Oklahoma" and "Carousel", and of course being our "favorite TV mom" on the The Partridge Family, Shirley Jones also used to be married to David's father Jack Cassidy. Shirley is the mother of David's step-brothers Shaun, Patrick and Ryan. The whole family is very close.

Suzanne Crough, Shirley Jones and Katie Cassidy. Photo taken June 11, 2000 in Las Vegas, NV by Cat Ortiz-White
David's lovely teenage daughter Katie Cassidy has also now stepped into the limelight as a singer and dancer. Although Katie does not have a Fan Club, she does have an official web site at www.katiecassidy.org. She will later have her own t-shirts for sale on her authorized fansite www.katiecassidy.net.
There are many other wonderful web sites for David, The Partridge Family, Cassidy Family, Teen Idols and more. To see them, please go to the Links page.
I hope that you've all enjoyed reading about the various fan clubs and information services. I also hope that you'll all help support the dedicated fans who run them. It takes a lot of hard work, time and effort to do this. None of the fans make any money doing it and I've even heard of some who occassionally spend ther own money to run their club. It is an act of love and support not only for the performer/s but for their fellow fans. Some of the clubs also help raise money for various charities.
Also a million thanks to all the wonderful fans I've met and been in contact with throughout the years! Without support from the fans, there would be no clubs or websites - or even any performer! As David often says "Without the fans, I'd be pumping gas man!" So to use another expression DC often uses "Keep Rockin!" and perhaps I'll get to meet more of you at a DC event in the near future. Cat.