Fan Tales
Waterstones Bookstore in London
By Sandra
March 7, 2007
Hi everyone
I wanted to share my special day with you all - I was lucky enough (along with a couple hundred other people) to be at Waterstones Bookstore in London today. David was fantastic! He was in a great cheery mood and chatted with as many as he could. I felt a tinge of despair when I arrived to find I was given a ticket for the queue - No: 145! I never dreamt I would get my book signed by David ....
To Sandra, Much love! David Cassidy .... wow those words will stay with me forever! I was also able to chat with David for a couple of minutes and I just can't describe how special that was for me.
I said it was great to see him after all these years and thanked him for doing the book signing - he thanked me for turning out (like I would have missed it !) When I asked if he was fed up with all the signing he replied by saying he was not fed up but his hand was getting sore. I then mentioned I was looking forward to seeing him at Wembley and Hammersmith in April and he replied - yeah, it's gonna be great.
I have provided some photos for you all to see
Hope you all enjoy them :o)
Sandra (who is still floating very high and feeling 14 all over again mmmmm)