Fan Tales
Memories from the Ranch
I got a ride around the block with Dave Madden once in his blue Fiat convertible when the top was down. I had been waiting for David at the studio one evening.
I can only gauge the year as he gave me his copy of his script for Power Of Women on PF. This episode went to air as My Son The Feminist. This was in the Summer 1970 (he smoked Kent cigarettes). I have it buried somewhere around here-it has Dave's name on top in the right hand corner and a yellow cover on it and everyone I saw that night except for Susan Dey signed it. Susan used to hide under the covers in her girlfriend's car as they drove out. I think her name was Jane.
I really wish every girl the world over could have been in my little shoes at the Ranch in 1970-1973. It was very special and you know, I never really knew how important all this was or how big David really was at that time.
Until Bobby and David, I was still into Barbie Dolls and watching Lawrence Welk w/parents on a Saturday night. I knew I liked these two, but didn't even know what love, hero worship or any of that was. When I 'found' them, none of my friends believed me - until the pictures were developed - then I was totally shunned as I guess I was a little smart ars-lol.
I do remember David did smoke Winston Cigarettes (ashtray always full in his car-the blue Mustang), he, as did all of us, listened to KRLA radio (Rock and Roll at the time). and yes, his hair was so gorgeous! A nice shade of light ashy and reddish brown tones.