Memorabilia - T shirts
1974 Australian T shirt
These were available by mail order from TV Week Magazine, Melbourne, Australia in 1974. The shirts were available in white, red, orange or gold.

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1972 UK T shirt

1973 UK T shirt

C'mon Get Happy

Below is a 1996 silk screened Partridge Family Logo & Bus Ringer white T Shirt. A Ringer shirt is one that has navy blue ribbing around the neck and sleeves - 70s style. On the front of the T Shirt at the top it says C'Mon Get Happy in large black letters Inside some of the letters are various 70's symbols flower power and smiley face. On the side of the bus it says the Partridge Family in smaller black letters.

Come On Get Happy

Keep Rockin'

DC logo

David Cassidy Rocked My World

UK Tour 2001

2001 Then and Now Tour

2005 Fort McDowell Casino's 21st Birthday Bash
October 7th & 8th, 2005

At The Copa
Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada January 18, 2000 to January 21, 2001.