Television Advertisements
Berry Burst Cheerios
In 2003 General Mills wanted to join the market with Cereal and snap-dried Strawberries. They hired Saatchi & Saatchi.
The imaginative ad showed a strawberry truck and Cheerios truck falling in love. The ad features the hit I Think I Love You in the background as the two trucks meet on the street. They take off side-by-side and are later shown under a tree in an open pasture and canoodling at "Inspiration Point."
Saatchi & Saatchi, provided the idea for a "Duets with David" promotion. The consumer who wrote the winning lyrics to a song about the joining of Cheerios and Berries got to sing that song with David Cassidy at the Mall of America in Minnesota. The winner also got a Chrysler Sebring convertible and a year's worth of Berry Burst Cheerios.
On May 29, 2003, at the Mall of America event David "officiated" at the marriage of a 7-foot-tall Cheerio and a "snap-dried" strawberry. David also sang:
I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for ...
The campaign exceeded all sales and awareness goals, and was deemed one of the most successful launches in General Mills' history.

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