Appearances during 2002 Australian Tour
The Footy Show
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Here is an overview of DC appearance on the Footy Show . The Footy show is based in Melbourne and is screened around Australia at different times on Thursday nights. Sydney has its own Footy show so the Melbourne Footy show aired at 12.30am Friday. It is a sports show with a regular panel. They obviously discuss football (Aussie rules) and it is taped in front of a live audience. The main host is Eddie McGuire (also hosts the highly rated Australian version of Who wants to be a Millionaire.) DC is on about half an hour into the show for about 15 minutes. He was wearing an olive shirt and black pants and looked fabulous.
This is what happened
* Eddie gives David the usual fan club bigger than the Beatles, sold millions etc, intro over footage of the Partridge Family. David is positioned facing the camera with the audience directly behind him. He is singing I think I love You and playing a black and white guitar, Lisa and Candice are on either side of him. The audience starts swaying their arms to the music and David starts laughing and turning around to see them. He hands his guitar to Lisa and takes the mic and works the audience making his way toward the stage where the panel is sitting. The song is over and he hops into a seat.
* Eddie welcomes him to the show and asks if he has any idea what this show is all about (they had just spent 30 mins discussing latest coach signings) - DC says absolutely none (me too I must admit).
* Eddie says that David was probably the first person to be so merchandised around the world and that they made $500 million off him and asks how much he got from that ... David says $5,000, but there was something in it for him. Because of him all the people that followed, like his brother Shaun, made alot of money off merchandising, especially now. Even though none of it went into his bank account he feels that he has made a contribution.
* Eddie points out that through stage work David has made a bit of money now and DC agrees he has made a few quid. He says that ultimately if you love what you do and you are good at it the rest of it comes. If you are just looking to go after the money and fame you will last 15 minutes, especially in his industry.
* they ask if his fan club still holds the record as being the biggest in the world and David says that it is an interesting question and that he is not sure. (He jokes that it probably down to about 70 members now) He thinks it's probably not because all the artists are so well marketed now.
* David says they don't see much Aussie rules in America but he believes it is similar to rugby. The audience quickly reacts and he realises he has just made a blunder (rugby and Aussie rules are quite different styles of football) and pretends to say goodbye and gets up to leave. Eddie quips that his fanclub membership just went down to 2. David laughs. They invite him to an Aussie rules function on Saturday but he says he is leaving on Friday.
* Davod says that he was very athletic when he was young and played alot of baseball and basketball. David says he is a horseracing fan and races and breeds horses. Eddie asks if he is going to the Melbourne Cup and he says yes. He is arriving for his tour on the day of the cup and that it is one of the biggest sporting events in the world and he is really looking forward to it.
* they ask him if he ever had a crack at Laurie (Susan Dey). David pretends to not understand the term and after letting him squirm for a few moments Eddie lets him off the hook.
* Eddie does a great job of plugging the CD and the tour dates and says that DC is too modest ( now there's a first ) to say how huge his shows in America have been long after the Partridge Family. He says that as you have seen tonight David is a great entertainer and great wit and thanks him for being on the show.
David looked pretty relaxed and seemed to be enjoying himself (that when he is at his very best). Eddie did a great job of making him feel welcome and weaving in some sports questions. The show usually rates well and should have reached a big audience as it is near the end of the Footy season and the Grand Finals are on soon.