Appearances during 2002 Australian Tour
Rove Live
September 17, 2002
Just some quick highlights about David's appearance on Rove Live tonight - he was on for about 15 minutes and looked great although still claiming to be jetlagged. He wore black jeans and that infamous belly button showing black shirt.
* Rove said that they have never had such a huge response to the announcement of any guest. As soon as he announced him as a guest last week the switch board lit up and they have been getting tons of emails and faxes. David joked it was to find out if he was still alive. (response is a good sign for ticket sales)
* David dropped the "F" word twice in the one sentence (on live TV) when he found out that Rove is just 28. He said your too f...ing young and too f...ing good looking. (Rove is really cute) Rove didn't flinch but after a few minutes when David was trying to answer a question he was distracted by his leg touching Rove's ( they are sitting fairly close in lounge chairs) and he stopped and said - if you touch my foot Rove.. he has been trying to touch me and hug me backstage. Rove said - no your foot is touching me ... for a man that just dropped the 'F" word twice on live TV I can't believe you're getting worried about a foot. David said - oh we are live???... Oh no.!!!.. it was really funny.
* David said again how hard it was to promote his shows since people had not heard a thing about him in 28 years. He struggled to remember his tour dates -blamed jetlag - and joked that his promoter is probably back stage going comon get the dates right. ( Rove read out the correct dates later)
* they showed a bit of old merchandise that some fans have brought in.
Rove is really a good relaxed style of interviewer and it was a pity that they did not have more time, although he spent more time with David than Joe Cocker he had on earlier. David looked a bit nervous about what Rove was going to ask him. His body language looked uneasy to me. But he came across well. I hope he gets a chance to be on Rove's show again when he comes back. They had a good rapport.