David Cassidy Television.

David on the Radio - 1970's


1970. Radio WLS. During a media tour to promote the single "I Think I Love You" David was interviewed by Kris Erik Stevens at WLS studios.


Radio KQV (USA) 1972 This interview was broadcast in the USA on February 19, 1972

1972 September 9. Junior Choice BBC Radio.

1972 September 9. London interview with David Hamilton, London

David promotes Air Force ROTC scholarship


March 11, 1973. David's March 11 concert in Rotterdam was broadcast on Dutch radio.

1973 Radio Luxemburg

April 22, 1973. My Top 12 on BBC Radio 1. Brian Matthew invites a leading personality of the day to choose 12 top tracks to make up their personal favourite all-time Album. This week's guest David Cassidy.


1974 February 3XY Mini Special. David was on the phone, advertising his upcoming concert in Melbourne and discussing his records.

1974 March 7, 3XY Special This interview was broadcast 3 days before David's March 10 concert at the MCG in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

1974 March 8. David was in the studio of Radio 3XY in Melbourne. 6 fans were also there, asking questions.

1974. 3KZ Special This interview was broadcast in March 1974 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

March 1974. This Japanese interview was aired on the program "National Top 40" of Radio Nippon (formerly Radio Kanto)

1974 May 30 BBC Raio 4's 'Jack de Manio Precisely'. David Cassidy interviewed by Jack de Manio with journalist Michael Wale.

1974. Radio Luxembourg Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

1974. BBC Radio Interview


May 8, 1975. David was interviewed by Brad Davis on Radio KUHF Houston.

June 23, 1975. David was interviewed by Tony Blackburn, a Radio DJ, at 1 o'clock on BBC radio at BBC Broadcasting House, near Regent Street.

June 26, 1975. David was at Capital at 11AM for an interview about the release of his new single "I Write The Songs" with Michael Aspel.

June 26, 1975. David was interviewed by DJ Peter Powell at Radio Luxembourg in Hertford Street, London.


March 13, 1976. Ed Stewert Junior Choice Program BBC Radio 1

1976 Radio Luxemburg Part 1 Part 1 of the interview on Radio Luxemburg, broadcast in 1976.

1976 Radio Luxemburg Part 2 Part 2 of the interview on Radio Luxemburg, broadcast in 1976.

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