Ruby & The Rockits
Smells Like Teen Drama
Season 1 Episode 10 (#110)
Air date: September 22, 2009
When Jordan homes in on Ruby's first real friendship with a girl named Kristen. Audie suggests they share her. Ruby's got another idea: all-out war. She becomes the best friend anyone could ask for, but she can't beat Jordan's secret weapon: kissing.

Meanwhile, Ben's being bullied at school by a kid named Jamie. Audie wants Ben to handle things peacefully, but Patrick and David have other plans.

Introducing: Gallagher Fight Club
The first rule of Gallagher Fight Club is you do not talk about Gallagher Fight Club.
The second rule of Gallagher Fight Club is you do not tell Audie.
David and Patrick show Ben some moves and regale him with "battle" stories. It works.

The next day, Ben comes home and says he kicked Jamie and made her cry.
Hold up a minute. "Her"? Jamie's a GIRL? Oh.
David and Patrick have some explaining to do to Audie, and Ben has some serious apologizing - and essay writing - to do. But it's Jamie's mom who may have the last word. She shows up at David's dressing room, looking for a fight. David stands up to her ... and runs out the door.

Back to the Ruby, Jordan, and Kristen triangle ...
Ruby's hanging out with her new friend, Molly - who's a far cry from the uber-cool Kristen - when Jordan shows up and announces that he and Kristen have broken up. He just felt too guilty to keep going out with her. Ruby says thanks and explains that she just wants something to call her own. Besides, there are lots of other girls for Jordan out there, including the kind-of-sweet-in-a-sort-of-creepy-struck-by-lightning-way Molly. Hey, you never know.

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